If you would like to listen to some evil Russian propaganda, here is my new interview on Sputnik News.
The BBC World Service was founded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and funded by them directly for six decades, until a cosmetic change last year. Its specific purpose is to spread British values and the British view of the world abroad. It specifically, on its dozens of different national services, gives an opportunity to dissident voices who cannot get on their mainstream media. The Americans spend hundreds of millions annually on outfits like RFE/RL to do the same. Yet when the Russians do precisely the same thing on a much smaller scale, for example by enabling you to listen to me, this is portrayed as evil propaganda.
Fortunately we have the Henry Jackson Society to defend you from it. The Henry Jackson Society, supported by Liam Fox, Jim Murphy and pretty well every other right wing enthusiast you can name, is of course a great believer in free markets. And its sense of the market has detected that its old product of a constant stream of Islamophobia is becoming dated, and currently buyers want Russophobia. Whatever your phobia, the Henry Jackson Society will have some to sell you, so here we have their new Manual of Russophobia.

Written by Dr Andrew Foxall, Director of the Henry Jackson Society’s so-called Centre for Russian Studies, has by brilliant research exposed the fact that Jeremy Corbyn, Seumas Milne, Tommy Sheridan and Colin Fox have all appeared on Russia Today television. And that a tiny group of left wingers I have never heard of once met in a pub with some Russian nationalists from the Ukraine. Funniest of all is the contention that CND is funded by the Russians.
Given that the Henry Jackson Society is, and always has been, financed by CIA money laundered through American New World Order supporting private foundations, this is rather amusing. This pathetically thin hate manual is now on the desk of every Conservative and New Labour Progress Group MP.
It is of course no coincidence that the overt security service operations operate in close co-ordination with the supposedly covert ones. The same day that the Henry Jackson Society paper was released, the head of MI5 gave an interview to the Guardian about the Russian threat. The Russians are not just coming, they are here! You can’t see them because they are inside your laptop, where the Russian government apparently want to steal all your secrets. Our security services don’t like the competition. That is their job.
Apparently the Russians are out to steal Britain’s industrial secrets, like how the Nissan Qasghqai is built or how the Chinese and French build Hinkley Point. I hope they don’t get the blueprints of the new Dyson. Andrew Parker has of course to work hard as MI5 to find a new enemy. While he has yet again repeated the ludicrous claim that there are 3,000 Islamic terrorists in the UK, he must realise people will query the low productivity of these terrorists when it comes to killing anybody.
Russophobia has of course peaked in the US with Clinton’s claims that it is Russia which is revealing her gross corruption and all her opponents are servants of Russia. She wants to face down Russia in Syria, in order to give it to the Islamic terrorists of whom Andrew Parker worries we have 3,000 in the UK. Clinton’s claims of Russian involvement in hacking her entourage are totally unfounded, hence the lack of evidence. I am however surprised there have been no serious attempts to fabricate some.
Who benefits from this ratcheting up of anti-Russian rhetoric to hotter than cold war levels? Why the armaments and security industries, of course. Expect more donations to politicians and their foundations, and more pesky corruption investigations to be dropped by prosecuting authorities.
The truth is that Russia is not our enemy. There is no chance that Russia will attack the UK or US. It has never happened and it never will. Nor is it remotely likely that Russia will attack any EU member state. The only thing that can make such a contingency even a 0.1% possibility, is the continuing gross anti-Russian rhetoric and propaganda and continued forward stationing of NATO assets. History from WWI to the Gulf shows that military build-up can in itself cause conflict.
The danger to the world is us.
Good comment as always. But it’s Jim Murphy, not Doug Murphy, if you refer to the extreme rightwing New Labour ex MP, slung out of office by the people.
Thanks Dave – yes Doug Murphy is an old mate from university, to whom I should now apologise!!
Your piece made me laugh out loud Craig! The only blueprints mi5 should be worried about is the out of date anti-Russian propaganda the neo-cons have dusted for this new inept Cold War they’ve started. I’m seriously wondering is group dementia has set into the upper echelons of George Town
What did Marx say? Tragedy repeated as farce?
