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Which is why x per million population is a better comparitive metric to use. Currently the UK has 690 new cases per million compared to the USA with 220/million. However the USA deaths/million is more than double the UK at about 5 deaths per million compared to UK slightly less than 2/million. Romania has over 20 deaths per million., choose any metric and with each chart you can remove or add in countries you want to see/compare.

“I wonder when the next “Plan” kicks in. Perhaps they ought to start the next plan, quite quickly?”

Asked on Friday about the possibility of a winter lockdown, Boris Johnson said there was “absolutely nothing to indicate that that is on the cards at all”.
Rishi Sunak, also said the vaccine rollout and booster jabs made a lockdown or “very significant economic restrictions” unlikely.

That phrase “very significant economic restrictions” is telling in that it points to what considerations they are prioritising.