Blair and Kanye West are Prostitutes 2389


The Tony Blair House Journal (editor Alan Rusbridger) reports on Kanye West’s disgusting private performance for the Kazakh dictator and his family, and takes a sideswipe at David Cameron for visiting that country.

But peculiarly they fail to mention that Tony Blair receives US $4 million a year as a consultant to the worker murdering Kazakh dictator, and that Alistair Campbell and Jonathon Powell as well as Blair visit to give this support – which has included a behind the scenes campaign to help Nazarbaev win the Nobel Peace Prize, fortunately with no result to date.

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2,389 thoughts on “Blair and Kanye West are Prostitutes

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  • BrianFujisan

    Alcanon @ 3;37am

    Pope Tweets Against Syria Strike, Writes Putin, Plans Saturday Vigil

    Thanks for putting that up, I was wondering when we’d hear from the church

    I was ranting on to a friend yesterday afternoon, about the silence of the church , Pope, and such, the subject came up because of a British Airways Balls up, with regards a group of 48 infirm people from inverclyde, destined for Lourdes, and that i may have had to go myself as stand in carer.

    Anyway it seems to me to be SO VERY LATE in all of this warmongering for the Pope to be Piping up Now, and if Obomber and the rest had their way, it would have been many days TOO Late,

    Their silence is all the more sinister, when one considers how many people ( mostly catholic’s ) the church has sway over, the number could be not too far off the Billion mark, including of course in politics. i feel that they are speaking now, because they have cottoned on to the global opposition to creating an utter catastrophe in Syria, as is the case in Iraq, and Libya,

    i was brought up catholic, but after having delved into the history of all the popes, i can’t get the church far enough out of my mind, an Evil, Evil lot they were.

    Take Pope Innocent III (1198 – 1216 ) for example,

    He promoted the Inquisition, surpassing all his predecessors in killing over one million people.
    Here we have one of the most evil popes in the history of mankind. A man that surpassed all his predecessors in killing over 1 million Christians in his short 18 year reign of terror,

    and the Roman Catholic Vatican approved websites start off their historic dissertations regarding this madman by saying he was, … “One of the greatest popes of the Middle Ages” –Catholic Encyclopedia

  • Villager

    Mary, speaking with Flaming Lips : “He is on his way out and well past his sell by date like the trolls here.”

    So, you are still within your sell-by date? How much do you come for and, if you’re worth that much, why do we have to suffer your constant gratuitous radio?

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ Mary

    “The senior troll has no knowledge of how much physical energy I expend on useful activities each day. Much more than Obomber who sits around watching his extrajudicial killings or ordering them by drone.”

    I’ll happy admit that the President probably has little time left over from running the world’s greatest democracy to indulge in feeding chickens, going for country walks and attending water aerobics classes. But I’d humbly submit that running the world’s greatest democracy is more taxing, mentally, than cutting and pasting. 🙂

    BTW, thanks for the promotion, appreciate it!

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ Daniel Rich

    “I know I don’t have all the answers, because I don’t have all the questions…”

    Are you really Donald Rumsfeld (“there are things we know we don’t know..”)?

    Just wonderin’

  • DoNNyDarKo

    First Witch
    1 Where hast thou been, sister?

    Second Witch
    2 Killing swine.

    Third Witch
    3 Sister, where thou?

    First Witch
    4 A sailor’s wife had chestnuts in her lap,
    5 And munch’d, and munch’d, and munch’d. “Give me!” quoth I:
    6 “Aroint thee, witch!” the rump-fed ronyon cries.
    7 Her husband’s to Aleppo gone, master o’ the Tiger:
    8 But in a sieve I’ll thither sail,
    9 And, like a rat without a tail,
    10 I’ll do, I’ll do, and I’ll do.

    Second Witch
    11 I’ll give thee a wind.

    First Witch
    12 Thou’rt kind.

    Third Witch
    13 And I another.

    First Witch
    14 I myself have all the other,
    15 And the very ports they blow,
    16 All the quarters that they know
    17 I’ the shipman’s card.
    18 I will drain him dry as hay:
    19 Sleep shall neither night nor day
    20 Hang upon his penthouse lid;
    21 He shall live a man forbid:
    22 Weary se’nnights nine times nine
    23 Shall he dwindle, peak and pine:
    24 Though his bark cannot be lost,
    25 Yet it shall be tempest-toss’d.
    26 Look what I have.

    Second Witch
    27 Show me, show me.

    First Witch
    28 Here I have a pilot’s thumb,
    29 Wreck’d as homeward he did come.

  • Villager

    “i was brought up catholic, but after having delved into the history of all the popes, ….”

