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430 thoughts on “Baghdad Conference Photos

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  • norse

    Russia advancing & Nato retreating in Syria?

    The following might be of interest to some followers of this blog. Wider world and all that…

    GEAB N°70 2013, the first steps in a chaotic “world after”

    The European cheerleader says:
    « Euroland, born in the crisis and strengthening with each wave like a tidal power plant, Asia, and South America are better equipped to become the big winners in the “reshuffled” world, while the old powers, like the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel, Japan, etc., are failing to adapt to the multi-polar, post-crisis world and find themselves utterly destitute. There is an extraordinary open world game afoot, one providing numerous opportunities to those willing to seize them. This is evident in the Middle East, where populations are taking the opportunity to change the region in accordance with their aspirations; in the BRICS, where their advancing pawns approach declining powers; and in Europe, where each attack by the crisis creates the energy to adapt to the challenges of tomorrow…..

    The media war against the Euro was useful inasmuch as it forced the Eurozone to implement the reforms necessary to overcome the crisis»

  • Villager

    “Apparently man has lived for over five or six million years and during all this evolutionary period man has not been able, both outwardly and inwardly, to solve the great problem of conflict, conflict not only within himself but conflict and wars, slaughter outside. And that is the pattern through all these millennia, that the brain has followed this course, this mould, this pattern. And we are still continuing constantly in the same stream of misery, confusion and great sorrow, both inwardly and outwardly. And if we are at all serious and are concerned with what is happening in the world, and also within ourselves, one must wonder, or discuss, or find out why the brain, the mind – because we are using ‘the mind’ as sensation, all the emotions, the reactions, and the responses of thought. All that is the brain, the mind and the heart, the whole psychological structure of human beings, both biologically as well as psychologically – why we human beings, who are supposed to be educated, evolved, sophisticated, cultured, why we live in this world killing each other, being divided by religions, by nationalities, by all the destructive division that thought has created between human beings. And is it possible to bring about a change in the very structure of the brain. That is what we have been talking about for the last three talks.

    And also we said that this is not a talk by the man who is sitting on a platform talking about ideas. Any number of ideas have existed in the world, any number of ideologies, both the totalitarian, Marxist, Lenin, Mao, and the other type, ideologies of the Left, the Centre and the Right – the extremes of all these. And these ideologies have been very, very destructive, whether the religious ideologies or the political, economic ideologies. And the brain, the mind, the whole psychological structure of man has lived in this pattern, has lived in this mould. ” ——- J Krishnamurti

  • DoNNyDarKo

    Merry Christmas to everybody.
    It’s celebrated here on the 24th. And I’m off to celebrate it in London on the 25th too.
    I will be eating and drinking to excess… but that’s not difficult at my age.Hope you all are too.
    They’ve got different names for him (Kristkind,Tomte,Santa,St Nicholas etc) and he gets in, in different ways, but the result is always the same.It’s a time of giving and of not thinking of yourself.
    Thanks Craig for keeping this place going. A beacon of light in a very dark world. We need more like you, younger and fitter.

  • mark golding

    Decrypted Dispatches:

    The Feds money launderers or the think-tank interface bankster elite, have spent tens of $trillions over several decades on conflict, wars and holocaust. The big spends on Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Al-Qaeda and terrorism together with the human infra-structure for asymmetric warfare, loosely bribes, training, intelligence, false-flags, propaganda, media mind control 😉 and distractions for top-secret operations are enormous figures.

    The Fed cannot print more money as a shakened dollar would be weakened to collapse which drives these banksters to direct their political puppets to enact bills (welfare reform etc.) to sink money away in virtual bonds from cuts in public services, public employees, plus other austerity measures that affect public health and social programmes while the big increase in in short-term pay-day type loans provides debt revenue.

    The zombie smoke & mirror media pushes into the undercurrent with the sweeping statement that wars just feed the hungry military industrial complex, which wars do, although this being insignificant to other aims fixed in the cognitive map, such as resource grab, geo-political suppression and distraction intended to undermine our veto yielding enemies, China and Russia and energy supplier Iran.

    As a conspiracy ‘realist’ I call this scenario, this war theatre as ‘the plot’ or the Garden of Eden for the Western elite and their actors.

    You might argue that this ‘scenario’ is a good thing that profits humanity by, in simple terms, because a world government means no more wars and a world currency means no more poverty.

    I posit that this idealistic or perfect course is a false assumption and a blind acceptance as, for instance, the short term equilibrium would change as countries and culture are compelled to take debt (we still have a Fiat money system) and compelled to accept a large NATO (world military) presence.

    Revolution, lawlessness, rebellion and mob rule would be countered by thousands of drones(next generation) spraying lethal chemicals.

    My main point invoked from this stark yet reasonably envisaged cataclysm is that our lives would be controlled, draconian style by the greed and corruption inherent in any money system – by the same corporate bankster community that supports the carnage (serves their aim of population reduction) we have witnessed in the past century.