The thing is right wing labour PLP members (and a few ex-ones) are so damned thick that they’d probably believe every word of the HJS nonsense, at least the Tories know it’s bullshit.
“Fundilly Mundilly Jim”, recognised as a Red Tory, was thrown out by the people of Scotland.
And, more specifically, the people of East Renfrewshire I am proud to say. And if you know anything about East Renfrewshire (or Eastwood as it was once known) you’ll know just what a struggle that has been.
“The BBC World Service is funded directly by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. ”
No it isn’t.
“The World Service is funded by the United Kingdom’s television licence fee, limited advertising[5] and the profits of BBC Worldwide Ltd.[6] The World Service was funded for decades by grant-in-aid through the Foreign and Commonwealth Office of the British Government[7] until 1 April 2014.[8]”
Ok the BBC World service was funded for 70 years by the FCO until a recent cosmetic change.
The BBC World Service was founded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and funded by them directly for six decades, until a cosmetic change last year. Its specific purpose is to spread British values and the British view of the world abroad. It specifically, on its dozens of different national services, gives an opportunity to dissident voices who cannot get on their mainstream media. The Americans spend hundreds of millions annually on outfits like RFE/RL to do the same. Yet when the Russians do precisely the same thing on a much smaller scale, for example by enabling you to listen to me, this is portrayed as evil propaganda.
See, this is why the world needs facepalm emojis. Thank you internet!
Sorry Martin, maybe the sun is getting to me. Please clarify your foggy remark.
The question isn’t who pays for the broadcast, but what they’re getting in return.
Very cohesive interview with good amount of ground covered in 25 minutes. The interviewer was excellent too and very well prepared and on-point.
I hope others will listen to the interview before vomiting here. And Americans, please comment here in English. Enjoyed it bigly! Actually that’s something I’ve learnt from Trump and am not mocking him for that. Actually that’s not what I am alluding to so much here either. But there are many, other than Americans, like our nevermind who struggle, seriously carrying weight, to make a point directly without resorting to cliches and foggy metaphors.
The content of Human Consciousness is very murky indeed. That is part of the ‘What Is’ and the what is, is Sacred. Please figure something out, if you want outward social transformation and not just a change of the players, with patterns repeating themselves ENDLESSLY. We are in fact living in insanity. Never mind as Leonard Cohen said ‘Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.
Poor, poor, Americans; first, and then the rest of us. One reason, I’d rather see Trump, is just in the hope that he will first try to sort America’s own huge problems first: violence, inner-cities, the drugs industry, healthcare, social services, employment, manufacturing, it’s broken democracy. And leave the rest of the World alone.
I should still like to buy Made in the U.S.A. though I don’t knock China for a second. It’s democracy, another chapter for another day.
“Apparently the Russians are out to steal Britain’s industrial secrets…”
Two obvious responses, off the top of my head as I read your article:
“Russian reactor running on weapons-grade plutonium from warheads named ‘top plant’ by US magazine”
“Why the U.S. Needs Russian Rocket Engines to Spy on Russia”
I’d also like to ask what is the British equivalent of the Su-33 or the Kalibr cruise missile or the Armata tank or the RS-28 Sarmat, that the Russians should be so desperate to steal our “secrets”?
I’d also like to ask what is the British equivalent of the Su-33 or the Kalibr cruise missile or the Armata tank or the RS-28 Sarmat, that the Russians should be so desperate to steal our “secrets”?
To assist them in developing the next generation of highly exportable arms, of course. Common sense. Here’s a more blatant example of the principle than usual, though from China.
The classified stuff was probably exported via Israel, incidentally. Another one not to trust.
You have completely ignored the point of my comment, which is that the Russian weapon systems are far more advanced than their British equivalents (if indeed there are any, which there aren’t for the Sarmat and the Kalibr).
How do you propose that the Russians “developing the next generation of highly exportable arms” by stealing the secrets of British weapons which are vastly inferior to what the Russians already have? Your comment seems to be exactly in the tradition of the Western MSM, in that it completely ignores facts that do not fit in with the politically correct narrative.
