The 3.2 Million Euro Lardon 134

lardon and witch

The 41 year old “starlet” in this picture is Gulnara Karimova, “the most hated woman in Uzbekistan” according to leaked US diplomatic cables, which are understated. She has had business rivals killed, forcibly taken over the assets of Uzbek and foreign entrepreneurs as well as Uzbek state concerns, been involved in trafficking girls into prostitution in Dubai, a partner of Gafur Rakhimov in the narcotics trade and she benefits financially from the open forced labour of millions of small children picking cotton in the state farms.

On the plus side she is a Professor of International Relations, International Singing Star, World Renowned Fashion Designer, Ambassador to Spain and to the United Nations, Poet, Scriptwriter and Jeweller. She is worth about 4 billion dollars. None of which “career” has been hurt by the fact that her father is the world’s most vicious dictator.

Gulnara also likes to enhance her image for domestic consumption by hobnobbing with the Soviet oligarch’s idea of important westerners. Thus she is close to Joan Laporta, until recently President of Barcelona FC, and has arranged visits and plater exchanges from that club. She has dueted with Julio Iglesias, been serenaded by Sting, and is a friend of Nat Rothschild, Oleg Deripaska and other of the Peter Mandelson holiday set.

That the 41 year old deputy dictatress likes to wear pigtails and cakes of cosmetics and pose as a young ingenue with old has-been stars is a hobby which costs the exploited Uzbeks dear. Depardieu is getting 3.2 million euros for appearing in a film officially scripted by Karimova, but in truth ghosted by Professor Akbar Hakimov of the Uzbek State Academy of Literature (I can hear Bulgakov having wild fits of laughter in his grave).

Depardieu has become an amporphous blob of animal fat; it is difficult to tell where he ends and where air starts, possibly because he is exuding a lot of gas. He looks like a particularly cheap and ill-conceived monster from a 1970’s Dr Who episode.

For someone my age, who was thrilled by Les Valseuses and still cries at Jean De Florette, what Depardieu is now, is just horrible. We tried to overlook his urinating in plane aisles or attacking fans, as evidence of wild charm. But recently his tax exile to Belgium, friendship with the Putin inner circle, adoption of Russian citizenship and now pussy-licking of old Gulnara are beyond horrible.

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134 thoughts on “The 3.2 Million Euro Lardon

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  • Habbabkuk

    Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty were big during the Cold War. I think the former broadcast in the Eastern European languages and the latter in Russian. Both based in West Germany and financed by the US.
    I thought they were wound up after the fall of communism.

  • craig Post author


    I have no problem at all criticising the appalling regimes in Saudi Arabia, dubai and the rest of the Gulf – there is a search box at the top right. Stick in Dubai or Saudi and see what you find.

  • strangetown

    Desipte the complete odiousness of Karimova your description of Depardieu has caused me great mirth. 😀

  • Gary

    As far as I know, persons linked to Gulnara are subject to money laundering investigations in Switzerland relating to a Coke JV in Uzbekistan.

  • angrysoba

    John Goss: She has however been racist towards Islam, mostly in her animal rights’ campaigns, for example, complaining about slitting animals’ throats in ritual ceremonies. She has put a lot of her personal wealth into saving dogs from slaughter, criticising China for its animal rights abuses of tigers and bears, and I think I read somewhere that she considered other animals to be superior to humans because they largely killed to survive.

    While there is no such thing as “racist towards Islam”, she most certainly has been a long-term supporter of the fascist Front National even campaigning for Marine Le Pen. She’s certainly an anti-Muslim bigot, nevermind her animal rights issues with halal or kosher food preparation.

    As for her claim that other animals are superior to humans because they “largely” (certainly not exclusively) kill to survive, that in itself is an anthropocentric viewpoint. Other animals generally don’t care about the fate of other animals; such is nature.