    Jiddu Krishnamurthi telling a joke…
    “We were silent for a while, then Krishnamurti spoke up, “That reminds me of a good joke I heard the other day. The Pope dies and goes up to the Pearly Gates where he meets St. Peter. He says to him, ‘You must be St. Peter.’ St. Peter answers, ‘And who are you?’ The pope is taken aback, ‘You don’t recognize me? I’m the Pope.’ St. Peter picks up his list and goes over the names, ‘Pope, Pope—I’m sorry, there is nobody here by that name. I’m sorry, but you can’t enter heaven.’ The Pope is shocked. ‘There must be some mistake. It’s impossible—I must be on that list. Please, look again: I’m the Pope!’ St. Peter gets impatient and tells him to buzz off. By now the Pope is in tears and begs him, ‘Please, St. Peter, I’m your successor and the representative of Jesus on earth. I’m the head of the Holy Roman Church. I have a right to enter heaven.’ St. Peter is getting annoyed and says, I’ve never heard of anything so foolish. If you don’t immediately buzz off, I’ll call the angels with the flaming swords.’ The Pope is in utter despair. ‘No, please don’t, I beg of you. Can’t you ask somebody, who knows me? Maybe Jesus or one of the saints will vouch for me.’ St. Peter gives in and says to the chap, ‘All right, I’ll go and ask inside. You stay here. And don’t touch anything.’ So he goes inside, and there are Jesus, his mother Mary, the apostles and several angels and saints. ‘Excuse me, Lord,’ says St. Peter, ‘there is a chap by the name of Pope wanting to enter heaven. He claims to have been your representative on earth.’ Jesus laughs, ‘My representative on earth? That’s absurd, isn’t it? And I’ve never heard of anyone named Pope?’ No one seems to know the Pope, until suddenly the Virgin Mary speaks up, ‘Wait a minute. Pope—isn’t he the one who spread all the rumors about me and the Holy Ghost?’”

  • Villager

    “BTW, thanks for the promotion, appreciate it!”

    LOL Habby, i’m going to have to ‘work’ as hard as Mary!

  • NR

    @ Habbabkuk
    “@ NR: “We’ve inadvertently set the clockworks (sic)ticking to WWIII (The one to end all Ws, fer reals this time.)”
    Sorry for your sake to have to say this, but I fear you may have to wait a little while yet.”

    It were a joke. Forgot smiley. But it’s possible something gets accidentally set off; a misinterpreted or mistranslated Tweet; a misinterpreted, misfired missile.

    “Perhaps being President of the US takes a little more out of one that sitting in a comfortable chair copying and pasting?”

    Agreed, but he was obviously dispirited. Unusual for him.

    “And the President is not a stupid man.”

    Agree too, but he’s nowhere near as brilliant as his fans and the MSM claim he is. Nor was W. as stupid as detractors painted him. Academically, they’re likely Cs. If President Obama was an A student we’d have been reminded endlessly of that, rather than smart by implication — Harvard and president of the Law Review. Not that academics equates with street smarts or political smarts.

  • AlcAnon

    The Pope

    Prayer Vigil for Peace – Homily of Pope Francis

    Homily of His Holiness Pope Francis at the Vigil of Prayer and Fasting in Saint Peter’s Square, Saturday 7 September 2013

    …Even today, we let ourselves be guided by idols, by selfishness, by our own interests, and this attitude persists. We have perfected our weapons, our conscience has fallen asleep, and we have sharpened our ideas to justify ourselves. As if it were normal, we continue to sow destruction, pain, death! Violence and war lead only to death, they speak of death! Violence and war are the language of death!

    3. At this point I ask myself: Is it possible to change direction? Can we get out of this spiral of sorrow and death? Can we learn once again to walk and live in the ways of peace?

    …War always marks the failure of peace, it is always a defeat for humanity. Let the words of Pope Paul VI resound again: “No more one against the other, no more, never! … war never again, never again war!” (Address to the United Nations, 1965). “Peace expresses itself only in peace, a peace which is not separate from the demands of justice but which is fostered by personal sacrifice, clemency, mercy and love” (World Day of Peace Message, 1975). Forgiveness, dialogue, reconciliation – these are the words of peace, in beloved Syria, in the Middle East, in all the world! Let us pray for reconciliation and peace, let us work for reconciliation and peace, and let us all become, in every place, men and women of reconciliation and peace! Amen.

    Full text at

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ Villager

    ““BTW, thanks for the promotion, appreciate it!”

    LOL Habby, i’m going to have to ‘work’ as hard as Mary!”

