Sadly, Terrorism Is Easy 472

I wish a speedy recovery, both physically and mentally, to the people stabbed at Leytonstone tube station. It must have been horrifying.

The following comments are in part predicated on a presumption that the media reports of the incident are broadly true. This comes with a serious health warning. At this stage after another tube station incident, we were universally assured that various official “sources” and “eye-witnesses” had affirmed that Jean Charles leapt the barriers and ran through the tunnels, wearing a bulky jacket with wires sticking out. All of those turned out to be absolute lies deliberately spread by the Metropolitan Police and the Home Office.

But assuming this time the account of his shouting about Syria is not lies, what we can see from video is that a single man in a very silly hat, armed with a very small knife indeed, can carry out a vicious terrorist attack with apparently no need for planning at all. Not even planning enough to get a less tiny knife from his kitchen.

Because, sadly terrorism is easy. As I stated recently, if I were crazed enough to want to kill somebody tomorrow, and did not care how I did it, who I killed or if I died myself, I could kill a few people without too much effort or planning. That is why the continual propaganda about “seven foiled ISIS terrorist plots” or “4,000 active Islamic terrorists in the UK” is quite simply untrue. If all those terrorists existed, they would not be so entirely unproductive. What the authorities do catch continually are fantasists, often children, boasting and “plotting” online about being terrorists. That is quite a different thing. It is worth noting that nobody has been charged over any of these seven foiled ISIS plots. Strange that, isn’t it?

As for the man in the silly hat, I fear he is mentally unstable. That is no comfort to his victims. The truth is, of course, that it is always the little people who get hurt. None of the 1% who foment, promote and profit from war have ever set foot in Leytonstone Tube Station. But their agenda is forwarded today. By its continual acts of violence and repression, the neo-con state eventually goads a mentally unstable person into a nasty, vicious and pointless act. They then use that act to justify more wars and repression.

For the security and armaments industry it is a very profitable cycle.

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472 thoughts on “Sadly, Terrorism Is Easy

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  • Ishmael

    BTW Anon1, you said I should not support lenins Tomb for an arguably thoughtless/careless comment made by Richard.

    Assuming that’s true…How about supporting people who will kill innocent people ?

  • Mary

    William Blum The Anti Empire Report #141
    6 December 2015

    Questions to ask President Obama the next time (also the last time) you’re invited to one of his press conferences:

    Which is most important to you – destroying ISIS, overthrowing Syrian president Assad, or scoring points against Russia?

    Do you think that if you pointed out to the American people that Assad has done much more to aid and rescue Christians in the Middle East conflicts than any other area leader that this would lessen the hostility the United States public and media feel toward him? Or do you share the view of the State Department spokesperson who declared in September that “The Assad regime frankly is the root of all evil”?

    Why does the United States maintain crippling financial sanctions and a ban on military aid to Syria, Cuba, Iran and other countries but not to Saudi Arabia?

    What does Saudi Arabia have to do to lose its strong American support? Increase its torture, beheadings, amputations, whippings, stonings, punishment for blasphemy and apostasy, or forced marriages and other oppression of women and girls? Increase its financial support for ISIS and other jihadist groups? Confess to its role in 9-11? Attack Israel?


  • Alcyone

    Mary, have the Leaders in Palestine denounced Saudi Arabia for its stonings and whippings?

  • Robert Crawford

    Pan, I don’t think you quite get it.

    If you think it is good it is good. If you think it is bad then it is bad.

    You create what you are thinking about. Like starting a business or volunteering or going to the pictures.
    If you keep focusing on the same thing you will create it. Keep your eye on the target and block out everything else and you will hit it.

    Positive thinking is better than negative thinking, is it not?

    If you cut yourself shaving in the morning and let it get you down your day will spiral downwards. Or, anything else that gets you down, if you take possession of it.

    Take possession of something good and life will be better!

    If you go about complaining all the time your life will be miserable.

    Put a smile on your coupon and people will smile back.

    Growl will get you what?

  • Ishmael


    How many leaders in Palestine actually resit Israel? Says more about leaders it seems.