    Karimova is a different kettle of fish from Bardot. Bardot is not a murderess to my knowledge. She does not exploit child labour or kill her opponents. She is much healthier in her philosophy and is not a ‘dedicated follower of fashion’. Of the two she wins hands down.
    Oh, I don’t consider her on a par with Karimova. However, she is completely on a par with Depardieu and they even share the same noble stance on plastic surgery by the looks of things.

  • Habbabkuk

    Jives, at 7.04am yesterday, lists 12 kinds of torture carried out by the Uzbek govt./dictator/authorities, which explain the hatred felt for Gulnara and the Uzbek regime.

    I should say that 10 of those 12 tortures (the exceptions being boiling people alive and freezing them to death) are also practised by the Assad regime (father and son).

    Could that possibly explain the hatred felt for Bashir and the Syrian regime?

    Just asking!

  • Habbabkuk

    PS – I’m sure that many of you who rail on this blog against the attempts to rid Syria of the Assad dictatorship would, in inconsistent manner, positively welcome the removal from Uzbekistan of the Karimov dictatorship.

    Are my suspicions correct?

  • nevermind

    Thanks for all the extra info on this celebrity item dispatched to the Moscow cold.
    Someone seem to get his hookers cross wired, like, Ms. Karimova, how come she’s still a Ms., could someone, or nobody, not make a difference for her? sweep her of her feet, or is she the one who prostitutes herself? for business, profits and anybody who can pay her enough?

    I believe to have read somewhere that she is paying some 10 million/annum, her blood money gained from slave child labour and torture, to support Barcelona FC.

    Radio Europe and RFL are CIA infested outfits Mary, cold war leftovers still are dependent on US taxpayers for spreading of bilious propaganda and shit stirring.
    Bring on the secession of US states from the federation!

  • Habbabkuk

    Oh, so Radio Free Europe and Radio Liberty are still operational? I didn’t know that.

    But re. Nevermind’s silly comment about them “spreading bilious propaganda and shit stirring”, well, of course they were propaganda stations aimed at providing
    news from the West (remember those were the days when you couldn’t buy a western newspaper in the USSR, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, etc, etc, and then once you could they were only communist papers like L’Unita’, The Daily Worker, etc)

    I also seem to remember a heck of a lot of propaganda emanating from Radio Moscow and the radios of the satellite states at that time – presumably KGB “infested” stations.

  • Giles


    I don’t believe anyone here “supports” Assad. The point being made is that “the West” is duplictious with its rhetoric and in how it deals with unsavoury regimes, willing to ignore abuses of power in favour of strategic or financial interests (Uzbekistan, Saudi, etc.), whilst its activities in countries not amenable to its interests are dressed up as “humanitarian intervention” (Libya, Syria) and “liberation” (Iraq) to gain moral legitimacy for waging wars that inevetably kill thousands.

    You can, I’m sure, see this, so I don’t know why you take the cheap shot that if one doesn’t suppport the removal of Assad to the benefit of external interests, one must therefore support Assad and everything he does. It really is a low-grade, “you’re with us, or you’re with the terrorists” style of argument.

    The consequences of Western-backed regime change would likely be worse for the people of Syria than the continuation of Assad’s rule, wouldn’t you say? And wouldn’t you agree, given that the stated motives for intervention are entirely spurious, that if regime change is effected, it must be carried out by the Syrians themselves?

    Of course, there are many more complexities involved, such as who the so-called “activists” really are, but for the purposes of this conversation, and given that you are probably trolling, I’ll go along with the idea that they are facebooking freedom-fighters trying to organise democracy on their mobile phones.

  • Habbabkuk

    @ Giles

    Have I accused anyone of “supporting” President Assad?

    In the first para of your comment you accuse the west of being duplicitous and, in effect, applying double standards according to their own advantage. I’m sure that’s correct. And it is equally correct that many commenters on this blog are, alongside Craig, loud in their denunciation of President Karimov and his regime but remain pretty silent when it comes to the equally – no, more (because it’s been around longer) – horrible Assad regime of father and son. And the reason they act so is that they also have double standards according to their own advantage : the “advantage” for them being that since it is the US and European powers which are spearheading moves to get rid of President Assad, such moves are by definiton bad.

