The Currency of Hatred 87

The No campaign is convinced it has won the referendum over the question of what currency will be used in an independent Scotland. Being convinced they have won, they are starting to show their true feelings.

Everybody in Scotland should read the comments section on this report by the Labour supporting Guardian. That truly horrible, sneering tone is a foretaste of what is in store for Scotland if it votes No in the referendum.

States have currencies. Ireland, Norway, Iceland, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, all have currencies, some unique and some shared. Scotland might keep the pound. Otherwise the Scottish economy is perfectly strong enough and Scots perfectly capable of taking another of the many available options. It is entirely a media construct that this is the issue that can halt independence – a construct initiated by George Osborne in cahoots with Darling and their media lackeys.

What is undeniable is that these people actually would act with deliberate malice towards an independent Scotland. The hatred of the Scots is there for all to see. This is not the Telegraph or the Mail. It is the Guardian. Read the comments and judge of their tone and intent. Do you really want to get down on your knees before this hatred, and surrender?

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87 thoughts on “The Currency of Hatred

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  • BrianFujisan


    I try…and often Cry

    How much was the Kremlin prepared for events in Ukraine and how much does it improvise even now?

    I advise you to read the telegram’s Wikileaks: , in which it is shown that Kremlin clearly pointed out to the Americans in 2008 the scenarios that we see today: “Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face.”

    It is logical to assume that such a development for the Kremlin was not a surprise and that we are now in even more unpleasant but less nuanced script that something like “Plan E”.

    In order to understand what the Kremlin will do next, let’s formulate objectives:

    – Do not allow the entry of Ukraine into NATO.

    – Do not allow the establishment and stabilization in Ukraine of a Russophobic regime, which assumes denazification.

    – Do not allow the genocide of Russian South-East population.

    Ideally this requires implementation of all three objectives while, in that interval, not breaking the Russian economy during its reorientation toward Asia and, at the same time, preventing the Americans from pulling off their economic ends at the expense of the EU.

  • Just saying

    Robbie Burns in 1791 (on the then sell out of the Scots Nation)

    Poem:Such A Parcel Of Rogues In A Nation

    Fareweel to a’ our Scottish fame,
    Fareweel our ancient glory;
    Fareweel ev’n to the Scottish name,
    Sae fam’d in martial story.
    Now Sark rins over Solway sands,
    An’ Tweed rins to the ocean,
    To mark where England’s province stands-
    Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!

    What force or guile could not subdue,
    Thro’ many warlike ages,
    Is wrought now by a coward few, (Darlings!)
    For hireling traitor’s wages.
    The English stell we could disdain,
    Secure in valour’s station;
    But English gold has been our bane-
    Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!

    O would, or I had seen the day
    That Treason thus could sell us,
    My auld grey head had lien in clay,
    Wi’ Bruce and loyal Wallace!
    But pith and power, till my last hour,
    I’ll mak this declaration;
    We’re bought and sold for English gold-
    Such a parcel of rogues in a nation!

    Nuff said.Are there really Scots who will be voting NO?!! Methinks the canny Scots will have kept their cards close to their chests, fooling the “English” MI5/Guardian pollsters, it will be an overwhelming landslide “YES” !

  • John McLeod

    I would like to offer an alternative way of looking at the ‘currency plan B’ future that has emerged in the media and First Ministers questions yesterday. Like many people, I felt uncomfortable and frustrated, watching the TV debate, when Alex Salmond seemed to be unable to deal effectively with this question. Reflecting on it since then, it seems to me that he was enacting something that is actually a very powerful position. In effect, he was conveying the messages:

    1. I am willing to be unpopular, if that is what it takes to be consistent with my values
    2. I am a tough negotiator – I am sticking to my definition of the issue and not accepting your version
    3. I am not giving away my negotiating position.

    At a time when people in Scotland are thinking about what will happen after a yes vote, these are key images. It would fatally undermine the independence movement if the population felt that the Scottish government was going to cave in to Westminster demands during post-yes negotiations. It may be, here as on other occasions, the First Minister is playing a long game..