    I’m assuming that our own fight ‘against terrorism’ does not include any changed relations with Saudi Arabia, our arms trade etc, and that tells us all we need to know about reality.

    They could do significant things without killing any innocent people. As if that isn’t significant itself.

    And as for holding Israel’s hand. None of it helps does it.

  • Phil

    I’m not sure what your point was about people not being charged after being arrested for terrorism offences. Are you saying we shouldn’t arrest people just because they’re probably fantasising?

    Anyway I think we need to be careful what we call a terrorist attack, a bloke with a knife is just a bloke with a knife. It not only scares people but it gives these tossers recognition. Just call them a mental prick or even better, don’t report it at all.

  • YouKnowMyName

    An ex-merkin spook lecturing electronic warfare engineers said this – just after saying that foreign policy is too important to leave to presidents. . .

    The U.S. must adapt to an ever-changing world, Hayden said, and pointed to the Islamic State group as an example of that change. America is prepared to deal with nations and national governments, but less certain how to deal with movements of people and ideological groups that don’t care about a country’s boundaries, he said.
    “Let me give you the punchline here: Iraq doesn’t exist. Syria doesn’t exist. And they ain’t coming back. They’re gone,” Hayden said.

    Mission accomplished?

    According to:

  • David Halpin FRCS

    Anon 1 9.03. I take it you have not looked at the image in the Daily Mail? A ‘terrorist’ lying on the road, much blood and HANDCUFFS. And read the 700 Get it? Germany 1938 came to aur closest ally some years ago. Night of the long knives, invasions of Polands on pretexts – you know WMDs, Ghaddafi bombing rebels in Benghazi,
    ‘Butcher’ Assad but not butcher Cameron – just c. 50,000 civilians killed in that country and Site in particular. Cameron and pals serving the plans of Oded Yinon 1982 in their intention of destroying Syria.
    The Brook of the Nile to the Euphrates Anon?

    Jean Charles – an innocent victim. 7 hollow point bullets in his head as he sat on the tube. NO HEAD.
    Corrupt inquiry.

    Kelly corrupt inquiry. NO inquest.

    Do read Milton Mayer. In fact the spiral into blackness is occurring quicker than it was in Germany.

    The DM published a piece 4-12-15 re Daish horrific executions

    I commented :-

    I have examined 2 previous videos which I am told are distributed from the US. Foley’s execution was one. The other involved drowning 4 men in a cage, RPG into a car with 4 men in it, and decapitation of about 8 men with a long ‘fuse’. Re the car – freezing the frame at 14 seconds, showed on the nearside, empty sleeves hitched up to the grips above the doors.
    I concluded that these terrible scenes were very sick illusions

    Not published – I seldom try. Free press Anon. Just print the visceral stuff. Feed the Armageddon – Megiddo.

  • Laguerre

    Mary 10.08. It’s only the first round of voting. In the second round (next Sunday) everybody votes tactically, to keep out a danger. You remember when Le Pen père got into the second round of voting in 2002 against Chirac. Everybody ganged up against Le Pen, and he didn’t stand a chance. Mind you, Le Pen père was a real fascist; his daughter is a lot more sensible.

  • Mary

    Heil Cameron indeed. Close down opposition. What does that remind you of?

    David Cameron moves to bypass House of Lords
    December 6, 2015 8:42 pm

    David Cameron has been secretly drawing up a plan to bypass an increasingly hostile anti-Tory majority in the House of Lords, which is threatening to wreak havoc with his legislative plans.

    The UK prime minister will use the recent bust-up with the Lords on tax-credit reform as a chance to neuter the powers of the upper house.

    Lord Strathclyde, the Tory grandee charged by Mr Cameron with reviewing the role of peers, is set to propose this month that the Lords should lose its veto over delegated or “secondary” legislation, such as the measure implementing tax-credit cuts.

    Once that veto is removed, Mr Cameron is expected to step up his government’s increasing use of delegated legislation — also known as statutory instruments — to ram contentious measures through the upper house.

    “We are being told to use statutory instruments wherever possible to get legislation through,” said one Conservative aide. Statutory instruments receive less parliamentary time and scrutiny than full bills.

