Yes Scotland Meetings 818

Confirmed speaking dates at the moment are
26 August St Andrews
28 August Insch
29 August Dundee
30 August Cupar, Fife

I will post details of times and venues shortly – these are all evening events. I am still open to invitations on dates around these, and indeed any daytime events. Don’t mind dashing all over the place. A number are in the pipeline already. Contact me using the button at top of page.

Have been rather unwell the last couple of days, so please forgive lack of regular posts. BBC Hardtalk interview with Anders Fogh Rasmussen of NATO made me feel much worse. Totally incapable of acknowledging the disasters NATO and NATO members have inflicted on the world since the collapse of the Soviet Union – and the BBC totally incapable of serious questioning on the point.

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818 thoughts on “Yes Scotland Meetings

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  • MJ

    “The patients have all gone”

    Odd remark. I take it they didn’t walk out. Were they not very ill?

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    Carried off or walked on their own, I dunno MJ.

    It’s a region full of superstitions JuJu and white magic. They often refused to allow bodies to be removed by health workers.

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    John McCainkilledAbel and his acolytes.

    “In May 2013, Senator John McCain made his way illegally to near Idleb in Syria via Turkey to meet with leaders of the “armed opposition”. His trip was not made public until his return to Washington. [6]

    This movement was organized by the Syrian Emergency Task Force, which, contrary to its title, is a Zionist Organization led by a Palestinian employee of AIPAC [7]

  • Kempe

    ” By the way, the recent legal changes to UK extradition law Assange referred to in the press conference when he thanked the UK government for making changes to the law to protect him are.. ”

    Hate to burst your bubble but changes to the law are rarely retrospective. Julian’s extradition to Sweden has already been agreed so it’s unlikely these changes will make the slightest difference.

    The thought that the whole thing might be a publicity stunt had occured to me too, after all he hasn’t been in the news for weeks and must be suffering withdrawal symptoms.

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    Kempe; I didn’t use ‘shamming; for no reason. Steven Biko was not allowed to venture out of his home. The Afrikaners in the UK have similar tactics,

  • MJ

    This current strain of Ebula sounds as though it’s different from the one going round a few years ago. Then it was very fast acting and would kill you within a couple days. This one sounds as though it’s got a much longer incubation period, such that patients have the luxury of lying around in hospital. If true, this is not good. It means the virus will spread more widely and more rapidly.

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    2-21 days for incubation with the average of 6-8, during which they show no symptoms but are contagious. It is a different strain, they say. Others have gone airborne. They insist this one is not.

  • Arbed

    Kempe, Ben

    I believe the health problems relating to being in an embassy with no direct sunlight were anticipated from the start and Assange follows a strict medical regime – incl. Vitamin D supplements and sunlamps. There’s no ‘shamming’ to it. Anyone who has watched the videos of his various keynote speeches over the last couple of years will have noticed the cough/lung complaint, however much he tried to disguise it.

    It was my understanding too that when these changes to the UK’s extradition laws were first drafted that, following a debate in parliament, they had added an “Assange clause” stating the changes would not be retrospective for “anyone who had already been extradited but it had not yet been executed”. Applied to a sum total of one persons. Guess who?

    However, that was months ago and I’m not 100% sure whether that clause has remained in the final law, passed a month ago. The optimism today seems odd if it has. Odd too that the Select Committee on Extradition Law reform contacted Assange to request a submission from him on the EAW’s human rights infringements. That does sound very much like the political mood has shifted on the issue of safe passage.

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    “That does sound very much like the political mood has shifted on the issue of safe passage.”

    As you’ll see further down the thread, I used the word shamming rather lightly. Is it true they won’t allow him to go to hospital? His HR case is only aided by such stupidity. If true, the safe passage clause you speak of may have been removed.

  • Mary

    A know all and ex FCO stooge speaks:

    Charles Crawford @CharlesCrawford · 5h
    Have #Assange and #Ecuador decided that his dismal sit-in has to end, so trying to find the best available face-saving exit strategy?

