A Bunch of Tits 257

The BBC believes that Kate Middleton’s tits are a more important story than western diplomats in danger of their lives all over the Middle East. Says it all about today’s BBC, really.

Killing people is not the solution to the World’s problems. Killing diplomats is particularly heinous as they are guests in a country, and are charged with keeping open the lines of peaceful communication between nations. Almost certainly Ambassador Stevens and his staff deplored the making and distribution of hate videos, and absolutely certainly they had nothing to do with it. Nor do the diplomats under seige today in Yemen, Sudan and Egypt.

Oliver Miles, the extremely sensible former British Ambassador to Libya, while deploring attacks on Embassies and their staff, made the obvious point on Sky News yesterday that America’s unflinching support for an expansionist Israel was the root cause of hostile attitudes to the USA acroos the Middle East. His interview was instantly terminated.

Miles’ observation is true, as it is true that direct and killing intervention by the US in Libya and Yemen has caused the situations that are now blowing back – often with US supplied or at least encouraged weaponry. But yet again, none of that justifies the racist attacks on westerners. Just as all Muslims were not responsible for Islamic terrorists, so all westerners are not responsible for the far right purveyors of anti-Muslim hatred.

All decent people must despair at the prospect of yet another cycle of violence. Powerful interests both in the West and in the Middle East are not amongst those decent people.

Of all the signals the West could send out to try to end the horrors wrought by the promoters of the “Clash of civilisations”, the most powerful would be to arraign Bush and Blair for war crimes. This is not a deluded hope of idealists; it is an essential step if the world is ever to heal.

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257 thoughts on “A Bunch of Tits

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  • arsalan

    LOL. If Islam was a religion of peace, the Zionists would do to the Muslims what the white faced christians did to the native Americans.
    Zionists are the enemies of all of humanity. Not only are their hands in the conflicts of the middle east, but you will find their hands in conflicts all over the world.

  • Scouse Billy

    @Karel Please note I said “perhaps” – I don’t consider Heydrich a diplomat but he might have been considered such in the preverted thinking of his superiors.

    I think there is a parallel given the role of Stevens superiors in Libya.

  • arsalan

    If I wrote what honeyrose did about Muslims. Replaced the word Muslim with the word Jew. Craig would ban me. And delete all my posts.

    What I wrote was an attack on Israel and Zionism. Quoting from an Orthadox Religious Jewish site.
    But still that quote and that link was deleted because the offense it might cause to Zionists.

    But what honeyrose and other write about Islam and Muslims is considered free speach.

    Craig even though you are one of the good guys, you still suffer from what many other mainstream liberals suffer from. The colonialists mindset. Where us natives of lesser races, need to submit to your white ways.

    Craig you are not alone in it. Are you going to explain your hypocrisy in deleting what I write that might upset Zionists, but at the same time allowing others to say much worse against Islam and Muslims such as what honeyrose wrote? Or will you delete this post like you deleted what I wrote in response to honeyrose?

  • rebelchancer

    Seems that since William Hague first mentioned the idea of storming an embassy, the idea has really caught on.

  • nevermind

    @Honeyrose and her rose tinted spectacles. Iraq attacked Iran when Saddam was still our man, when he would do anything to please us, it was the US agenda he was working up to, then.

    Secondly the Holocaust was not just carried out on Jews, but also on Roma people, Homosexuals, clergy, communists, anybody who did not agree. there were also Holocausts carried out against the people of Armenia, Cambodia and Ghaza, imho., but that’s for another day.

    Madrassas in Pakistan were set up by the CIA and ISI in an effort to create a new political islam, a more firebrand opposition to the Russians then, they called themselves the Taliban.

    You are right in pointing to religion as a major factor in wars, its values and morals are used throughout history to inflict powerful blows at each other, I’m sure Honeyrose has heard of the Crusade, it is not something attributable to merely Sunni’s and Shias, is it?
    sadly I have to agree with Arsalan, we are a bit blind in one eye.

  • Colin Carr

    The US gov.t may CLAIM to oppose expansion of settlements, it has done absolutely NOTHING effective to stop the expansion.

    Re the ‘fault lines in Islam’, if you mean geographical ones, many can be traced back to Anglo French duplicity in WW1. Lawrence of Arabia was told he could promise nationhood to Arabs who revolted against the decaying Ottoman Empire. But after the war, Britain & France carved the area up into Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Trans Jordan and Palestine – which were ruled as colonies.

    Then in 1948 the UN approved the formation of the Israel in part of Palestine. The new state robbed its Palestinian Arab inhabitants of their land…. I could go on.

  • Passerby

    Why is everyone trying to play down the genuine anger of the Muslims across many countries and vast swathes of lands?

    What do you think is the reason for this down playing of the anger and outrage?

    The Libyan el presidente was giving interviews and reading form the fax sent to him from state department: “this group had guns and rocket launchers, they were well armed”!!!!! No shit Sherlock, in a country that each family have their own anti aircraft guns and missiles, to find people with guns and rocket launchers is so out of ordinary!!!!

    The aftermath of the Operation Libya has meant no one in that country is prepared to take shit, and they settle their differences the old fashioned way; have a shoot out.

