Yes Scotland Meetings 818

Confirmed speaking dates at the moment are
26 August St Andrews
28 August Insch
29 August Dundee
30 August Cupar, Fife

I will post details of times and venues shortly – these are all evening events. I am still open to invitations on dates around these, and indeed any daytime events. Don’t mind dashing all over the place. A number are in the pipeline already. Contact me using the button at top of page.

Have been rather unwell the last couple of days, so please forgive lack of regular posts. BBC Hardtalk interview with Anders Fogh Rasmussen of NATO made me feel much worse. Totally incapable of acknowledging the disasters NATO and NATO members have inflicted on the world since the collapse of the Soviet Union – and the BBC totally incapable of serious questioning on the point.

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818 thoughts on “Yes Scotland Meetings

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  • Mary

    I read the piece and watched the two small videos. There is some violent shouting and throwing of some stock on the floor. Cf that with the destruction of humans and houses, hospitals, mosques and schools in Gaza.

    ??Agent provocateurs active perhaps.

    I note the Mail give space to Gardner of the Community Security Trust to spout more of his anti-semitism scare stuff.

  • Fedup

    Of course those who take all the advantage of our western freedoms to voice their criticisms of everything in the West while at the same time supporting a variety of despots from around the world don’t suffer from that problem in the slightest.

    Does resident cliche, really believe this crap?

    Western freedoms? Is this specimen aware of the total blanket surveillance in the west?

    Is this specimen at all aware of the fact that UK police have become the enforcers for the corporate interests, and are sharing resources with corporates? (Insurance companies interests, are paramount and protection of the public is a secondary and incidental outcome).

    Despots around the world? These are the hand reared thugs and charge hands of the Western Freedom merchants, or has this fact gone unnoticed too, while humming along with the star spangled banner and clattering away on the keyboard?

  • Alan

    Why can’t you be more like David Tennant? I mean, in what way are you being “Indpendent” by living in Margate? You obviously made your real choice about Scotland, the day you crossed the border into England.

  • Mary

    Poor Julian. The gangsters-in-charge have his decline in health on their hands too.

    Julian Assange ‘Could Be Planning To Surrender’
    A two-year stand-off with authorities may be entering its closing stages as the WikiLeaks founder prepares to outline his plans.

    ‘”He’s said to have a heart condition, a chronic lung complaint, bad eyesight, high blood-pressure, all as a result of … two years in the Ecuadorian embassy.”‘

  • guano


    Bullying at school, bullying at home and bullying at work are all officially outlawed, but should the pupil/son/daughter/employee try to resist conformity to stupidity, institutional sanctions are applied.

    I was working for a Muslim company owned by the Sultan of Brunei. We had a diplomatic visit from London and the building was watched by the kind of Muslim police that wander round with guns at airports.

    The CEO had sought help from the spying unit of the local Muslim Brotherhood to directly confirm some shit about me he had received from my Kurdish friend, from MI5/6.

    Conclusion: the police at all levels and the Muslims at all levels collude with eachother in the UK. Schools, mosques, nightclubs, prisons, law courts, airports, corporations are all included in the Prevent thought-crime spying mill.

    2nd conclusion: The Islamic State whose poster boy is Shining Idiot is a USUKIS creation, also closely linked with and informed by Jordanian/Turkish/Syrian/Kurdish/Iraqi/Libyan/Pakistani/Afghani spies maintained as the government’s harem of spies in London.

    The very first psychological experiments with Freud, right up to today’s torture/MK ultra mind control techniques, have ALL involved the use of psychotropic drugs which alter the personality and the change the memory of the victim. The objective being to make people forget who abused them so that they put the blame for their abuse on innocent parties and become abusers themselves of those people they now believe abused them.

    The rendition programme was never about gaining information, only about de-sensitising the moral instincts of the victim. Stuck in a jail or in a hospital, it’s pretty difficult not to drink/be injected with the chemicals they feed you.

    The third degree of abuse, after bullying and chemical straightjacketing, is indoctrination. In spite of Mary’s and John Goss’s denials, as a Muslim living in the Muslim community I am very aware of a very high level of indoctrination by the aforementioned institutions, to the effect that only Takfiri sectarianism is acceptable in Islam, while the Qur’an constantly urges us to patience and moderation.

