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3,629 thoughts on “Amnesty International Conference on Torture

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  • Mary

    ‘Thanks for that, Mod(s). Can you please just confirm that “Tony M” appears entirely genuine and give us an indication of when he first posted.

    Thanks in advance.’

    Pure chutzpah. Overly interested in everyone’s provenance on here but we don’t know, and nor we care, who he/she is, where he/she comes from, etc.

    What a bloody cheek.

  • John Goss

    “The former Soviet Union, perhaps? :)”

    Wishful thinking. Try again. The rouble has lost 7% in terms of the dollar since the beginning of the year, whereas the hryvnia:

    “On Tuesday it was trading at 26 hryvnia to the Dollar, while a year ago a greenback bought 8 hryvnia”

    The rouble, as cost of oil per barrel increases again, is set to return to normal, whereas the hryvnia is not backed by any short-term natural resources and not even by gold, as I pointed out in July last year.

  • John Goss

    That’s brilliant Fred, thanks.

    “The most likely scenario is a Buk rocket, but we won’t exclude other scenarios,” said chief prosecutor Westerbeke. “It has been suggested that the plane may have been shot at from the air but we want to definitely exclude that possibility,” he said. “We are making good progress. We hope to find the culprits and I have good faith in that.”

    So you start off with the information that Vladislav Voloshkin shot it out of the sky, with eye-witnesses on the ground, and Russian satellite images, but you “definitely want to exclude that possibility”. Yep. I think we know where the investigation group are coming from.

  • fred

    “That’s brilliant Fred, thanks.”

    Yes, I think we can rest assured that the international, including Russia, team of investigators will do a thorough job and issue a report based on hard evidence.

  • John Goss

    There is some humour at the end of this short video. But it’s not funy. Unfortunately it looks like Poroshenko has no intention of abiding by Ukraine’s obligations under the ceasefire. He is just using the ceasefire to rearm. My worst suspicions against this western-funded monster are sadly to be realised. They have fucked up Ukraine. Prepare for more of the same.


    Tony M has commented under a consistent email from the same IP since Feb 2012, but using various names. This is the first comment with that email/identicon

    This is the first using ‘Tony M’ as the name

    One earlier comment came from the same IP

  • RobG

    Some light relief (sort of) from the Ukraine situation. In my humble opinion ‘Yes Minister’ still holds up as one of the best satires of politicians and government. The following three minute clip is from the first episode of Yes Prime Minister, called ‘The Grand Design’ and first broadcast in the 1980s, in which the hapless Jim Hacker is having a discussion about the nuclear deterrent…

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “‘Thanks for that, Mod(s). Can you please just confirm that “Tony M” appears entirely genuine and give us an indication of when he first posted.

    Thanks in advance.’

    Pure chutzpah. Overly interested in everyone’s provenance on here but we don’t know, and nor we care, who he/she is, where he/she comes from, etc.

    What a bloody cheek.”

    I agree with Mary that it was a bloody cheek for Tony M to suggest that Evgueni was a sock puppet!

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    Thank you for your research, appreciated. It has therefore been established that: that

    1/. Evgueni is not a sock puppet

    2/. “Tony M” has used a variety of handles since February 2012, starting off as “Tom” and presently using “Tony M”. Just to complete the picture, he has apparently not announced his various changes of handle.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Mr Goss

    My comment about the former Soviet Union (11h40) was that it was a seemingly stable state that “imploded for reasons of non-viability or of its own internal contradictions”.

    You’re not denying that, are you?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)

    Mr Goss opines that

    “..Poroshenko has no intention of abiding by Ukraine’s obligations under the ceasefire. He is just using the ceasefire to rearm.”


    This calls for two comments of correction:

    1/. The ceasefire agreement is about a ceasefire. It contains no provisions on future armament or re-armament. Therefore one cannot talk about the legitimate govt of Ukraine “not abiding by the ceasefire”

    2/. Given the illegal, fascist actions of separatist elements in eastern Ukraine, backed up by military assistance in the form of men and matériel from an increasingly belligerent and expansionist Russia, the legitimate govt of Ukraine would be very stupid indeed not to re-arm as a way of preventing any future trouble in, a timely and effective manner.

    Of course, this should be accompanied, ideally, by fast-track NATO membership.

  • Herbie


    You’re saying that the USSR collapsed under its own contradictions.


    Are you arguing that Russia will collapse under its own contradictions?

    If so, what’s your argument.


  • Clark

    Isn’t there a treaty concerning the protection of Ukraine that came into being after the dissolution of the USSR? Isn’t there some promise to keep NATO away from the border of Russia?