    Re your 3rd para : no, I wouldn’t say that the consequences of western-backed regime change would be worse for the Syrian people than the continuation of Assad’s rule. Yuo are making an assertion and I happen to disagree with it. At best, your assertion is non-proven. And finally, of course, ideally, regime change should be carried out by the Syrians themselves. But please note (1) thaat there are quite a lot of Syrians involved to the best of my knowledge and (2) a little coup de pouce is never unhelpful (examples : the end of the Nazi regime; the end of the Soviet Union…)

  • Mark Golding - Children of Conflict

    ‘Consequences forgotten’ or ignored in unweighted spats that focus on the brutal Assad or Hussein or Gaddafi or Bush or Netanyahu is of course the elephant in the psyche room.

    Take out the pith and the debate becomes exclusive and leans personal. It is the ramifications of the aftermath where the serious thinker gains insight, not in the examination and determination of a love/hate usurper merry-go-round that has manifested here from self-indulgence.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Conflict

    “I wouldn’t say that the consequences of western-backed regime change would be worse for the Syrian people than the continuation of Assad’s rule.”

    For once we witness a clear-cut statement. The poison bottle HAS BEEN CORKED for me guys; the aftermaths of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and very nearly Syria; the agony of slaughtered families and broken bodies has left my eyes blind to idiots, my ears deaf to the belligerent schlemiel and my mouth shut aghast.

  • Frank

    Who’s the power behind the throne in Uzbekistan?

    I’m thinking of Kazakhstan, where there’s also a dictator, namely Sultan Nazarbayev.

    Like Karimov, Nazarbayev too was once in the Soviet Politburo. The power behind Nazarbayev is Alexander Mashkevitch from Kyrgyzstan, whom the British media now describe, without batting an eyelid, as a “London-based Israeli businessman”. Mashkevitch was a long-time head of Euro-Asian Jewish Congress. He says he aims to form a Jewish al-Jazeera. No flies on him!

    Anyone who has been to Astana, the new capital of Kazakhstan, can attest to the sheer scale of Nazarbayev’s insanity, and the fear in which most of the population live.

    The culture in Kazakhstan is one of a Stalinist despotism westernised with a fanatical free-market culture (i.e. thugs everywhere – don’t get in the way of anyone who’s rich!), using theme-park, Hollywoodised versions of both Islam and Christianity.

    Nazarbayev’s son-in-law, Rakhat Aliyev, wrote a book Godfather-in-Law, which is supposed to have been published in English as well as in German, but seems impossible to get hold of in English.

    Back to Uzbekistan: what’s the British-Uzbek Society, registered in Brighton? Anyone heard of it?

  • Frank

    theme-park, Hollywoodised versions of both Islam and Christianity“…mixed with the nutso nationalist cult that has been built up in the last 20 years too, which brings together images to do with a bird laying an egg on a tower, the Russians being our friends for centuries, the “struggle” for “independence” (you what?), and oh yes, Nazarbayev as the new Ataturk. (For those who don’t know, the main official language in Kazakhstan is Russian.)

    Tony Blair has set up shop in Kazakhstan.

    The Nazarbayev regime in Kazakhstan and the Karimov regime in Uzbekistan are supported to the max by US big business and by MI6 and the business interests it serves in Britain.

    This may eventually change in Uzbekistan, where the Karimovs recently did a vanishing act with billions of dollars of looted money in Switzerland, as their vehicle Zeromax went into administration and…whoops!…where did all the money go?

  • N_

    @John Goss – how can someone be racist towards Islam? Unlike Sikhism, traditional Hinduism, and of course Judaism, Islam is not an ethnic religion. Which is not to say that most racists aren’t complete boneheads.

