Reply To: Vaccine contaminants and safety

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Paul Barbara

@ Clark May 16, 2020 at 15:00
I notice you didn’t refer to the PCR test question.
Your contention, or inference, that this is a six-of-one and half a dozen of the other does not match up with reality; re money, we are talking about a multi-$billion dollar industry, one of the biggest lobbying groups bunging politicians and MSM, against a handful of dedicated battlers for the truth and safety for the general public, especially children.
Yes, there will be charlatans and dis-info merchants in their ranks – Big Pharma will have ensured that, to discredit them, just as police and security agencies plant agent provocateurs in Demos, and disrupters in political parties and protest groups.
But basically, the people campaigning for safe, voluntary vaccines and transparency are fighting againnst the odds, basically on a hiding to nothing.
Now and again, they get a result, like Bobby Kennedy Jr. and Del Bigtree:

RFK Jr. Wins Case Against Government For Vaccine Safety Violations‘.
‘…This will come as big and important news for anyone concerned with the safety of vaccines: as it turns out the federal government has been neglecting safety obligation for decades, which has been proven in a court of law bringing RFK Jr and ICAN to victory over DHHS.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr teamed up with Del Bigtree of the Informed Consent Action Network to take on the Department of Health and Human Services for vaccine safety violations and they have won. Their lawsuit has brought forth evidence that vaccine safety has been neglected for over 30 years, and as we know it is nothing but a sham, showing that the government agencies we are to trust are not doing their jobs to ensure and improve the safety of immunizations…’

Every two years since 1986 the DHHS were supposed to report on the safety and improvements of vaccines, and in 30 years they never once reported back to Congress. How on earth can you knock those who demand safe vaccines, under those circumstances?

‘…The DHHS has failed to meet even the most basic aspects of these important duties entrusted to them by failing to file a single report for the past three decades. It has been over 30 years since NVICA was put into place and entrusted to the DHHS to safeguard children, despite being the agency tasked with the responsibility of investigating and improving safety they have not done as much as to raise a finger towards vaccine safety…’

I don’t know what, if any, penalty the DHHS suffered, but I expect nothing has changed.
And the CDC and EPA are similarly criminally lax and corrupted.

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