    Charles Crawford @CharlesCrawford · 5h
    More on the legal changes to UK #extradition law (incl European Arrest Warrant) that #Assange may be relying on:

    Charles Crawford @CharlesCrawford · 6h
    Insofar as #Assange is making any sense, he seems to be ready to leave the Embassy to start new legal battles under new #extradition rules

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    We have resident FCO’s. No need to bring more Mary. 🙂

    The same people who call Snowden a narcissist and traitor. Snowden really has capitalized on his actions, hasn’t he? Maybe that’s why they don’t like him. He hasn’t fully exploited his office.

  • guano


    From the link you provided about Sen. John McCain:

    “John McCain is known to have been a prisoner of war in Vietnam for five years, where he was tortured. He was involved in a program designed not to extract information but to instill speech. This was to transform his personality in order that he make statements against his own country. This program, studied based on the Korean experience for the Rand Corporation by Professor Albert D. Biderman, served as the basis for research at Guantánamo and elsewhere by Dr. Martin Seligman [16]. Applied under George W. Bush to more than 80,000 prisoners, it has transformed many of them into real fighters serving Washington. John McCain, who had cracked in Vietnam, therefore understands. He knows how to unscrupulously manipulate jihadists.”

  • Mary

    Bloody (literally) Raytheon of all companies takes £224m of our taxes. Is that £224, + £50m? I say bloody because of the use of their weapons in Gaza.*

    Imagine the size of HMG’s legal fees too.

    18 August 2014
    Dominic Casciani, Home affairs correspondent
    Office ordered to pay £224m to e-Borders firm Related Stories
    Anger at secret e-borders legal bill

    The Home Office has been told to pay £224m to a major US corporation it sacked for failing to deliver a controversial secure borders programme.

    Ministers will pay Raytheon £50m in damages, plus other costs.

    The order to make the payments comes from a binding arbitration tribunal.

    The e-borders programme launched by Labour ministers in 2003 was a £1bn attempt to reform border controls. In 2007 Raytheon won a nine-year contract for the programme.



  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    Guano; I read that. Manchurian Candidate McCain; the broken clock that’s never right.

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    From your link, Mary.

    “McCain’s most horrendous loss occurred in 1967 on the USS Forrestal. Well, not horrendous for him. The starter motor switch on the A4E Skyhawk allowed fuel to pool in the engine. When the aircraft was “wet-started,” an impressive flame would shoot from the tail. It was one of the ways young hot-shots got their jollies. Investigators and survivors took the position that McCain deliberately wet-started to harass the F4 pilot directly behind him. The cook off launched an M34 Zuni rocket that tore through the Skyhawk’s fuel tank, released a thousand pound bomb, and ignited a fire that killed the pilot plus 167 men. Before the tally of dead and dying was complete, the son and grandson of admirals had been transferred to the USS Oriskany.”

    He was reckless then. He’s reckless now, like when his dark humor surfaces…

    “Bomb, bomb, bomb. Bomb, bomb Iran”

  • guano


    Gove is a voodoo totem pole of Thatcherism. i.e. a figment of Baa! Humbug imagination. A piece of undigested cheese.

    The grinding racism of the Muslim India/Pakistani communities in the inner cities of the UK is real.

    I draw a comparison between what is happening here in Birmingham with what is happening in Syria Kurdistan: Very right-wing neo-cons using very pliant self-interested pseudo-Muslims to attack innocent practising Muslim populations and establish new client potentates to replace worn old ones.

    Gove is a Zollywood set piece of media fiction, like the tomatoe ketchupped beheadings of IS. Who’s interested in him?

  • Ben-American Fascist Flechette

    Has anyone heard about this? Sabotage…

    PARIS, Aug 14 (Reuters) – Belgian energy company Electrabel said its Doel 4 nuclear reactor would stay offline at least until the end of this year after major damage to its turbine, with the cause confirmed as sabotage.

