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104 thoughts on “Miliband Plays Racist Card

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  • Tris

    Theresa May has already said she will build borders.

    As usual, slightly lagging behind, but none the less, eventually getting there, Labour has adopted the same policy.

    I think that Ireland, and certainly Jersey and Guernsey (not in the EU) have different immigration/work permit criteria from England and the UK.

    Why would it matter then, that iScotland did?

    After all, if you haven’t got a National Insurance Number from the rUK the authorities will be able to root you out sharpish.

    I reckon we are far more likely to have a problem the other way as people escape the ever more authoritarian right wing UK governments almost certainly out of the EU.

  • Tom

    Quite right too. There is nothing racist about that policy.
    And as for racism – you clearly can’t see the plank in your own eye when you keep referring the English as ‘Little Englanders’.




    the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.


    bigoted attitudes; intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.


    The difference between the almost right word & the right word is really a large matter–it’s the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning.

    -Mark Twain-

  • Phil

    I second Jemand’s request that Trowbridge is not censored. The lone nutter accusation should not be used to repress alternative narratives.

  • Jack Fletcher

    The Scotland vote appears to me to be emotional. The intellectual argument is less persuasive. I think a ‘no’ vote is more likely. Because people have a habit of fearing change and not understanding the intellectual rationale. Oil, euro and EU entry are facades for a real national choice. Scotland can be brave, proud and thistley as ever. Within or outside.

  • Tony M

    Hector (7 Jun, 2014 – 10:17 pm)

    The way the German Democratic Republic did, Jock Wishart?

    No-one would dare suggest the East German people were in favour of the Berlin Wall, they’d be laughed out the door, likewise Miliband speaks only for the Westminster autocrats, not for England or even for constituents of whatever safe seat he was parachuted into, rather like Blair in Sedgefield. The better as far more exact parallel would be with the GDR government and with Westminster, the idea for the Berlin Wall came from there, on instructions from their Russian bosses, and likewise if Miliband has not had some sort of brainstorm, this border idea scare story is not entirely the product of his own limited mind, but that of his mentors and bosses. I have a faint memory too of Labour Party policy, pre-Blair and Brown being decided at their annual conferences, not concocted on the hoof by a broken-down leader like Miliband talking out of turn and out his backside. Such a threat whilst being impractical and barking mad, could only imperfectly keep inmates of r-UK asylum from emigrating northwards, it’s intention then being to keep England’s subject peons in, not Scot’s citizens out. Absent of transformative progressive change in its political organisation residual-UK looks to become a dangerous unstable failed state, fascist by every measure and an unpleasant place in which to live -conditions outside the hallowed south-east, places already of no use or interest to Westminster, other than for what they can wring out of its people and resources to soothe the throbbing sore that is the Great Wen in emollient looted wealth, can only get worse and perhaps a refugee crisis – with economic and political outcasts, choosing to celebrate the joy that life once was, afresh in Scotland for however long it takes, till Westminster is defeated and defunct and England competently, honestly governed and a far nicer place to live again if poor or different – is not beyond the bounds of reasoned conjecture. We’ll just, us Scots, go out with pickaxes and wire-cutters and set England free, tearing down Miliband’s ghetto walls, quicker than he or his team of kapos could build it.

  • John Goss

    Oh dear, borders. The great wall of Scotland and China were built to keep aliens out. I’ve never seen a grey-necked phalarope but borders are meaningless to it. Alcatraz too. There will always be the birds. Man has so much faith in his (and her) own importance borders are built to keep other humans at bay. Otters and badgers and other creatures need to find a way through these man-made obstacles and they usually do. It’s annoying though for those of us with long noses.


    150,000 unattended children to cross the Rio Grande over the next year. It’s catastrophic poverty and repressive governments that drive refugees and immigrants to brave a foreign culture. It’s not like they have a real choice.

  • CanSpeccy

    Milliband couldn’t care less how many black Scotchmen are driven over the border to England by racists Scots who fail to understand that blackness is a social construct.