    This interpretation also goes some way to explain the fury that Craig has identified in the ‘thoughtful’ press (Guardian). It is not only that Scotland wants to go its own way, but also that it will not be dictated to, and will strike a hard bargain.

  • Courtenay Barnett


    Thanks for sharing:-

    “I advise you to read the telegram’s Wikileaks: , in which it is shown that Kremlin clearly pointed out to the Americans in 2008 the scenarios that we see today: “Experts tell us that Russia is particularly worried that the strong divisions in Ukraine over NATO membership, with much of the ethnic-Russian community against membership, could lead to a major split, involving violence or at worst, civil war. In that eventuality, Russia would have to decide whether to intervene; a decision Russia does not want to have to face.”

    I am grateful.

    I noted in some of Craig’s comments his position on the issue.

    I take the following position, subject to anyone’s correction:-

    A. When there is power concentrated, and worse yet, over concentrated – there is likely to be abuse.

    B. The US has had over concentrated power – especially after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991.

    C. The US has acted with the PNAC, not like just partial ignoramuses – but total ignoramuses – intoxicated on power.

    I visited Russia in 1992 and saw first hand what was happening.

    If the world was not ruled by Jack asses – we would have been by now well on the way to the position of global minimal proportional so-called nuclear deterrence. Instead the US escalated and now we have the potential of World War 111 facing us.

    I do not exaggerate.

  • Courtenay Barnett



    “…preventing the Americans from pulling off their economic ends at the expense of the EU.”

    Correct – so why doesn’t Europe stand up and not again let itself become a theatre of warfare?

  • BrianFujisan


    Cos Europe dose not want war… the world populations do not want war..there is no… fkn need for it RE Energy needs

  • Mary

    Fury over Glasgow city plans to hoist Palestine flag

    JEWISH communities have reacted angrily to council plans to raise the Palestinian flag over city halls.

    ‘Civic leaders in Glasgow and Fife have been accused of the “worst kind of gesture politics”, for their show of solidarity with those affected by the conflict in Gaza.

    Jewish leaders say it will only stir up tensions and cause “offence and division”.

    As of today, the Palestinian flag will fly over Glasgow City Chambers for a week, and will still be there during a parade through the city for Team Scotland’s Commonwealth Games team.

    Council leaders in Fife said they were running the flag up at Fife House in Glenrothes in order to add their voices “to the worldwide condemnation of the events currently taking place in Gaza”.’

    I say it again. Bravo!

  • Tony M

    BrianFujisan: Someone posted probably here a link to a pdf book called Hitler’s Shadow: Nazi War Criminals, U.S. Intelligence and the Cold War, by Richard Breitman and Norman J.W. Goda, which is largely based on declassified document releases in the US. Unfortunately the original download url is gone from my cache logs but the chapter on Ukraine is fascinating. The amount of MI6 cash and support, arms, training to Bandera personally and to his emigre groups, from the war until his assassination decades later was staggering when you consider things like introduction of NHS prescription charges under Attlee and so on. The US also supported the vile Lebed of Ukranian SS notoriety in much the same way. The anti-Russian literature with which this country saturated Ukraine and the Baltic states, Poland etc. right up to the collapse of the Soviet Union is of the crudest and most unsophisticated and provocative hateful sort. This sort of virulent anti-Russian hatred manifested to this day in these countries -much of it is of our creation and encouragement. Russia must surely have seen this coming from a long way off. The Kiev regime seems to be crumbling and big demonstrations for peace throughout Ukraine are being ruthlessly crushed by the right wing gangs, and these thugs much prefer cowardly attacking peacefully protesting women particularly, than the determined opposition in the East of Ukraine, who contain these gangs when they appear in the east, rather than confronting the demoralised and deserting regular Ukrainian forces. It is clear there are very many mercs now fighting in the East, photos showing many in uniforms with union flag patches. The senior US general reportedly killed or seriously injured in Afghanistan, may actually have been injured in East Ukraine.