    On Tuesday, Electrabel had said the plant would remain offline until Sept. 15 as it carried out repairs and investigated an oil leak that forced its closure on Aug. 5. Its French parent company GDF Suez confirmed the closure was due to sabotage.

  • guano

    Charles Crawford’s response to his public school education was, as intended by the system, to suspend his connection to morality/humanity/legality.

    My own response to the same circumstances was to suspend my connection to the immediate surroundings and connect to morality/humanity/legality.

    The mere mention of his odious name transforms me into a pit bull terrier. I spent twelve years of my life encarcerated with these soul-less criminals. They do not have a moral molecule between them.

  • Mary

    O/T I have just been charged £9.10 for a parcel weighing about 1 kg to the West Country to be signed for.

    Lovely jubbly for the shareholders of the newly privatised ‘Royal’ Mail.

    Here there is a different postman each day who come at different times from midday onwards. They deliver wads of junk mail – pizza companies, Branson’s Virgin media, carpet cleaning – really exciting stuff which goes straight into the recycling. The postmen nearly all have earphones in so you cannot speak to them or ask them anything.

    I dunno. For years we had Bob from the next village. The post used to come through the letter box at 7.30am prompt and he would always pass the time of day and have a joke.

  • nevermind the airl;ift what about Palestine?

    Thanks for the links everyone, @ Mary, yes he has landed the job and he is giving his salary to charity because he already receives lots out of the taxpayers pockets.

    Thanks for that uplifting message Arbed, good to hear you are on the ball, hopefully we can soon see an end to this sexual scam cum fishing expedition by the powers of USUK.

  • nevermind the airl;ift what about Palestine?

    MaCain is a coward for not owing up to his prank that killed so many, but then, its just hearsay and daddy was a big man.
    Just with GWBush, another empire sprig, US money politics that keeps the same dynasties in power, in and out of Government, as senators or as movers in the vast arms industries, hallo Carlyle group etc. etc.

    He is a current supporter of the right sector and Svoboda, Ukraines fascists, sitting pretty next to Petroshenko, the new US/EU stooge of the west. If Erdogans Turkey is a questionable proposition for the EU, then Ukraine most definately is in the same league.

  • Mary

    Bless her. It’s little Maha’s birthday. She lies paralysed in an el-Shifa hospital bed. Her mummy has been killed and her aunts tend her. What a sweet brave child.

    Demez Razak ‏@DemezRazak · 29 mins
    “@LablanchFanny: it’s MAHA’s Birthday ! send gifts ! love ! hope ! joy ! #FreeGaza” AAW..HAPPY #BIRTHDAY MAHA LOVEY

     View photo

  • Republicofscotland

    The trolls’ job is to extenuate the thread of the conversation until it becomes too long to scroll through and follow.

    Feeding the trolls might be fun, but same as monkeys, it’s not a good idea. If the monkeys were with you on your side of the fence, you’d be dead in five. Fortunately they are kept in Hasbara cages in Zoos on blogs, for casual enjoyment on Sunday afternoons of the distant ancestors of the man on the back of the UK ten pound note. The slag on the front is the one you are just about to divorce forever. Don’t worry, she has many other mates, including Mr Abbott of Australia.


    No iron dome, will protect the Hasbra trolls their time will come, but before that it is said the anti-Christ will appear, and be of their blood.

    As for old Queen Lizzie,her days as queen of Scotland are running out, she also has many things to answer for this being one of them.

    I feel sorry for you,muslim countries in the Middle East have been reduced to ashes,and many children have died, I know Sunni and Shia have never seen eye to eye,,and Washington and Westminster have used that division to create anarchy and chaos.

    South of the border,I see religious division being instigated by Westminster, several blogs I’ve read have also implicated some Imam’s as agent provocateurs,all of course to turn public opinion against Islam.