    Only a few months ago, Milliband was lauding English Nationalism as manifest, so he claimed, in an English love of foreign invasion, occupation, rape and pillage.

    Milliband’s racism consists in a genocidal contempt for the English, the traitorous attitude one might expect from the son of a Commie illegal immigrant.

  • Jemand

    “Oh dear, borders. The great wall of Scotland and China were built to keep aliens out.”

    It’s crazy, isn’t it John? Aliens have spacecraft that are able to fly over any wall, even Hadrian’s. But the people of those times couldn’t be expected to know what we know today.

    Another “unknown unknown” (as a great American military strategist once put it) is the fact that Hadrian’s wall was actually built to keep out rabid ponies that would roam the grasslands of Scotland attacking in packs much like wolves do. Many a Roman soldier was savaged by ponies in the pre-wall days. Later, it found service keeping out drunken Scots looking to rape English women on their (the Scots) way to work and as a path home when darkness fell upon the meadows and all they had were their hands to feel their way.

    But I don’t think it could effectively serve to keep out illegal immigrants. With carefully positioned ramps and high powered American muscle cars, you could drive over the wall with half a dozen Mexicans in the trunk who would be released and blend into the local population like chameleons in a fruit salad.

  • craig Post author

    As far as I could understand Trowbridge (and apologies if I am wrong) he was claiming that the tsunammi was an imperialist plot. That strikes me as green lizard territory. The problem is that hosting such stuff on a free speech basis is used to denigrate more rational anti-establishment thought.

  • Aqualung

    Hell, knock yourselves out, build yourselves a great big Zionazi wall. Keeps the aristocratic English pedophiles away from our youngsters.

  • OldMark

    ‘There are huge council flat estates which used to be disaster areas in Nechells which have basically been civilised by the calming force of Somalian Islam.’

    The things you read in the comments here- to see the enthusiastic practitioners of FGM described as a ‘civilising’ force really takes the biscuit.

  • Trowbridge H. Ford

    You are wrong, Craig,and I accept your apology.

    To lump together all critics of current official propaganda as simply “green lizard territory,” is to miss the forest for the trees, as they say.

    You have obviously not read my article about the comings and goings of the special attack submarine, the USS Jimmy Carter, the most well researched piece I have ever done, blindly dismissing it as if I am a follower Of Joe Vialls.

    You do not had to your reputation by engaging in such stupid, insulting behavior.

  • OldMark

    ‘There is no advantage and many disadvantages in residual-UK scrapping the CTA after Scotland’s independence, therefore it won’t happen.’

    An independent Scotland, if it (as seems likely) cannot obtain its own Schengen opt out, would be implicitly opting out of the CTA by virtue of its new relationship with the rest of the EU. Arrangements between Residual UK and the Republic would be unaffected and the CTA would only be ‘scrapped’ if the Republic followed the Scots into Schengen, an unlikely scenario.

  • Hector

    “We’ll just, us Scots, go out with pickaxes and wire-cutters and set England free…” whether they like it or not, no doubt, Tony M.

  • Tony M

    Hector the Hectoring Heckler wrote:

    “whether they like it or not, no doubt, Tony M.”

    Yes absolutely, but it’ll happen both inside and outside the pale, why should the people of Northumberland or Cumbria miss out, if nothing else it’ll be free building materials, there for the taking, it happended to Hadrian’s wall, it would happen to Emperor Miliband’s pipe-dream too, call it paying homage in bricks and steel wire, with free delivery; we could even export it furter south again, for flood protection, land reclamation, HS2 or whatever. What England really needs at this time is another costly and pointless vanity project and folly, it’ll really do the economy a pound of good, Keynesiasm however argued public expenditure for worthwhile productive uses, not senseless waste of materials and human energy on vast monuments to feeble politicians prejudices.

    With few exceptions historic ghettoes were constructed from the inside out, those inside’s community ‘leaders’ wishing to emphasise negligible differences or create them where none existed, averting the catastrophe of assimilation and appreciably strengthening their minute control over those the lives of those trapped inside with them and their delusions.