If the Chinese did copy the F-35 (which I do not admit), isn’t it hilarious that their “Chinese copies” work so much better than the genuine original thing?
I think it is.
You haven’t been asked to plug Sikunder on RT, have you, by any chance? Only joking, perhaps.
Two quick ones. If Russia is allowed to forward base its weapons, eg on the borders of Ukraine, and now the Baltics, then I think NATO has every right to forward base its weapons in any NATO country. Fair’s fair.
While the Henry Jackson society represents neanderthals and arms salesmen everywhere, Russian investment in, and proliferation of west-facing media – especially social media and the blogosphere – has been spectacular over the last decade. In 2003, about the only web forum expressing a pro-Russia line was the laughable Pravda English forum, run by an expat Brit who trod the thin line between toleration and no pay from the Kremlin. Pravda is now de trop, and technologists run the game. Now virtually any dissident (from the West) outlet is parroting the RT/Sputnik/Saker line: Veterans Today, globalresearch.ca, you name it. It’s a remarkable achievement by Russia, and if the USSR had been as effective at subversion I might be writing this in Cyrillic shortly before burning my codepad and perforce fleeing the country.
It may not be about invasion, except in countries to which Stalin relocated enough Russians to pretend a Russian heritage existed. But it’s definitely about control of resources and markets. We have enough trouble controlling what’s left of our economy. We don’t need them as well. I shall be voting against your motion.
Vote how you want, couldn’t give a fuck. But do you have any original thoughts we might listen to before voting?
“Are you attempting to ingratiate yourself with me too?”
Why on earth would anyone want to do that? Personally, I just wish you would go away.
Perfect. A not-out-of-character-response. I wanted to show you up for what you are.
As K, if he’s relevant to this…well perhaps his teachings are since they’re rooted in facts, I just Observe. You are anything but pretty. And thanks for your great counsel; I am not without awareness. In return, you, my friend, have some serious work to do. That is, if you are serious.
Alcyone, you are a very rude person. Your tone agressive and your manner poor. Instead of behaving in a boastful manner, why don’t you for once attempt to present your argument without either brandishing insults or goading other commenters.
What I am is what I am, and I reserve the right to respond in kind to blatant trolling, devoid of relevant content and entirely personal in nature. Thank you for admitting that it was pure provocation on your part. Now to you, as you like to be the centre of any attention going. A little bird (a kingphisher, perhaps) tells me that behind your bogus spirituality, and transparent attempts to engage posters here (dramatically abandoned when they suss out what a fraud you in fact are), you probably have an agenda, which is best ascertained by looking at the views you are trying to shut down. This would, if it were so, be entirely of a piece with known Russian – and, indeed Israeli, too – activity on message boards. You’re a fraud. You’ve been spotted. And you really don’t like that, do you?
LOL. Here’s my ‘spirituality’: Observe, Observe, Observe. Choiceless Awareness. And you keep digging. One needs a sense of humour to live in this World. Leave the windows open–it might still seek you out. Even if you are serious, which you don’t seem to be.
Russian, Israeli…..!? I’ve been in Space I looked hard, I didn’t see any lines down there. It’s funny Earth hangs in Space, we don’t REALise that. You’ve converted me into being a student of The Lizard Brain. Fuck Spirituality and Fuck Krishnamurti.
O to be reborn on an Indian Summers Day!
Accurate and fair comment.
It is unusual for you to make silly arguments. But this one is very silly, for reasons so obvious that I won’t insult us by rehearsing them:
“If Russia is allowed to forward base its weapons, eg on the borders of Ukraine, and now the Baltics, then I think NATO has every right to forward base its weapons in any NATO country. Fair’s fair…”
As to the power of Russian propaganda, it is not unrelated to the fact that it is not, like imperialist propaganda, based upon poorly disguised fictions designed to justify aggression. Russia is in a defensive posture, seeking only to salvage some security from the wreckage of the USSR.
That, rather than any inherent virtue is the reason why RT and Sputnik provide much more reliable information than the US monopolies, the BBC and the Hasbara Guardian.
Craig made these points, in my view, in his original post.