    Mission impossible, I fear, Villager. But please note that she’s been on overtime lately, what with Captain Komode having been cashiered, Corporals Herbie and Passerby in the glasshouse, RSM Scorgie still under a bush in Green Park with a guardsman and Private Macky still recovering from the embarassing illness he picked up during his Mediterranean holiday!

  • AlcAnon

    More on the Pope’s message


    Vatican City, 7 September 2013 (VIS) – More than a hundred thousand people gathered in St- Peter’s Square this evening in response to Pope Francis’ appeal during last Sunday’s Angelus in which he convoked for today, 7 September, a day of fasting and prayer for peace, in the light of the dramatic circumstances which have engulfed Syria. Since then, this initiative has been welcomed and applauded not only by Catholics and other Christian confessions, but also by those belonging to other religions, from Buddhists to Jews and Muslims, and even those who do not belong to any religion. This week has seen extensive mobilisation on the part of parishes and associations, Caritas and the Community of St. Egidio, prayer groups and religious orders such as the Descalced Carmelites of the Holy Land, mayors and presidents of autonomous regions, organisations for peace, co-operation and development, unions, and so on. Many prominent figures have joined in with the initiative, such as the architect Renzo Piano, the president of the European Parliament Martin Schulz and the Grand Mufti of Syria, spiritual leader of the Sunnis, who invoked peace this afternoon in the Ummayad Mosque, Damascus, with the nation’s religious leaders. A prayer for peace was raised this afternoon in Catholic churches around the world, from Australia to Egypt.

    More at

  • Donald

    It must be about time for someone to ask Mel Gibson what’s going on in the world today, preferably after a few beers mind.

  • NR

    CNN US is repeatedly running a new compilation video of victims of gas attacks in Syria put together from clips seen previously. Close-ups of pinpoint pupils, convulsions, proving a nerve argent, likely Sarin. Previously shown to Senate committee.

    After a single, quick disclaimer that the vid doesn’t prove that Assad caused the attack, CNN propagandists launch into, “No feeling person seeing this could deny something must be done,” and “Will this reverse public opinion on need for military action?” They highly recommend Obama use the vid to illustrate his Tuesday speech to the nation.

  • Macky

    “It must be about time for someone to ask Mel Gibson what’s going on in the world today, preferably after a few beers mind.”

    Talking of Celebrities? ;

    @Habbu-Clown, although I don’t like wasting my time in engaging with you, I want you to know that on a level playing field, your taunts would have received the responses they deserve; however despite an absence of foul language a la Fred style, I still apparently have such a way with words that Jon the Mod cannot but help getting his moderating scissors out, so I’m sparing him the effort & you your just humilation.

  • NR

    CNN just said President Obama will have a sit-down, an interview, with six US TV networks on Monday. CNN, Fox, the three old ones, and I’m guessing MTV. Will he use the vid I mentioned above?

    Somebody really, really, really wants war.

  • NR

    @ BrianFujisan: “”Alcanon @ 3;37am: Pope Tweets Against Syria Strike, Writes Putin, Plans Saturday Vigil.”
    “Thanks for putting that up, I was wondering when we’d hear from the church””

    I’m still waiting to hear from the celebrities. Just Lady GaGa, One Direction and Justin Bieber between them control 100,000,000 fiercely loyal Twitter jihadists.

    Funny story, for those who don’t carefully follow celebrity news. Lady GaGa had a falling out with former bff, an especially vile gossip columnist, who she claimed was now stalking her. She ordered her 50,000,000 followers, known as Little Monsters, to attack. They besieged former friend with death threats.

    It was karma since vile gossip columnist previously set in motion a mere 2,000 people who stalked his victim both in cyberspace and the real world for over two years.

    My favorite Pope story is alleged Pope Joan, and the special Pope’s chair to prevent a repeat of the mishap, I think still unacknowledged in official church history. Or it’s anti-Papist disinfo.

  • mike

    Don’t get so upset, Macky. It’s good to have a gadfly/trickster buzzing around, slipping in the odd stiletto every now and again. Your beliefs and arguments have to be that bit sharper because of him.

    I gotta say it sounds as if I’d enjoy a pint or four with most of you guys – even the golem!

    All quiet on the AIPAC/PNAC war front tonight. Well, it is the weekend…

  • NR

    @ Macky — Thx for Buzzfeed link on anti-war celebrities. I noted the mysterious silence. If they’re kidnapped and held incommunicado should we not start a search? Have they retreated deep underground to their well-stocked celebrity bunkers in anticipation of incoming?

  • Mary - for Truth and Justice

    A much fresher Last Night of The Proms tonight and far less jingoistic under the American conductor Marin Allsop who was once conductor of the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra but who now is the conductor of the Sao Paolo Symphony Orchestra. Good on her for that. The soloist was also American. Joyce DiDonato whose mezzo soprano voice was both pure and thrilling.