  • Habbabkuk

    Yes, OldMark, really!

    But only time will tell.

    In my post of yesterday I denied accusing anyone of supporting the Assad regime, but I’m beginning to wonder if I wasn’t too hasty in saying that. What I do notice – on this blog, at least (less so, of course, in the outside, real world)is a pronounced reluctance to call Assad what he really is, ie, a corrupt, brutal, self-enriching tyrant and dirty swine. This is due, probably, less to genuine liking for the man than to anti-Israel, anti-American and even anti-European feeling. As long as Assad counts as an enemy to Israel and the US, it’s better that he should stay in power and never mind the nature of his regime.

    That’s it, isn’t it?

  • Mark Golding - Children of Conflict

    No that isn’t it Habbabuk – this is a ‘real’ humanitarian blog – probably the best altruistic arena in cyberspace and certainly blessed by extraordinary insight. Humane affirms humankind compassion, and in that paradigm a countries leader rules by the consent of its citizens.

    Tyrants are eventually removed as we witnessed during the Arab spring and not by hypocritical beguiling Western powers lacking cultural knowledge with geopolitical agendas who engage kingdoms such as Qatar and Saudi whose terrorists enact genocide by death squads and use false-flag attempts to deceptively assemble favorable world opinion; a preemptive divide then rule by their own suitably remolded puppets programmed to accept bribes and military presence while the countries resources flow into Western coffers.

  • English Knight

    Per Habbabkyke (and kempe?) – “Assad what he really is, ie, a corrupt, brutal, self-enriching tyrant and dirty swine”

    Straight from the Debkafile site, I presume !

    If he were how come a Syrian voter turnout for the new constitution referendum of 57% (of 14m voters in population of 22m) despite insecurity. Admittedly unobserved.

  • Habbabkuk

    No, I’m sorry, Mark Golding, but that IS it. It’s a case of hating the US and western nations so much that whatever they do is wrong – even if they are helping to get rid of a despicable regime such as the Assad dynastic dictatorship.

    Your comment above is such a dog’s breakfast it’s difficult to know where to start. The style doesn’t aid understanding, but let me pick out just 5 points for now :

    1/. “this is a “real’ humanitarian blog” : are you referring to your post or to Craig Murray’s blog as a whole? In both cases, I do think you’re going slightly over the top when you characterise it as “the best altruistic area in cyberspace” and “blesssed by extraordinary insight”. Let’s not exaggerate, eh? Anyway, your claim is irrelevant to the subject matter.

    2/. “a countries (sic) leader rules by the consent of its citizens” : again, your language and style makes it difficult to see the point you’re trying to make, but are you trying to say that Assad Junior is there through the choice of the Syrian citizen? Can you just recall for me the date of the last elections? And if what I think you’re saying is correct, then it would seem that a lot of Syrians have now changed their minds and are no longer consenting to his rule.

    3/. You appear to be saying that tyrants are eventually removed through Arab Spring type events. Sometimes, yes (Tunisia), but sometimes also with a little help from outside. Why not? Help democratic and freedom loving forces, surely?

    4/. “Western powers lacking cultural knowledge” : how much cultural knowledge does it need to recognise someone as a horrible dictator? Moreover, you seem – perhaps without realising it – to be coming quite close to the position of those who say ‘democracy is not the Arab way and won’t/doesn’t work there’. This position, by the way, is held by various neo-cons and was publically upheld the other day by one of the Gulf rulers. You find yourself in curious company, to say the least.

    5/. “while the countries (sic) ressources flow into Western coffers”. In the case of Syria, what would those ressources be, exactly? The famous Iraqi oil, the famous Afghanistan gas supply route, or the posiutiion of the country as a conduit for Iran? Just asking!

  • Habbabkuk

    Just saw yours, English Knight!

    The 57% you mention (even praise, I think), was that the voter turnout? Could you just remind us what was the percentage of “yes” votes? Not, I hope, a Stalinist 99% or similar?

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