“It is unusual for you to make silly arguments. But this one is very silly, for reasons so obvious that I won’t insult us by rehearsing them:
“If Russia is allowed to forward base its weapons, eg on the borders of Ukraine, and now the Baltics, then I think NATO has every right to forward base its weapons in any NATO country. Fair’s fair…”
The reasons are not obvious to me (and probably not to some others) so I should be most grateful if you would be kind enough to rehearse them for us.
Thank you in advance.
” If Russia is allowed to forward base its weapons, eg on the borders of Ukraine, and now the Baltics, then I think NATO has every right to forward base its weapons in any NATO country.”
I absolutely agree – as would anyone who is not a West-hater and Russian shill.
“It may not be about invasion, except in countries to which Stalin relocated enough Russians to pretend a Russian heritage existed”
Exactly, as in some of the Baltic Republics which regained their independence after the fall of the Evil Empire (aka the USSR).
Clever tactics by mass murderer Uncle Joe: invade, deport the local intelligentsia and agents of the state and then import native Russians. It’s almost as if the Old Devil (aka Uncle Joe) felt deep down the the Evil Empire would one day crumble….
I note, en passant, that Craig writes thus:
” Nor is it remotely likely that Russia will attack any EU member state”
but fails to mention a couple of neighbouring non-EU states…….
Enlighten us then. Presumably they invaded at the request of Diane Abbott…
No, I don’t think so – Mrs Abbott was too busy getting her son into his private fee-paying school to have time to make such requests 🙂
However, whether she approved of the Russian actions or not is something you’d probably know more about than I do.
“I hope they don’t get the blueprints of the new Dyson”.
The Russians would never be so stupid as to waste money on something that is not only useless, but actively harmful.
“Using a Dyson hand dryer is like setting off a viral bomb in a bathroom”
“While he has yet again repeated the ludicrous claim that there are 3,000 Islamic terrorists in the UK, he must realise people will query the low productivity of these terrorists when it comes to killing anybody.”
We’ve been through this before, Craig. The fact that there haven’t been any terrorist attacks (thought there have been numerous plots) in recent years is precisely because our security services are doing such a good job in preventing them.
Things haven’t been going so well in France, have they? Or in any other of the numerous countries in which fanatical Islamic terrorists have been bombing, blowing themselves up and murdering thousands every year.
Anon 1 : “We’ve been here before”
With a heigh ho and a heigh nonny no!
The only terrorists who actually set off terror are owned by the security services. The French still think they can control the population by fear, and so does NATO’s Erdogan. The Brits realise that terror will affect the ruling classes, who have more to lose, more than the people. Wherever there is peace in the world is where by definition the real, state terrorists themselves dwell.
You have just explained, among a literal infinity of other unlikely things, why no one has seen any of the nest of vicious, toxic, telepathic 22-tentacled spiders from Titan who have infested London recently.
Thank God for our valiant, resourceful security forces!
On a more serious note, do learn about Occam’s Razor and try applying it once in a while.
A rather silly and childish attempt at an argument, Welsh.
As you are aware, over the last few years France has experienced multiple, extremely serious attacks by Islamic extremists, including (in case you need reminding), the mowing down of 84 pedestrians in Nice by a truck-driving jihadist, the slaughter of 89 party-goers in Paris by Muslim fanatics wielding automatic weapons, the execution of 12 journalists over an ‘offensive’ drawing of Muhammed, and the brutal murder of an elederly Catholic priest who had his throat cut in front of his congregation while the jihadist perpetrators filmed the event.
Now, you will have noticed that there have not been any Islamic terrorist attacks in France for some months. Do you think that is because there is no terrorist threat in France? And if you don’t think that, what makes you believe the situation faced in Britain is any different to that in France?
@ Anon1 November 2, 2016 at 13:24
‘A rather silly and childish attempt at an argument, Welsh.
As you are aware, over the last few years France has experienced multiple, extremely serious attacks by Islamic extremists, including (in case you need reminding), the mowing down of 84 pedestrians in Nice by a truck-driving jihadist, the slaughter of 89 party-goers in Paris by Muslim fanatics wielding automatic weapons, the execution of 12 journalists over an ‘offensive’ drawing of Muhammed, and the brutal murder of an elederly Catholic priest who had his throat cut in front of his congregation while the jihadist perpetrators filmed the event…..’