    Mr Cameron is worried that conventional bills are facing sabotage in the Lords, where the Tories have 251 seats out of a total of 822. Labour and the Liberal Democrats combined have 324.

    According to senior Tories, the Lords have inflicted defeats on the government on 30 per cent of occasions over the past 15 years; since the election that has risen to 70 per cent.

    Mr Cameron is set to overturn another Lords decision — to allow 16- and 17-year-olds to vote in the forthcoming EU referendum — in the House of Commons on Tuesday. Last month, peers defied the government by amending the EU Referendum Bill to extend the vote, going against Conservative party policy.


  • Mary

    Thank you Laguerre. I hope you are right.

    I am waiting to hear what Obomber has to say about terrorism tonight. Mind you he’s a fine example of an enthusiast for state terrorism?

  • BrianFujisan

    Fk Sake.. a Lone Lost soul with a wee penkife… What would be the outcome of a Focused person – With some REAL intent – and a REAL Blade.. like a concealed Tanto ( and a real one at that )

    Strange how – as Craig says ONE man can kill Potentially Many innocents.. But a Millions people cant prevent war.

    Ishmael…. Good to see ya back.

    Tony O…. Squonk Got Back to you..Next Door

  • John Spencer-Davis

    Robert Crawford
    06/12/2015 9:44pm

    You are summarising the basic idea of cognitive therapy (usually referred to now as cognitive-behavioural therapy or CBT), which is that your moods originate with what you think about. Change the thoughts, and you change the moods.

    “The philosophic origins of RET [the original CBT] go back to the Stoic philosophers, including Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius. Epictetus wrote in The Enchiridion, ‘Men are disturbed not by things, but by the view which they take of them.'”

    Dr David Burns, author of Feeling Good:

    “The first principle of cognitive therapy is that all your moods are created by your “cognitions”, or thoughts. A cognition refers to the way you look at things – your perceptions, mental attitudes, and beliefs. It includes the way you interpret things – what you say about something or someone to yourself. You feel the way you do right now because of the thoughts you are thinking at this moment.”

    (Remarkable that this online text is available from the Islamic Online University! So much for the notion that Islam is closed to new ideas.)

    This must be taken with a strong pinch of salt, I think. It takes no account of brain physiology, for example, and it was largely developed by people with first world problems. Try telling a starving Ethiopian peasant that all he needs to do is think positively about his starvation and he will be all right. But there is, nonetheless, a good deal to it, in my opinion.

    Kind regards,


  • Tony_0pmoc

    All these professional marketing is their jobs to promote what you want. You are Paying Them…What do you want?? Left Right – Up Down…we couldn’t give a fuck about your views, the colour of the skin, your politics, religion or atheism..

    O.K. – They get the gist….

    Can you do this…

    We looked at The Americans as if they were Insane

    No – You do That One Yourselves….

    We will pull our contract between New York and London.

    You are already Fired Mate.

    We have already transferred your International Business To The UK

    It is Local and It is Here…

    It is now Under BRITISH Control.

    Bye USA


  • Robert Crawford

    John Spencer-Davis.

    What I am saying is focusing on the bad things only produces more of the same.

    We talk about fighting a war on drugs and fighting everything we don’t like instead of concentrating on PEACE, LOVE, HAPPINESS, ABUNDANCE and most important is good health.

    I am not talking about curing depression. However, thinking about things that put you under stress causes the brain to trigger the production of chemicals in the body that makes us ill. The most common is Cortisol the stress hormone. Joyful thoughts makes us feel great.

    Coincidence, while I was typing the last post an American lady was talking on BBC 5 Live about her son who was killed in a terrorist attack in America. She said !loving thoughts were much more beneficial than hateful thoughts”. ( laughter is the best medicine).

    When I was in hospital recently one of the surgeons asked me about how much pain I had. Only when I laugh it hurts. “Don’t laugh then”, he said. Fool!

    Words create feelings and feelings produce the desired effect. Words are weapons for good or ill.