    The Yin and Yang are finely balanced – it would take a financial crash to prevent the inevitable Western manoeuvring of a mix of military might, deception, fraud etc etc and one can be lost considering what might prevent this tumble into darkness as the aims are realised.

    Yet simply just accepting this thesis, while the Western build-up begins (British troops to Middle-East) begins with the firm intention to transform this vision I present here into one where love dominates – will do.

    Happy Christmas Craig & friends – God Bless.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    What Mark said, but to add; The IMF and Fed have printed, then disgorged many more Trillions than they wish to reveal. The “Mark’ must never catch on to the Con, until the Confidence Game has been completed. The hair-breadth of utility in the World Economy is the baseline of the dollar, specifically, the Petro Dollar. Not everything has been raided yet, like the Twinkie Co’s pension fund. Rest assured when the last of the wheat has been harvested, and all that remains is the Chaff, the Con will be complete. They need to keep markets limping along for a while, but for that limping, there must be Public confidence in the currency.

    Merry Saturnalia, and a Happy New Year to ya’ll

  • John Goss

    Thanks Mary. The images in the John Lennon video brought tears to my eyes. Am I getting old?

    Happy festive season whatever your religion or non-religion. I am sure a peaceful new year would be the greatest gift for most people who comment here.

  • English Knight

    Merry Xmas and Happy New Year yoll ! And a big thank you to all concerned for all the time spent on sifting the net for that increasingly rare commodity – truth.

  • Habbabkuk

    Apologies to all I might have offended, it wasn’t meant badly. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas full of love and joy, and a very happy New Year in which your wishes, great and small, may be satisfied.

  • Komodo

    Merry Christmas and a happy and noncorporate New Year to all.
    (He is not dead but sleepeth*)

    *Possibly to be found here
    WARNING 1: For John Cage fans only
    WARNING 2: The most irritating website on earth.

    See you next year.

  • Komodo

    The answer, Mary, is that they all read PPE at Oxford. Which makes me wonder if having a PPE degree from Oxford shouldn’t disqualify people from national public office. (Habbabkuk)

    Will Self – yeah, he’s intolerable, but read on – did a good piece on R4 last week on this very topic. He knows whereof he speaks; he has a PPE from Oxford. And he rightly highlighted the way in which the economics element is very narrowly focussed and ignores anything faintly leftwing completely. Chomsky? We do not speak his name…

    Osborne avoided this. He did a respectable Modern History degree (at Oxford); thereafter gaining the experience of finance essential to his job thus – if Wikipedia is to be believed:
    After graduating in 1992, Osborne did a few part-time jobs including as a data entry clerk, typing the details of recently deceased into a NHS computer database.[13] He also briefly worked for a week at Selfridges, mainly re-folding towels.[13]

    In 1993, Osborne originally intended to pursue a career in journalism. He was shortlisted for but failed to gain a place on The Times trainee scheme, and instead did freelance work on the Peterborough diary column of The Daily Telegraph. Some time later, an Oxford friend of his, journalist George Bridges, alerted Osborne to a research vacancy at Conservative Central Office.[13]

    So a PPE isn’t essential really. Folding towels gives you as good a grounding in economics, doesn’t it?

  • Habbabkuk

    Komodo : to be fair, very few Chancellors during the time of the large (ie post-C19) UK state have been economically and/or financially literate.

  • John Robertson

    Happy Christmas to all, from an old fart from down under who lurks here learning a lot.
    Cheers from a coool (22deg)Melbourne.

  • A Node

    Ho! Ho! Ho!
    I set up a party laser pointing at my 78 year old neighbour’s house so that when she came home from a sing song at the midnight carol service, her house was covered in red and green moving stars. She was delighted.
    Hope you all have a cool Yule too.

  • TonyF12

    Two American fire fighters shot dead and two wounded while tackling a blaze in New York.
    I expect the NRA will propose having armed guards at all fires now.

    Already in the papers. The next will be a cure for obesity where everyone eats more cream cakes, or bringing peace to the Middle East with more wars …. oops, at least one of those is true.

    What has happened to education in the USA?

  • Fred

    “What has happened to education in the USA?”

    I don’t expect you need too many qualifications to ride shotgun on an ice cream van.

  • nevermind

    My best wishes to you all, enjoy a few days off, pampering R&R to you all, hope Craig’s guts will stand up to the winter wiski cure, guaranteed to burn the last virus out of you.

    Thanks for your last essay on Assange’s malaise and how badly these people really are trying to speed him away in some sort of fashion, John Goss, a great collaborative effort.

    Enjoy the solstice and the slide into another year of uncertainty. Just opened a bottle of Glenkeir Treasures, 15 years of the finest single malt from the Ledaig distillery, see how that goes…..

    can i just say that I have and am thoroughly enjoying our discourse here and that it is educational and exciting at times. Thanks to the mods, great job.

    be merry, he says, slowing letting the spirit nectar slither and burn its way down his throat…..