  • BrianFujisan

    Sorry Court


    so why doesn’t Europe stand up and not again let itself become a theatre of warfare?

    Courtenay.. i think the monumental war for truth..MsM Lies..Deceptions Ect They would not be getting away with killing children..then criminally attempting to justify it..without bbc

  • Tim

    Deeply deplores the decision by the outgoing President of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, posthumously to award Stepan Bandera, a leader of the Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) which collaborated with Nazi Germany, the title of ‘National Hero of Ukraine’; hopes, in this regard, that the new Ukrainian leadership will reconsider such decisions and will maintain its commitment to European values;

  • Courtenay Barnett



    Cos Europe dose not want war… the world populations do not want war..there is no… fkn need for it RE Energy needs”

    Consider what Europe did across Asia, Africa and the entire planet as regards slavery, colonization, exploitation – which to this day it still advances.

    Barack Obama is “Black” in an white power system and they know, and he full well knows -you can fool some of the people some of the time. But….

    And here we are….

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !

    “As of today, the Palestinian flag will fly over Glasgow City Chambers for a week, and will still be there during a parade through the city for Team Scotland’s Commonwealth Games team.

    Council leaders in Fife said they were running the flag up at Fife House in Glenrothes in order to add their voices “to the worldwide condemnation of the events currently taking place in Gaza”.’”

    Puerile gesture politics. Costs nothing and achieves even less.

    Anyone remember David Blunkett’s Sheffield declaring itself a “nuclear-free zone”?

    People who fall for this sort of thing are either daft or have a hidden agenda.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    My advice to you, for what it’s worth : not too many posts on the same sibject at too frequent intervals!

    We had a very good exchange on (Scotland-related) currency on a recent thread and people obviously have nothing much to say on your current theme of “hatred for Scots” or even Scottish independence in general – witness the fact that comments on here are – as so often – all over the place!

  • BrianFujisan


    i was thinking more of the NOW…we did not have Craig and Social alternative Media then.

  • Tony M

    What a cheek from this habbaduk, who has just posted their most repetitive Blunkett/puerile politics comment yet again on this thread as in others previously when outstanding shows of love, humanity and solidarity with Palestine on public buildings is highlighted, links to photographs of these flags flying over our towns and cities would be tremendous. Less repeats and monotony from you please habbaduk, you’re dull and unoriginal enough already. ‘The Currency of Hate’ has wide applicability, perhaps you could indicate the subject matter to which to wish to limit discussion and we can tell you what you can do with your suggestions.

  • DavidB

    The wings site survey suggests a large majority of readers favour Scotland having its own currency. I understand the implications of the common currency zone for both countries economies – not least to stop the speculators in London making a killing – but Eck should have named the options and shut Darling down. White papers – even on independence – are as widely read as T & C’s on a website. I know he can do better, but we need to keep our nerve.

    Anyone who has ever read comments on newspapers will have observed that xenophobic little englander mentality. But be honest yourselves, you may well have used the term FEB, called someone an unPC name, or excused incompetence because it was all you expected from a saxon. They sense blood. The worst is coming out. Just make sure that the soft no’s you are trying to win see their venom. These mighty world cup winning superstars are determined to keep our little submarine park floating on oil for themselves. Jocks are expendible. We Scots don’t do cricket.

  • Abe Rene

    The article interests me more than the verbal abuse in the comments (‘prat’ being one of the epithets used). Why is Salmond so keen to remain united to sterling, unless he fears for the fate of a separate Scottish economy? In which case, maybe Scotland should remain part of the UK with the best of both worlds, as Darling suggested. 🙂

  • KingofWelshNoir

    Sorry, but the notion that the English hate the Scots is bollocks in my view. Certainly, I’ve never seen it. Walk into any English pub when Scotland (or Ireland for that matter) are playing and you’ll see the punters roaring in genuine support for ‘the Jocks’. Even though they will have been fed a diet of stories in the press about Scotland always supporting whoever is playing England. That’s the truth and a load of jaundiced comments in the Guardian won’t alter that.