    Locking down England against the foreign world, is a measure directed against its own inhabitants freedom, the impregnable island strongholds advantages used against its own people. Walls might make a temporary prison for bodies but minds can break free at will.

  • jock wishart

    Hector. In an independent Scotland. We will elect a government with policies that will retain the population and attract talented hardworking individuals from other countries. Just one advantage of being our own boss.

  • DoNNyDarKo

    Fred’s knowledge of Scotland is piss poor considering he says he’s from up North. Still around Dounreay is it Fred ? Or were you just bottom of that small class at spelling ?
    And Scotland is still in Britain Fred.Britain is the Island.So Scotland to Britain ? What do you mean by that ? And Scotland will still be part of Britain after we vote YES.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “An independent Scotland, if it (as seems likely) cannot obtain its own Schengen opt out, would be implicitly opting out of the CTA by virtue of its new relationship with the rest of the EU. Arrangements between Residual UK and the Republic would be unaffected and the CTA would only be ‘scrapped’ if the Republic followed the Scots into Schengen, an unlikely scenario.”

    This is exactly the position and sums up matters in a nutshell. OldMark knows what he’s talking about on this one.

    The only thing one could add, for extra clarification, is that the CTA can only be because both the UK and Ireland have opt-outs from Schengen. Or, to put it more whimsically, a Member State cannot belong to two different common travel areas at the same time..

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    There’s some quite interesting and vigorous discussion going on here this morning.

    Please feel free to join in, I’m sure you have some views on the subject (even though it’s not Israel/Palestine or the turpitude of the Westminster govt).

    Even a relevant cut-and-paste would do!

  • guano

    I accept there may be a slight temperature difference between London and Lahore, but even that is closing. If they use the same linguistic root ‘goon’ they are not necessarily of the same ethnic origin because language is learned, but they are of the same civilisation.

    My Pakistani mate is nearly white under his hat and nearly black on the rest of his face. Religions also vary across the 6000 miles but the Church of England might possibly be inferior to the indigenous brand of Lahore.

    You have got a serious psychological problem if you want to justify racism. I have many bones to pick with people about moral and attitude issues but Race issues is for Zionists and La La Land.

  • guano

    Also, dividing the UK into ethnic groups is for Zionists and La La Land. Don’t tell the Scots I said that. If they want to be divided and ruled, I hear what they say but I’m noo comin oot. They might just as well go out and buy a new car if they want to solve their emotional and spiritual problems.

  • Phil

    The notably common themes in myths and ritual the world over make a convincing case that we all share a universal root culture.

  • MJ

    “150,000 unattended children to cross the Rio Grande over the next year”

    If true that is an extraordinary statistic. Where are they coming from and where are their parents? Central America isn’t that impoverished or oppressive. Sounds like something else is going on here.

  • jake

    A myth has been built up that is quite counter-factual that the Romans never expanded their empire into Scotland and settled there, that they built Hadrians Wall to keep the Scots and English apart and/or to keep the Scots out. The Romans built two walls, Hadrians Wall and the Antonine Wall. Neither were to keep the Scots and the English apart. Their purpose was to “kettle” the borderers who inhabited the land in-between. The Borders were then and since well known for their antisocial, murderous and thieving ways. To be fair to the Borders they have modified their behaviour and been civilised by time although they still show a worryingly deviant disposition by having a tendency to vote Liberal.

  • fred

    “Fred’s knowledge of Scotland is piss poor considering he says he’s from up North. Still around Dounreay is it Fred ? Or were you just bottom of that small class at spelling ?
    And Scotland is still in Britain Fred.Britain is the Island.So Scotland to Britain ? What do you mean by that ? And Scotland will still be part of Britain after we vote YES.”

    Geographically Scotland would be in Britain but politically it wouldn’t be British territory.

    Yes, I actually do live in Scotland.

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