Blair and Kanye West are Prostitutes 2389


The Tony Blair House Journal (editor Alan Rusbridger) reports on Kanye West’s disgusting private performance for the Kazakh dictator and his family, and takes a sideswipe at David Cameron for visiting that country.

But peculiarly they fail to mention that Tony Blair receives US $4 million a year as a consultant to the worker murdering Kazakh dictator, and that Alistair Campbell and Jonathon Powell as well as Blair visit to give this support – which has included a behind the scenes campaign to help Nazarbaev win the Nobel Peace Prize, fortunately with no result to date.

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2,389 thoughts on “Blair and Kanye West are Prostitutes

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  • Krishnamurky

    OT-To gas 1429 and injure 3600 at night over the space of only one hour, over a wide are (they were presumably all sleeping in their homes), would require a MASSIVE barrage of chemical rockets of the kind Kerry mentioned in his “brilliant” speeches, over less than one hour. And all to be done 15km away from UN Inspectors in their Damascus Hotel. Sorry, not just physically possible, the gas chemical was ALREADY on the ground in the rebel held areas. So, “Utter nonsense” said Putin. But we had propagandist Comical Shlomo (its a semitic rivalry, this competition, who is more ludicrous, Comical Ali of Baghdad fame or Comical Shlomo of Mavi Marmara, IDF to Turkish crew “auschwitz” communication fame) Rifkind spinning otherwise, on the floor of the Commons no less, as JIC Chairman. With a very cunning get out clause (“I was misled”), a secret “telephone intercept” by a friendly intelligence agency that cannot be divulged to the public, that confirmed the YouTube evidence JIC saw (BTW-George Lucas is looking for the video editor who rushed out the YouTube clips in such record time, Putin will probably give a private showing of this evidence which the Russians have, at the G20 Summit – and watch out which leaders have the glum faces then!).

    And it has been interesting then to see Cameron dodge the MP requesting the “intercept” information instead be divulged specifically to security vetted MPs (seeing as Rifkind was unable to divulge to the general public). Really, the devils are all in it together.

  • Mary - for Truth and Justice

    Thanks Sofia. I had a nasty bout of illness in the middle of August (it started on my birthday!) so I gave it a bit of rest here after some of the nonsense in the multiple comment pages on the Belfast thread. I see that it is still open and that Villager has been testing it.

    At the moment, I find it difficult to see or hear the ‘news’ ie propaganda for more war coming out from the corporate media.

    Villager Have you not heard that it is a woman’s right to change her mind? I was fed up with the ‘flaming’ handle anyway and it seemed to inflame you and others. You know the reasons for the change. Get used to it and stop your petty obsessing.

  • Habbabkuk (La vita è bella!)

    @ Mod/Jon

    I notice you think that Mccabee is Tony Roma, which prompts me to ask you whether you ever found out who misappropriated my handle a few days ago? One of the regulars?

  • Komodo

    And you have the gall to call for a measured opinion about the best way to achieve a lasting peace in Palestine! Whatever next, Komodo? A discussion about how best to end the conflict in Syria? You’re on the wrong blog, mate. The comments on this blog say, “Israel and its Western puppets are responsible for all evil, to claim anything less makes you a Zionist shill/Hasbara wanker/troll/paid agent of Israel”.

    Transference. Your chum/clone Rubbaduk has evaded this question for some time. It was originally asked by Doug Scorgie. His inability to provide opinions of his own, backed by anything more convincing than florid English, confirms that he has only one objective here – intentionally to disrupt discussion and to irritate posters. His reluctance to answer one single question regarding his own opinion invalidates any claim he may have to interrogate anyone else, which he tries to do all the time. Interesting to see your mutual defence, though.

    As for your earlier reply, can we agree that the Daily Mail does “very good journalism” only when a particular article can be used to support your warped anti-Western outlook?

    No. I don’t think we can agree on anything, do you? Seriously? Now run along and find a neocon website on which you can be as daringly radical with other peoples’ lives as you like.

  • Sofia Kibo Noh

    @AlcAnon. 1 48am


    “…new proofs of the U.S. intelligence involvement to chemical attack near Damascus…”

    @Daniel Rich. 1 31am

    Yes, ”…the press, through the ages, has been responsible for a lot of disinformation and lies and through its wording/phrasing always tries to implement something more than they’re actually saying.

    I’ll leave it at that, because the list is [unfortunately] endless.”

    The lives, society and home place of millions of Syrians now hang on the ability of a bunch of proven liars to convince the world of yet another false narrative.

    The constant efforts of the corporate media to mold the inner landscape of the millions of people, whose support or acquiessence is required for these latest episodes of Crusading to continue, is well set out in “Newspeak”. In the book the editors of Medialens describe with great clarity the ways the MSM have shaped the perceptions of people in the UK over the last few years.

    There are funny moments when they show the reader the furious responses they have received from editors for their polite, but critical questioning.

    ”… the list is [unfortunately] endless.”

    My long post of 10 59pm yesterday certainly slipped into that territory. This was in response to the accusation of cutting and posting that oozed from Habba regarding the antics of posters here who bother him.