    Obama, Cameron and Netanyahoo have created a Frankenstein in the Islamic state and populated it with kids from Bradford and Birmingham along with the tough jihadi nuts from the other Muslim countries aforementioned.

    In a world this bad do I think an independent Scotland would make a difference? It might itself become an institution, like Northern Ireland, in which special manipulation is applied. I doubt that it would be being allowed by the establishment if it led to independence from the bullying/mindcontrol. Independent institutions have long been the core of every form of abuse.

    It’s for the Scots to decide. I don’t trust Salmond any more than Cameron. Why? I think cyberspace is the only free country left. When cyberspace is closed, I’ll be heading for the jungle away from the lies.

  • Mary

    That rant over Guano, I have no idea why you are quoting me ref ‘Muslims and Muslim indoctrination’ about which I know nothing. Sorry.

  • guano


    Take back the word rant.

    You have consistently said, along with John Goss, that the psychological bullying of staff at Birmingham schools didn’t take place, but I am bullied constantly as an English Muslim by the same group of people, so I believe that the bullying was real.

    I also know how the Mosques put up a fake show of not being involved in jihadism, while the youngsters openly discuss the jihad in Syria with their maulana teachers and many of them have gone.

    Maybe I was brought up old-fashioned, to respect women. Pakistani women are not respected as my mother was respected in English society. The new generation of Cameron monkeys have gone to Syria and Iraq to assist in shooting innocent practising Muslim men, women and children out of their only homes and to escape to tent cities where criminals take advantage of them.

    They are assisting in rounding up Christian women, mutilating them, separating them from their legal husbands and forcing them to have sex with strangers. This is the type of Islam which for 15 years the jihadi propagandists have tried to persuade me to join.

    My Kurdish friends mother rode out on her own into the nountains to ransom her son who was being tortured in prison. She caught 4 of Saddam’s soldiers who had been sent to ransack the Kurdish cities with her own bare hands and locked them up in a room. Later she released them and years later they returned to thank the family for saving their lives.

    Honourable and chaste Kurdish and Syrian women are being rounded up like pigeons by pakistani druggie nightclubbing BMW driving kids from Benefit Britain.

    Don’t you dare lecture me again on a subject about which you know absolutely nothing.

  • Tony M

    MacStrewth, there must be easier ways to get around than a Green Goddess, fuel consumption must be appalling, single digit, I would guess, bet he envies Jim Sillars in his ‘Message from Margo’ ice-cream van. This is great, moving piece from Brian Cox, on his journeys, including that to Yes for Scotland.

  • Mary

    Calm down Guano. I had already said that I have no knowledge of Muslim intimidation. Some great personal injustice you have experienced must be making you so angry.

    Ref the Birmingham schools, I would not trust anything that this lot in No 10 including the very dangerous Gove, and their servants in Ofsted were alleging. My reaction there was instinctive.

  • passerby

    A fake letter that Gove used to indulge in his anti Islamic fantasies, is now being used as a credible tool to further marginalise and discriminate against the Muslims in this country. All the while our “Muslim in residence” instead of being indignant about it all, instead seems to be fact in agreement with the tabloids.

    Really now; “sexist” because he thought “women are emotionally weaker”, and racist “British people have colonial blood”, talk about a storm in a tea cup!

    There again it is time for yet some more Muslim bashing and hatemongering against Muslims, all is going south with the economy, the operation lets start another war in Iraq is not doing well, and a whole host of other news to do with Assange and his acrimonious interview about the “human rights” track record of the USUK …..

  • guano

    Thank you Mary.

    This lot in No 10 realise that the pakistanis are frankly racist against all other cultures than their own, including Iraqis Kurdish and English. During the Iraq war many Pakistanis told me that the Iraqis were getting punished for being bad Muslims.

    NO 10 realises that they can utilise this deep ignorance in their false jihad, by setting Pakistanis against innocent Muslim men and women and children of different nationalities to themselves, who are worth more than the Pakistanis’ shoes, in their faith and understanding of Islam.