  • mark golding

    Agent Cameron has guilefully endorsed Motorway tolls with the added kicker that “a cut in fuel duty and excise duty” for ‘certain’ drivers must accompany the new bill.

    Leasing roads by private companies is of course a swindling stealth tax that will further increase the outgoings of an already screwed British public.

    George Osborne has doubled the number of six figure treasury staff to help enact this and other impending bills intended to favour the richer 1% establishment zombies.

  • doug scorgie

    The season of good will to all men

    The Tony Blair Faith Foundation:

    “And so, in and through Jesus Christ, whose birth we commemorate at Christmas, God has revealed the secret about Himself and about His unconditional love, mercy and compassion for us human beings. In this sense, Christmas is the celebration of God’s personal self-disclosure in human history as a God of infinite love and goodness.”

    As January cometh let us prepare to continue and promote God’s will. Let us restart the drone strikes; the hellfire missiles; the white phosphorus and assassinations; the killing of women and children and the theft of other people’s land and resources.

    Not to worry though:

    Matthew 5:5

    “Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.”

    Like shit they will!!

    Anyway; merry whatever and a happy thingy

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    ” whose birth we commemorate at Christmas,”

    Another myth which serves the agenda…..just ask Constantine.

  • Mary

    The nanny state and the military state.
    See the comment.


    Appalling military and war propaganda on all channels today.

    I don’t know how many times I have heard about P Harry being ‘deployed’ (omitting mention of his killing spree of course) or how many live links there have been to Camp Bastion today.

    Caroline Wyatt speaking to a curator of the National Army Museum on presents from the monarch to troops over the years

    publicity for this charity whose patron is fish eyed Duke of Westminster, the richest person in Britain or should that be the queen?

    HM queen recognizing contribution of her brave boys with a bit of film included

    endless repeats of the red, white and blue images from the jubilee events and Limp Ics inc the Red Arrows

    the military wives choir under the baton of the twerp Gareth Malone included in the queen’s speech and then tacked on to the end, and given the setting of the lavish grandeur of the ballroom.

    I see that HM queen’s speech was a Sky 3D HD production!! and that her 3D specs in the trailer were diamond encrusted.

  • jives

    “Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth.” Matthew 5.5…

    “-But not the mineral rights.” J.Paul Getty

    Best wishes of the season to Craig and his family,and to the mods,for enabling this blog.

    Best wishes also to all who post here in Good Faith.You know who you are.

    To all spammers,scammers,fakes and trolls….Go away.


  • Anon

    Netanyahu’s Christmas Message to th rest of the world : “Fuck You”

    Netanyahu: I’ll strengthen settlements during next 4 years

    PM kicks off Likud-Beytenu campaign with promise to continue settlement construction “despite international pressure”; commits himself to lowering housing prices, tackling Iranian nuclear issue.

    Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Tuesday promised to continue strengthening the settlement enterprise in the West Bank, kicking off his Likud-Beytenu campaign ahead of national elections on January 22.

    “We did a lot to strengthen the settlements [in the past four years], and in the next four years we’ll continue to do a lot to strengthen the settlements,” he said at the campaign rally.

  • Mary

    Some small satisfaction in reading this:

    The Spirit of Christmas: George W. Bush and Tony Blair banned from the Birthplace of Jesus Christ
    By Prof Michel Chossudovsky

    War criminals George W. Bush and Tony Blair were banned for life in April 2003 from the Church of Nativity in Bethlehem, widely believed to be the birth-place of Jesus Christ. The ban was announced at the height of the illegal US-allied bombing and invasion of Iraq.

    Below are the original 2003 press reports pertaining to that decision as well as a subsequent introductory note published by Global Research in December 2006.


  • Mary

    In sharp contrast to our former Archbishop of Canterbury (a close friend of the Chief Rabbi) who has an advanced case of Christian Zionism, viz

    Professor of International Law, Francis Boyle wrote these words.

    ‘It was December of 1991 and I was serving as Legal Advisor to the Palestinian Delegation to the Middle East Peace Negotiations in Washington DC.

    The Israelis were stalling, not even negotiating in bad faith, and the Americans under Baker and Ross were doing nothing to get the negotiations started.

    (O Little Town of Bethlehem – image: Banksy)

    This had been going on for 3 weeks and Christmas was fast approaching. Those of us on the Palestinian Team who were Christian were wondering if we were going to be able to get home for Christmas–many Palestinians are Christian, the original Christians, going back to Jesus Christ and the Apostles themselves.

    I would periodically check in with my wife and 2 sons at the time–little boys. My poor, sweet wife had to do all the Christmas preparations by herself without me. So the weekend before Christmas I called her up to say I still did not know if or when I would be coming home. Israel, Palestine and Christian Hypocrisy.’


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