  • Fedup

    Boy god is quick these days;

    Lapid says he would be upset if his son would marry a non-Jew

    Minister of Finance Yair Lapid said on Monday that he would be very upset if his son married a non-Jew against the background of a mixed Jewish-Arab wedding that has ignited debate on the issue.

    He was speaking on Radio Galei Yisrael about the storm surrounding the wedding of an Arab man, Mahmoud Mansour, to a woman, Morel Malka, who converted from Judaism to Islam and the protest that was staged outside the hall where the wedding reception was held Sunday night.

    Then there is the zbc disgusted at the interfaith marriage;

    Interfaith wedding: ‘It’s time the Muslims leave Israel’

    18 August 2014 Last updated at 12:07 BST

    Four far-right Jewish protesters have been arrested at the wedding of a Jewish-born woman who converted to Islam and an Arab Muslim man in Israel.

    Several hundred demonstrators rallied outside the reception hall in Rishon LeZion on Sunday, amid high security.

    The groom, Mahmoud Mansour, had sought a court order to try to stop the protest from taking place but failed.

    Hundreds demonstrate at wedding of Arab man and Jewish-born woman

    A few hundred protesters demonstrated outside the wedding of an Arab man and a Jewish convert to Islam in Rishon Lezion on Sunday night, after a court denied a push to ban the protest hours earlier.

    The couple met five years ago. Mahmoud is a Muslim Arab whose family is from Jaffa and Morel was born Jewish but recently converted to Islam.

    Both the bride and the groom have been subjected to harassment, as has the owner of the Rishon Lezion wedding hall where the couple were scheduled to wed. The bride’s father was opposed to the marriage but could do nothing to persuade his daughter to change her mind.

    A right-wing group plans a demonstration outside the ‘abomination’ of a Muslim marrying a Jewish-born woman.

    A Jewish woman who converted to Islam and her Muslim partner have asked the High Court of Justice to prevent a right-wing protest outside the hall where they plan to marry Sunday night.

    In their petition, the couple is also asking the court to stop members of the anti-Arab organization Lehava from harassing them, including at the reception in the city of Rishon Letzion.

    The organization, whose name is a Hebrew acronym for “preventing assimilation in the Holy Land,” has used Facebook to call on supporters to demonstrate at the banquet hall.

    Israelis incited by intermarriage

    Supporters of the young couple handed out flowers and waved signs reading: “Love conquers all” and “Jew and Muslims refuse to be enemies.”

    “Death to Arabs!” yelled back the protestors who waved giant Israeli flags.

    The “only democracy in the universe”, go figure.

  • Ba'al Zevul (With Gaza)

    A know all and ex FCO stooge speaks:

    Charles Crawford @CharlesCrawford · 5h
    Have #Assange and #Ecuador decided that his dismal sit-in has to end, so trying to find the best available face-saving exit strategy?

    Funny you should mention that, Mary. Recognise the question mark?


  • Mary

    Ba’al I have thought so for some time but cannot understand why he would waste time on here when he has so much money to make from his classes, held at the Guardian’s King’s Place, and from his foreign assignments. Also why the knife into me from 2011>?


    PS Did you see the stuff on Cherie Blair/Omnia Strategy? 1.09pm
    What a pair!

  • guano

    Republicof Scotland

    After several years collating the elite’s paedophile behaviour, Aangifan appears to me to have encountered a serious crisis of faith and taken to slandering the prophet Muhammad SAW.

    Exposing the cruelties of others will never eliminate the pain of abuse upon oneself, although it will keep it at bay for a few years. Indonesia is a male-cuddly country in total contrast to the repression of here. So many UK politicians use sex for power.

    I assume that Aang has now lost it for a while and I will miss reading his treasure trove of web whistleblower stories. The powerful elites have driven millions to madness by denying their wrongdoings. I am not going to visit his site until he takes down these insults against Islam and the prophet SAW.

    May God reward him for all he has done so far in exposing their abuse of power.

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