    Staying with the theme of lists, it would be an interesting exercise to list those key-words and phrases implanted in us all through constant repetition which evoke an instant association.

    I’ll kick off with my favourite one…..”Palestinian”

    Take your pick out of,” militant”, “gunman” and “terrorist”.

    I must go. Stuff to be out there.

    Maybe when I return the enforcers will have engaged on the issue of false narratives rather than perceived personal failings. I’m not holding my breath.

  • karel

    Halibabacus (la vita in culo)

    somewhat amazed by your statement “I attach, dear Komodo, as little importance to your view of me as my great-great-grandfather would have attached to the views of his valet on the Schleswig-Holstein question.” Are you certain that you did not get it wrong? From your confused contributions (bad genes, I presume) to this blog make it more likely that your gggfather was a valet rather than he had one. Not knowing how old you are and how quickly your family breed but unless is it on average 14 years per generation, I have some doubts that your gggfather could have lived then or be interested in what you call Schleswig-Holstein question as the state you mentioned did not exist in 19th century. Can you please educate us what the “Schleswig-Holstein question” actually is. We would all love to know.

  • Komodo

    “Nazarbaev, Cuddly Bunny,”

    …by his jailbird-for Jesus friend Jonathan Aitken. Who said:

    If it falls to me to start a fight to cut out the cancer of bent and twisted journalism in our country with the simple sword of truth and the trusty shield of British fair play, so be it. I am ready for the fight. The fight against falsehood and those who peddle it.

    shortly before being proved in open court to be a liar and being charged with perjury.

    With friends like these, eh?

  • NR

    @ Komodo 3 Sep, 2013 – 9:19 am “Mission creep, already:”

    News from Next Year: “My fellow Americans. I’ve dispatched 50,000 advisors to Syria. As promised, there will be no boots on the ground. As Commander in Chief I’ve ordered all troops shod in flip-flops, fashionable Jesus sandals or Birkenstocks.”

    The DM has abandoned their post as propagandist. The gassed children didn’t work; those Napalmed didn’t work; and after a last attempt at starving kids their readers told them to stuff it. All Syria stories are now below-the-fold; on the web page designated by a kangaroo/dog video.

  • John Goss

    The review you read Fred was a banking/government attempt to make valid what is not valid. The bankers own the media, including the NY Times. Watch the film you will see that, despite what the NY Times article suggests, the 16th amendment was never ratified by the Supreme Court and is not part of the US constitution. Only the likes of profits can be constitutionally taxed. Reading an article instead of watching the proof shows the level of shill interest in disruption on this blog rather than the presentation of fact. Also there was a lot more to the documentary than whether US citizens should constitutionally pay tax on their wages. The article was ill-argued.

  • Komodo

    Think the Torygraph’s got it too, Dre, but site is clogged atm. Six (+) missiles, Scuds fired at rebels apparently. Use ’em or lose ’em, no doubt. And maybe CW, since everyone thinks Assad used them anyway.

  • Dreoilin

    Hi John,

    I just caught the end of Tim Marshall on Sky saying that the US ships have to keep active and in practise, so to speak. But he admitted he was guessing.

  • nevermind

    Thanks for the great digging Alc anon, looks like their arguments are crumbling.
    Pictures of attacks faked, chemical weapons supplied by the Saudi’s, now MP’s are asking questions and their card houses are falling.

    Our resident it seems more interested as to who is who on here, hallo Tony Roma, then with providing anything of substance.

    Those baffled by his latest missive on the Schleswig Holstein question, don’t be, he has about as much understanding of that question as a City banker has of ethical trading.

  • Fred

    @John Goss

    The film maker says that the 16th Amendment was never ratified, however every American court which has been asked to rule on the matter say that it was.

    It’s just a matter of which you choose to believe.

  • Dreoilin

    “The trajectory of the missiles is reported to have been from the central part of the Mediterranean Sea towards the eastern landmass.

    “The Syrian embassy in Moscow currently has no information on the incident.

    “Armavir, an early warning system against missile attack, is situated in southern Russia. It is run by the Russian Aerospace Defense Forces. They provide radar coverage of the Middle East. There are two radars there, with one of them facing southwest and the other southeast.”

  • nevermind

    Could these missile come from a submarine? Could it be that Israel has test fired a missile to check whether their German built Dolphin class subs can actually perform the CBM properties promised…..

  • John Goss

    Let’s hope it is no more than sabre-rattling Dreolin but good to know that the Russians are monitoring the situation. They could have decided to go for it since that was the plan in the first place before they were outed as the perpetrators of chemical attacks as an excuse to steal the gas and other resources. We know what it is all about.

    Prepare for a blackout of internet, phones and electric grids. Then wake up to a new world.

  • Dreoilin

    Tweet from RT

    DEVELOPING: NATO is checking reports of missile rockets’ launch in Mediterranean; via @ITARTASS_news

  • Dreoilin

    RT tweets

    BREAKING UPDATE: Missiles detected by Russian radars in Mediterranean landed in sea – source; via @ria_novosti


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