  • Kempe

    Having trouble with the Gruniad’s website this morning but none of the comments I’ve managed to read are anti-Scottish. There’s a great deal of criticism directed at Alec Salmond, justly so, but that’s no way the same thing, any more than criticism of David Cameron is anti-British or anti-English.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella) !


    “…outstanding shows of love, humanity and solidarity with Palestine on public buildings is highlighted, links to photographs of these flags flying over our towns and cities would be tremendous”

    You’ve convinced me, Tone.

    The Palestinian flag should be flown three days a weeks, the Venezuelan one twice every fortnight, the Russian one once a month and so on.

    Would brighten up our cities and towns no end.

    (Nice to have colours, colours to have nice!)

  • fred

    I have said many times that I considered the purpose of many of your blog entries was to incite hatred. That is how Nationalists work, the Nazi incited hatred of the Jew and the Zionist incites hatred of the Arab.

    I consider this attempt to convince the people of Scotland that the people of England hate them as no different. You incite hatred in an attempt to manipulate the people for your own ends. This is Nationalism at it’s nastiest and most destructive.

    The principles of democracy are simple, a government will act in the interests of those who vote for them and give them their power. Should Scotland become independent then it will be the people in the rest of the UK who Westminster considers not the people of Scotland, the Scots would lose their not inconsiderable influence over the British government.

    Jingoism is yet another nasty form of Nationalism.

  • Ba'al Zevul (With Gaza)

    why did salmond get blindsided during debate on currency question?

    Because he doesn’t have a coherent economic plan. Not even a phoney and terminally flawed one, such as Osborne produces from his red box on budget day. As an ex (oil) economist, Salmond probably recognises that there are too many variables involved surrounding independence to permit any strategy which will survive the event – which would be honest of him. Economically, he’s a pragmatist.

    And, turning to the only other economist I can think of in government, it’s interesting to see Vince Cable was at least prepared to admit the economic case for voting Yes:

    <(The SNP's) treasury spokesman, Stuart Hosie, claimed the Business Secretary had “let the cat out of the bag”.

    He said: “Vince Cable’s admission simply makes the economic case for independence, which would see decisions about Scotland’s economy made by the people who live and work here, rather than by a Westminster establishment fixated on London and South East England.”

    Last year Mr Cable claimed that London “is becoming a giant suction machine draining the life out of the rest of the country”

    And that’s the only economic point that needs to be hammered home. The system’s fucked. There’s no sign of you fixing it. We* want out.

    *Me too.

  • Mary

    How I love and admire this man. He has love in his heart.

    ‘“The heart of the Earth beats in Gaza now. It bleeds, but it beats,” says Dr. Mads Gilbert.

    The Norwegian emergency surgeon returned to his home city of Tromsø on 31 July, after spending several weeks treating the wounded from Israel’s assault at Gaza City’s al-Shifa Hospital.

    He went straight from the airport to give a spontaneous speech at a large solidarity demonstration for Gaza held at the same time.

    Tromsø is twinned with Gaza City.

    The newspaper Nordlys made this video, above, of his speech. It is subtitled in English.’


  • Yossi

    The main article is part reportage and part opinion piece and I support the expression of opinions even though free expression in the Guardian is not always encouraged – I was banned for referring to the slaughter of the innocents in Gaza. However rather foolish to equate comments btl with Guardian opinion. An awful lot of non-Guardian types post, sometimes in such a concerted manner as to suggest paid trolling.

  • Neil

    Mary @ 5:39am

    Ah, Nicola Benedetti! She’s as beautiful as her music, and she comes from the same small town in Scotland where I grew up. Another musician from the same town:

    Sadly, I’m as musical as a cat sliding down a very high wall by its claws …

    Footnote: My experiences of growing up in Scotland were not all positive, and I left for England at age 17. Mixed feelings about the place.

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