    The relationship between NATO and the EU seems a bit odd. There are NATO countries not in the EU, and EU countries not in NATO. There could be conflicts of interest.

  • Herbie


    I think you’ll find it’s NATO which is increasingly belligerent and expansionist.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “You’re saying that the USSR collapsed under its own contradictions.


    Are you arguing that Russia will collapse under its own contradictions?

    If so, what’s your argument.”

    If you re-read my post, Herbie, you will notice that it was about the former Soviet Union. I was arguing that the former Soviet Union looked like a stable state – until it suddenly wasn’t and collapsed (under the weight of its internal contradictions).

    So the answer to your question is no, I was not addressing the question of whether the Russian Federation is a stable state or not.

    But I’d be vaguely interested to hear your views on whether it is (or not).~No obligation though!


    “I think you’ll find it’s NATO which is increasingly belligerent and expansionist.”


    And I think the only fitting answer to the above is the one called the “Mandy Rice-Davies answer” 🙂

  • Herbie

    To be fair.

    We’re all fair and decent and honest, aren’t we.

    Here’s NATO’s argument concerning their expansionist program:

    The question then is, do you accept their argument.

    Do you agree or disagree.

    No need to personalize it.

    The US has of course a technical veto over NATO policy. What’s interesting to look at is how this works out in practice.

    Any signs of disagreement and so on.

    Remember. NATO doesn’t really represent countries as such.

    It’s much more like the military wing of the banking and corporate fraternity. They’re the ones having the spat.

    We peeps can only gaze in awe and wonder.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita è bella)


    “God, I’m weary.”


    That comes out rather clearly from your posts, Rob.

    Try vitamins and clear thinking!

  • fred

    What they teach the children in North Lanarkshire.

    “Another example of separatist terrorism is in Israel. Palestinians who live in Israel believe that it is THEIR land which is being occupied by the Israelis. Wars between Israel and Palestinians over this always ended in their defeat and so they have turned to terrorist methods for over 30 years.”

  • Tony M

    Can habbaduk outline the procedure for ‘announcing’ a change of handle, thanks. Being such an expert on changing nicks, sock-puppeting, a renowned IT guru etc. you’re ideally placed to enlighten us as to the correct procedure. Keep it brief though as your unending nonsensical diversions, inversion of unequivocal realities, projection, stalking, tag-team antics and your disturbing obsession with people’s identity and other foulness consumes more than enough space on the pages here already.

  • John Goss

    I would be very interested to know how many different handles Habbabkuk had during in his ban when he was posting under Red Robbo and some other 10 identities, perhaps from different locations, perhaps not. Thank you kindly.

  • Macky

    @Tony M, just as well you didn’t ask for a check list of Habby’s sock-puppeting history, as that would have been quite a list !

  • RobG

    Habba, we now live in a total sham of a democracy.

    The American Constitution has been ripped to shreds (amongst others, dare I mention Section 1021 of the NDAA).

    The British remain as ‘subjects’ and have never had any kind of written constitution. That aside, the erosion of civil liberties in the UK (in legal terms) over the last decade is totally appalling.

    The British people are not informed about this, and as well as the mass surveilance we now have, it’s now taken as normal that government agents (paid for by tax payers) come on comment threads to try and ‘steer the conversation’.

    Dystopia..? We’re here, now, and most people don’t realise it; or don’t want to realise it.

    What governments fear most are their own people, and not some Muslim bogeyman who’s been conjured up to keep the masses under control.

    Yes, I’m weary, because vermin control is a tiresome process.


    Please stick to one name Tony M. Many sites and blogs make you register, and most of the rest pre-moderate all comments from new name/email combinations. Craig doesn’t want to enforce either of these because they put new commenters off, so please don’t take advantage. If you want to change your name post a comment saying what your new name will be, and say if you are going to change your email because your identicon will change.

    If you want to post information that really is so sensitive that you want it separate from your existing identity please change all of IP, email and name before and after so the site team isn’t placed in a conflict of interest. But please don’t do this unless you really need to.

  • Republicofscotland

    It would appear the mods are very forthcoming, whenever Habb, puts in a request for information.

    We’ll see just how forthcoming the mods are, when others ask for a similar service.

  • Daniel


    I don’t know whether you saw my previous post, but yesterday I went to Kings College in the Strand in the hope of seeing the Finkelestein debate but obviously went to the wrong place. The staff their didn’t have a clue about the event and so I went home thoroughly pissed off. Please can you tell me where the event actually took place so I can get some closure.

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