    Try it another way. Visualize what you want and stick to it. This will help you to achieve it.
    Visualize everyone living in peace, harmony, abundance, health. If we constantly talk about war, death and destruction, that is what you will continue to get!

    We can’t see the good for talking about the bad.

  • Robert Crawford

    P.S. How are you anyway? I often wonder.

    That amount of reading material will keep me going all day to-morrow.

  • John Goss

    David Halpin, thank you for a reasoned comment.

    Unfortunately we are in some kind of end-game at the moment. Syria (and Turkey) are at the crux of it. It may fizzle out (like the Bay of Pigs) or it may develop into something uncontrollable. Cameron is a dickhead of the first order. They teach this nonsense at public school. Now we have kowtowed to the Yanks thanks to a Tory-Tory parliament and since Turkey downed a Russian bomber shortly before, we may all become victims of this madness. Take a different look at Cameron’s wonderful record.

  • Robert Crawford

    I have read and watched so much bad stuff on Craig’s blog recently which is distracting me from my own problems that need my total concentration to put in order.

    I need to stop reading and watching these informative links, good as they are, they wreck my concentration.

    I have to fast forward my wish list to fulfill me, then I can help others. If I am not fulfilled I am not much help to others.

    I have had a rude awakening, I am not indestructible after all. At 71 I have had a reality check. There is not a lot of time left to do all the things on my list. And that is not me being negative because of the removal of the cancerous kidney. It is because I am 71. My father died at 91. Twenty years is not a long time. Where did the 71 go?

  • John Goss

    “Mind you, Le Pen père was a real fascist; his daughter is a lot more sensible.”

    For some reason genes tend to skip generations. My ex-partner’s father was a musician. She was wonderful in so many ways. She was devoid of musical talent or interest. My stepdaughter has at least grade 6 in both piano and flute.

    Tony Benn had been able to shrug off the Anthony Wedgewood-Benn label, his unfortunate accident of being born into wealth all because he had principles. His son, who as Craig has mentioned he dearly loved, (who doesn’t?) has reverted back to type. But I think, and sincerely hope, it will backfire on him.

  • John Goss

    Robert Crawford. I’m trying to achieve a few things before the end. I am making progress. Hope you do too. I understand what you mean. Good wishes. asdaffer

  • Robert Crawford

    John Goss, thanks, you’ll make it alright.

    I should be in bed.

    Good night, and visualize a better world.

  • giyane

    Within a few months of becoming PM in 2010, Cameron went to see Erdogan. Now that we know for certain , thanks to Russia, that Islamic State has been a scam for stealing oil through Turkey, will the Prime Minister resign , as Erdogan has promised if the accusations against him prove to be correct?

    There are several fictions going on here.

    1/ That the Middle Eastern borders, ownership of land and rights to live in a country where you have always lived can be scrapped, paving the way for colonisation by outsiders.

    2/ That there is no connection between Saudi Arabia and the US, starting with 9/11, which has led to the consecutive destruction of Muslim countries. Takfirism is apartheid, whether it is Israeli takfirism against non-Jews, Saudi takfirism against opponents of political Islam, or White takfirism of Blacks.

    USUKIS have assimilated Eastern Europe, Russia and China into their culture of capitalism. They have no place in the universe for anybody who follows anything else.

    My takfiri friends, when accused of selling out to the colonialists, merely reply by asking if you are not interested in money yourself. In Capitalism there is no other value than what makes money. Saudi makes money – good, included. Tribal farmers growing food -bad, expendable.

    3/ The capitalists, which is the monoculture of money-making to the nihilist exclusion of all other human values, would have us believe that only their ideas exist. this is deeply incorrect. As the election of Jeremy Corbyn proves, even in this country principles are extremely popular. This is progressively truer as you travel east. China and Japan are extreme examples of cultures in non-economic principles dominate, such as respect for elders and family,

    in conclusion, the ideas that have caused so much terror and bloodshed in my lifetime are shared by an extremely narrow group of individuals across the globe. they are trying to force the vast majority of human souls to change, and to enslave themselves to being used and dominated by the tiny minority.

    Na be/ Not going to happen, in Kurdish.

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