  • Passerby

    Craig even though you are one of the good guys, you still suffer from what many other mainstream liberals suffer from. The colonialists mindset. Where us natives of lesser races, need to submit to your white ways.

    You are doing yourself a disservice by dishonouring a man who lost everything (he was an ambassador, there are not many of those around) because of his principles. To tar him with the same ugly brush is not a good idea.

    you know how sensitive the issue of antisemtism is? Further you ought to know the enemies of our host (Craig) are legion. FFS they tried to kill him, remember? So to find him showing sensitivity on this issue ought to be appreciated. Fact that “Jew” is inserted into any text that Muslims are being berated, will be jumped on by his countless enemies and the complication ensuing thereon.

    Recollecting a comedy sketch, a comedian was asking his guest; how tall was his your horse? To which the guest raised his right arm and gave and indication of the height. At this point the comedian then shouting; did you get the photo(to his assistant)? In reply to which the assistant shouts back; should I write in the caption so and so caught delivering a Nazi Salute?

    Why don’t you try; your “find and replace” with a more innocuous term and see if it is deleted?

    BTW Craig does not give me a fiver every time I defend him.

  • John Goss

    Phil having read that link posted by Chris2 I can see where you are coming from. Nevertheless I think the bombing of embassies sets an unwelcome precedent. But thanks for pointing me to the link.

  • honeyrose

    Am Embassy has a number of functions, diplomatic, clerical commercial and political. That is not really the point, the point is that it is recognised diplomatically and under international law, as a small plot of land which is to all intents and purposes, part of the estate of the sovereign country which owns it, and outside the laws of the country where it is located. This applies equally to the Egyptian embassy in Israel as it does to the Israeli embassy in Egypt.

    In all cases all countries agree not to interfere in what happens inside it (although of course some do try to plant bugs) and to protect it from attack in peactime. (In war they are evacuated of course). By the same token if a country wants an embassy in say London, then its nationals working there are afforded diplomatic protection and their embassy is protected by local police/military from attack by opponents of the regime of the country concerned. The same rules of protection and non interference then also apply to the corresponding British embassy in the other couuntry. This applies to all embassies everywhere.

  • George

    @Passerby. I’m not attempting to play down anything. Of course Libyans have every right to be angry about a group of nations bombing their country to pieces over many months, and having the gall to claim that they were doing this on ‘humanitarian’ grounds.

    It also seems likely that a poorly made video, which is clearly a deliberate attempt at provocation, has been quickly and carefully disseminated in all the right places to incite rage amongst groups that could easily be provoked in this way.

    All I’m saying is that this particular attack seems to me more likely to have been carried out under the cover of this rage than as a direct result of it. The article I linked to gives some support to this view.

  • nevermind

    We all know Honeyrose, but could you sent a copy to William Hague, he seems that this inviolable right can be disassembled as seen fit.

    Further the use of drones, killer or other, that breach sovereign territory is something you should look into.

  • karel

    This honeyrose, or whatever it might be, behaves like an enemy of the state by suggesting that embassies should be “protected by local police/military from attack by opponents of the regime of the country concerned”. An interesting act of treason, I would say, but only if our honeymelon is British. I will write to W. Hague immediately informing him about this despicable traitor who wants to interfere with his efforts to storm the embassy of Ecuador.

  • Mark Golding - Children of Iraq Association

    (Sir) Salman Rushdie has said in a BBC interview that the threats over ‘satanic verses’ were a precursor to 9/11 and 7/7 and the crap(really?) video was at the centre of the ugly reaction. Was it Mr Rushdie?

    This idiot went on to say that “respect is a code for fear” – what bollocks – who gave this man a Knight Bachelor? Oh yes he was backed by Jack Straw and green lighted by Mr Blair.

    Says it all really!

  • Passerby

    Enjoyed your sensible remarks, but intent was not to accuse you of playing down the situation, but the larger world that is bent on trying to cover up the fact that Muslims have been pushed too far.

    The notion of oppressing one quarter of the Planet’s population is a fantasy born out of indulging too much in exotic substances which are normally deemed illegal. However the famous and former alcoholic and user of exotic substances Bu$h thought he could, and gave it his best shot.

    As we debate twenty countries have witnessed the populations attacking various western interests, and embassies. Fact that has already been mentioned on this thread and elsewhere remains; these people running around and tearing the joint up are not in any way an organised group of any sorts. To organise such an spontaneity of attacks in twenty different countries needs an enormous amount of effort and coordination.

    However, the Western “Media” and politicians are playing down the nature of these up risings and are in haste to explain away the violent backlash in the terms of the; cynical, shallow, pedantic, inactive, and politically inert western audiences. Hence the need for “planning in advance” scenario.

    The Western “democracy” has been so regulated that now none of the respective plebeians would dare to go out and do something spontaneous, such as kicking a rubbish down, lest these to dream of tearing up a joint. This is just not cricket, and the west would like to keep it that way, no emboldening of the plebeians, is the cry..