    Cameron is partially right when he says that his false USUKIS Islamic state jihad will threaten the UK. That’s what he and his zionist sponsors have always intended, to make a violent intolerant brand of Islam which no intelligent human being on earth will ever consider joining.

    I repeat my statement that the so-called scholars in the UK are totally wrapped up and complicit in this scam against Islam, by collaborating in the New Labour elections and Prevent programmes. They have no business in collaborating one tiny jot with the manifest enemies of Islam. They are traitors and betrayers of Islam and all but their own sect Deobandi Muslims.

  • guano

    Yes Mary

    The mosques have spied on my private life for 15 years and taken information against me from my MI5/6 enemies.

    They are incapable, in spite of 200 years of being divided and ruled by the British Empire, of understanding that the UK state might be biassed against a UK new Muslim. Their racism and bigotry has no limits.

    I can honestly say that in all the 20 years of being betrayed by my first wife, as boyfriend, husband and ex-husband that I never stooped so low as to consider spying on her. I tried to stay in touch with my children.

    I find Muslim spying completely detestable, and yet it is in their eyes completely normal and natural. Islam says that I can spike out their prurient eyes for looking through my keyhole, let alone exchanging GCHQ spying for a pathetic worldly gain.

    I have put up with their racism for years but now they are being used by USUKIS to attack my Kurdish family. These Deobandi scholars are totally impervious to the sufferings of their fellow Muslims. They only care about their big houses, big cars, big mosques and big status in the eyes of the UK government.

    Most of the Pakistanis stay away from them if they can but unfortunately some of the youngsters who attend the mosques to learn Arabic get influenced by them.

  • Mary

    OK Guano. Still friends I hope. We must stand and stick together against the tide of evil we are seeing on all continents.

    I was just reading about the Blairs. Both milking it from Kazakhstan.

    She via Omnia Strategy and he via Tony Blair Associates.

    How Cherie Blair earns £1,000 an hour from the Kazakh taxpayer
    Cherie Blair’s law firm is working for the Ministry of Justice in Astana, Kazakhstan, while her husband, Tony Blair is an adviser to president Nursultan Nazarbayev

    One of her team at Omnia,!our-team/crfr
    the law outfit she set up, is one Sofia Wellesley aka Alexandrina granddaughter of the Duke of Wellington. Now engaged to James Blunt and one time university contemporary of Kate Middleton.

    See here how Cherie was working for the torturers and the tortured. – 20 May 2013
    in which you can read:
    ‘Documents show that Mrs. Blair has set up a company named Omnia Strategy LLP in October 2011 with the only other director being Alexandrina Wellesley. Known as Sofia Wellesley, “she worked at the Libyan Investment Authority where she project managed a team to start-up the operations of the sovereign wealth fund and to oversee assignments that formulated governance, human resource and asset allocation strategies.” Although, Ms. Wellesley has since been removed as a partner she still maintains a presence with Omnia Strategy in Human Business Development.’

    Staggering. What specimens.

  • guano

    Mootu bi ghadhikum/ die in your anger. These Deobandis scholars are totally impervious to the truth. They think they can swear at me through reciting the Qur’an out of context at me, while in fact god tells them to acknowledge the truth always, even if it is against themselves and their own families. They are a people adoun/completely beyond the pale in their emnity to Allah and Islam and truth.

    If you want to know what is happening in Gaza and Syria and Kurdistan, then know that no-one can hurt the Muslims except the betrayers from inside the Muslims and that the scourging of the War on Terror, the Arab Spring and current War by Terror is entirely the blame of political Islam, the Deobandis, the Muslim Brotherhood, Ahle Hadith and Salafis. May Allah forgive them for repeating the duping of their forefathers by the colonial empires before this one.

  • guano

    Yes Mary, Inshallah. it is only the qiyanat/betrayal by the Muslims and their leaders which enables the Blairs and Camerons and hagues to get a hand-hold against Islam.

  • Arbed

    Mary, 9.16am and 10.44am

    Fear not, Mary – the rumour started by SkyNews that Assange was about to surrender to authorities and leave the embassy is not true. Watch the smile on this video of the full press conference as he confirms he will leave “soon” (at the 11.35-min mark).