    Nigel Kennedy was a star playing that beautiful Lark Ascending by Ralph Vaughan Williams in the first half and later his version of Monti’s Czardas with many of his brilliant improvisations. He is so unstuffy and goodness radiates out of him. He is great fun too. In Hyde Park he was playing with a young Palestinian violinist.

    Rule Britannia. Land of Hope and Glory and Jerusalem provided the final jingoism which came with a large showing of Union flags unfortunately. The meaning is terrible when you actually read the lyrics. There are three more similar verses. It’s about time this cringeworthy and outdated stuff was deleted from the programme especially with our recent record of killing over the last two decades and before.

    When Britain first, at Heaven’s command
    Arose from out the azure main;
    This was the charter of the land,
    And guardian angels sang this strain:
    “Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
    “Britons never will be slaves.”

    The nations, not so blest as thee,
    Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall;
    While thou shalt flourish great and free,
    The dread and envy of them all.
    “Rule, Britannia! rule the waves etc

    Still more majestic shalt thou rise,
    More dreadful, from each foreign stroke;
    As the loud blast that tears the skies,
    Serves but to root thy native oak.
    “Rule, Britannia! rule the waves: etc

    Marin’s speech was inspiring especially to girls and women and to the under privileged children in Brazil that she is helping to emerge through music. She said that music and art should not be pushed to the margin.

  • Macky

    ” It’s good to have a gadfly/trickster buzzing around, slipping in the odd stiletto every now and again. Your beliefs and arguments have to be that bit sharper because of him.”

    If only that was the case, but the Habbu-Clown is a text book troll, with no real arguments, or even the ability to hide his lack of arguments; I could refer you to the handful of times I did the curtsey of engaging, and what a lightweight waste of time he proved to be on each occasion, an inherent consequence of not being here to engage in honest debate, but to troll instead.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Saudi Arabia is the worst thing to have happened to Muslim (and Eastern Christian and Eastern Jewish) societies everywhere since the Black Death.

    Yet here we (UK, USA, France et al) are, in perpetual, strategic and joyful alliance with it. Is this the ‘Dance of Death’?

    And it amuses me no end that all the neocons, the Israel-Firsters and the leaders and spokespersons from our own communities who curry favour with those first two groupings by endlessly blaming ‘Muslims’ in relation to every single event (including events where, eg. Muslim people get attacked on the streets of Britain – ‘you’re so backward in your minds, people are pissed-off, you brought it on yourselves!’), suddenly, miraculously (a sign from God? Perhaps we should search in the interiors of aubergines?) seem to have stopped criticising Saudi Arabia.

    Suddenly, the Saudi-Qatar-generated Al Qaeda – who, let us not forget, did ‘9/11’ and most of the other Islamist terrorist atrocities globally in recent years – are heroes (just as their equivalents were in Afghanistan in the 1980s).

    This war – as everyone and their maiden aunt knows – was created by Saudi Arabia/UAE/Turkey using their paramilitary Jihadist death squads, in order to degrade Iran’s regional power, post-Iraq 2003/Hizbollah 2006/Hamas switching to Iran. And now of course, both sides share the blame for atrocities.

    It has nothing to do with ‘human rights’ and nothing to do with ‘toppling dictators’ (otherwise, they’d be toppling themselves!). All states in the Middle East are police states.

    What we’re getting is just Boer War-level propaganda and there’s a lot of it constantly being spewed out on social media sites by members of the three groups to which I alluded earlier in this post, plus the Sunni Islamists who also are uncharacteristically quiet about the prospect of another Western military attack/de facto invasion in the Middle East.

    So, you help to create a war so that it becomes necessary for you to ‘intervene’ militarily, first covertly then overtly. This has been the pattern across the Middle East over the past decade.

    And when it comes Iran’s turn, we’ll be hearing the same propaganda, with little variations, again. Mark my words.

  • Ben Franklin -Machine Gun Preacher (unleaded version)

    Tokyo chosen for 2020 Olympics…

    Olympic venues include new events; marathon sievert dodging, laps in the water tanks as well as ice-wall climbing.

    It’s all good.

  • fedup

    convulsions, proving a nerve argent, likely Sarin. Previously shown to Senate committee.

    Where are the blisters of the victims?

    Any exposed part of the body skin should have blistered in coming into contact with Sarin.


    Saudi Arabia is the worst thing to have happened to Muslim (and Eastern Christian and Eastern Jewish) societies everywhere since the Black Death.

    Are they the Islam-ists then?

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