    Therefore the constant efforts to paint the violent backlash to the promoted racism towards Muslims as acts of organised criminals and gangs of thugs that are using the movie as a pretence. Furteher this line of debate will help to stop brining regulation into place such as Holocaust Laws, and blasphemous laws, to protect Muslims, because Islam is not an officially recognised religion to have any regulations and laws protecting it.

    Can you see the reason for down playing now?


    Mark Golding,

    The papers that were liberated from the embassy have given away the location of safe houses, and collaborators as well as oodles more data. Not the other way around that; safe houses were attacked before the revelations in the secret papers were found. Further downplayed is the parade of the dead ambassadors’ body in the Benghazi streets. None of the “media” are touching on this subject.

    All the while the ziofuckwits who dreamt up the movie, are rapidly pinning the blame on a convicted felon (financial fraudster) and FBI snitch an old retard, and his associates to further inflame the situation in Egypt, and get the Muslims going after the Christians there.

    The point is these were civilians who decide to attack the embassy and not a military or paramilitary group, therefore reciting Vienna convention is whistling Dixie in the wind, because the Libyan government is not capable of defending itself, hence it is incapable of defending any other entity.

    Moreover, given the despotic nature of the rule of sock puppet rulers of the various hotspots, these dare not come out in defence of the western interests and kill the irate demonstrators, their very existence would be forfeited immediately with any actions of this kind.

  • Passerby

    Out of curiosity has anyone ever read that fucking “satanic verses”? I remember watching the book review on the BBC2 (before the blessed internet) late at night, and thinking what an utter shite this guy is drivelling on about?

    To consider Salmon Rushdie as an expert on matters of Muslims is akin to considering the Grand Dragon of the local KKK chapter as an authority on Christianity.

  • Phil

    Arsalan 15 Sep, 2012 – 11:33 am
    “Craig you are not alone in it. Are you going to explain your hypocrisy in deleting what I write that might upset Zionists, but at the same time allowing others to say much worse against Islam and Muslims such as what honeyrose wrote? Or will you delete this post like you deleted what I wrote in response to honeyrose?”

    Arsalan, calm down mate. I cannot disagree with much that you have written on this thread but your anger will get you no where. Ultimately, this is his blog and he can delete what he likes without explanation.

    You may not like everything that Craig Murray is but he does not deserve your abuse. He is a man of great integrity and he is on a journey that most of us cannot imagine. He was an ambassador ffs. Now he uses his wit and experience to challenge what once enriched him. If he doesn’t quite live up to your expectations in all that he does then talk to him about it. But politely.

  • Phil

    Passerby 15 Sep, 2012 – 2:19 pm
    “Out of curiosity has anyone ever read that fucking “satanic verses”? I remember watching the book review on the BBC2 (before the blessed internet) late at night, and thinking what an utter shite this guy is drivelling on about?”

    Don’t let that you haven’t read the book stop you from knowing it is utter shite. That’s right, trust the BBC to tell you what to think.

  • CE

    Well said Salman, an unwarranted demand for respect from religious groups is undoubtedly laced with fear. The fear of their own irrelevance and their desire through fear to enforce their superstitious beliefs on the rest of us.

    This man knows more than most of us about living in fear of extremists.

  • Passerby

    That’s right, trust the BBC to tell you what to think.

    Now then, are you having a dig?

    Reread what I wrote and then go stand in the corner. The book review program on BBC2 in 190donkey used to get the authors come and read from their books, and debate their favourite bits, and inspirations etc.

    Don’t let that you haven’t read the book stop you from knowing it is utter shite.

    I was listening to the tosser who had written the shite. Therefore based on his abysmal performance in more than one way I had made my decision. Fact is I have too much on my plate and have to be parsimonious with allocation of processor power to absolute bilge, there are much more pressing issue to pay attention to in my limited time that I have available.

  • Chris Jones

    Two very relevant quotes – the mainstream media know that their days of playing us like a piano are numbered but are resorting to desperate measures…

    “World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings.” Denis Healey, Baron Healey CH, MBE,
    PC, British Labour politician.

    “There is a power elite funded by central banking that wants to create
    world government. It uses directed history, incidents of pre-meditated
    economic depression, military adventurism and regulatory
    authoritarianism to support this effort”.


  • Ben Fraklin

    “So long as western leaders launch devastating illegal wars on muslim nations with impunity, Muslims aren’t going to like us very much. It is not a difficult argument to grasp.”

    Craig; Islam is not a defensive ideology, it is quite aggressive in it’s desire to convert or kill.
    (Moors in Spain and Sicily) They don’t need to be attacked, or subverted in order to display
    their bloody scimitars. It wouldn’t matter if we occupied their holy lands, or we left them alone.

    What they object to most, is western culture messing up their tidy world of epic woman-hating. Oh, except for their mothers. That’s the dichotomy. Their cognitive dissonance about conflicted emotions around child-bearing, coupled with sexual immaturity in males, perpetuated by the grooming and enabling of the male children by those same mothers, makes them a Freudian nightmare . The emotional cauldron resulting creates a short-fuse for tolerance of opinions not their own. We see such hizzy-fits in children when they don’t get their own way. Imagine a child’s viewpoint in a grown man’s body. That’s what we have here.

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