    Assange: I will leave Ecuadorian Embassy soon (FULL SPEECH):

    Hilarious watching the vulture press accumulate on the pavement opposite the embassy, not to mention guffawing at all the inaccurate press reports. About 300 non-stories spawned within two hours – haha, I think Julian Assange just trolled the entire Western media. Troll us, Master Troll! 🙂

    By the way, the recent legal changes to UK extradition law Assange referred to in the press conference when he thanked the UK government for making changes to the law to protect him are here:

    They came into effect on 18 July 2014 (two days after the decision of Stockholm District Court to keep the arrest warrant in place) and are clearly relevant to Assange’s situation. They will give the Ecuadorian diplomats a much stronger hand in negotiating safe passage. Interestingly, in yesterday’s Daily Mail interview Assange mentioned that the Parliamentary Select Committee on Extradition Law reform had asked him to submit a report on whether the UK’s extradition system breached fundamental human rights:

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    What do you think the strategy for getting him out might be, Arbed? Is he ‘shamming’ the health condition?

  • OldMark

    ‘He’s said to have a heart condition, a chronic lung complaint, bad eyesight, high blood-pressure, all as a result of … two years in the Ecuadorian embassy.’

    Mary- Ms Hawley, a senior correspondent at the Beeb, in the lunchtime bulletin today, helpfully informed the viewers that for the last 2 years Assange has been in ‘gilded confinement’ at the Embassy- a comment so biased it takes the breath away.

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    He may not be shamming, but it clearly is part of his case for human rights violations, especially since they won’t let him go to the hospital. He might try a sunlamp for vitamin D.

  • passerby

    Boy this has been a busy day, and I have lots and lots of work!

    Amnesty International sends team within US for first time as National Guard deployed

    The highly militarised US police are now turning on the US citizens, and the land of the free has turned into free bullets for all;

    an autopsy found that Michael Brown, an unarmed teenager who was fatally shot by an officer on 9 August, had suffered at six bullet wounds including one in the top of his head.

    A note for the supremacists on this board; top of the head indicates he was on the ground and getting plugged!

    This is the land of the free, that brings Assange interview this morning. Anyone noticed the deliberate obfuscation of BBC in turning up the volume of the wrong feed to drown out Assange as he started to speak?

    Channel hopping away I managed to get some of what he said, from other outlets, although parts of his speech were interrupted by “we now leave”, clearly the corporate vassals were uncomfortable and uncertain about what he had to say. There should be a law so that there is fifteen minutes delay like in QT so that the editors can clean up and make news more “accurate, and unbiased”. Probably in the next her madge speech there will be a law; my government intends to ……… the news ……. wholesome,…… and …… so forth.


    BTW what the heck is “bi ghadhikum” Urdu?

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    This…is not good.

    “An Ebola quarantine centre in Liberia has been looted by a gang who reportedly took bloodstained sheets and forced 17 patients to flee, raising the chances of the virus spreading.

    The attack happened at a unit in the West Point area of Monrovia late on Saturday. Rebecca Wesseh, who witnessed the attack, told the AFP news agency on Sunday that the gang were mostly young men armed with clubs.

    Wesseh said she heard the attackers shouting anti-government slogans and insisting there was “no Ebola” in Liberia. “They broke down the door and looted the place. The patients have all gone,” she said.”

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    Or the 1968 Democratic Convention..

    Chicago’s ‘liberal’ Mayor Daley said his cops weren’t being aggressive enough with demonstrators.

    That same ilk are demonstrating in behalf of Ferguson police, but it is Missouri after all.

  • guano

    Mootu bi ghaythikum = die in your anger in Arabic. They cannot bear their stupidity being criticised. The Pakistanis are the stupidest creatures on God’s earth, so far as their understanding of Islam is concerned. How did they spend 200 years being divided and ruled by the British and still allow the present day UK government to divide and rule them now by giving them priveledges for spying on the Muslims. 100% nutters and self-seeking politicos the scholars of Deobandi Islam.

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