It would be more accurate to write ‘… France has allegedly experienced multiple, extremely serious attacks by Islamic extremists’….
The figure of 3000 appears to be totally arbitrary, simply plucked from the air by the PR department. That is the beauty of Secret Services- their lies are not subjected to critical analysis. Which is why most of us have learned not to trust anything that they say, especially when it is spoon fed to the newspaper formerly known as The Manchester Guardian, formerly famous for Neville Cardus and other professional predecessors of Jonathan Freedland and Polly Toynbee.
“That is the beauty of Secret Services- their lies are not subjected to critical analysis.”
If what the secret services do is not subjected to critical analysis, how do you know that what they say is “lies”?
You forgot to mention many of them were from former French colonies like Algeria and Tunisia.
Don’t forget the 43 terrorist plots I foiled last year too.
Algeria Tunisia and Morocco being right next to Libya, which was intentionally destabilised by using mostly foreign militias rather similar to AQ / ISIS in fact sometimes the same people …
And France of course having sizeable populations of people of such origins. As does Belgium since, well, you know – Francophones.
France is bordering the Med, as are those North African countries.
And to add more irony (or whatever) Libya was destabilised partly in an effort to avert Qadafi using his gold backed Dinar to replace the Central African Franc (CFA franc) to help the African countries gain a little more independence.
Weapons from the broken Libya and some of the militias made it into the general AQ-al Nusra / ISIS pool in Syria / Iraq.
Britain does not have anything comparable in its immigrant population. If you disagree then I suggest you make it to Vitrolles in Marseille and check it out.
The African countries using the CFA have no wish to cease using it and break away for the simple reason that the exchange rate to the French franc (and now to the euro) was and is guaranteed – and subsidised – by the French Republic.
I should add that that guaranteed and subsidised link ensures that the CFA is readily convertible with a modest spread – unlike the “independent” currencies of a goodly number of other African countries.
Try exchanging the Gambian dalasi in Guinee Conakry – or vice versa.
I second Anon’s comments.
The recent announcements that the numbers and budgets of the security services will be increased substantially is very reassuring and should make the good citizens of the UK even safer.
That comment was brought to you by Security Services Inc.
You know it makes sense.
It’s a bit dramatic to say you are denied a voice on the MSM, isn’t it? I have read you in the Mail and the Guardian and seen you on the BBC and Sky.
So Russia are entirely blameless here, Craig? What an utterly ridiculous comparison with the BBC, I don’t think the UK government goes around murdering journalists they don’t like.
Anyone appearing on RT should take along hard look at themselves and their moral compass. Look at it’s repellant behaviour in relation to MH 17. I realise for some of the self loathing useful idiots in here no sin will matter as long as Putin is sticking it to the ‘West’ but at least try to be honest with yourself.
“So Russia are entirely blameless here, Craig? What an utterly ridiculous comparison with the BBC, I don’t think the UK government goes around murdering journalists they don’t like”.
I wouldn’t be so sure of that if I were you. On the other hand, I would be astonished if Mr Putin had had a hand in the murder of anyone – it’s obviously not his style. If you have any actual avidence to support your claim that he has done so, I would be glad to hear it. (Citing 10,000 media articles, none of which themselves contain any evidence, does not count; nor, of course, does the claim of any government officials that they have “a mountain of evidence” but can’t publish any of it because of national security).
“Anyone appearing on RT should take along hard look at themselves and their moral compass”.
Anyone jabbering about “moral compasses” is making it obvious that they have no morality. The metaphor is a ridiculous one: morality is not so simple. And decent, honest people don’t make a big issue out of their honesty. They just behave decently.
“Look at it’s [sic] repellant behaviour in relation to MH 17”.
I appreciate that you really ant to support the US government and its allies, no matter how horrible their actions or how transparent their lies. But your comment assumes that the Russians had anything to do with MH17, which is extremely unlikely. Vanishingly unlikely, in fact. Any unbiased person can immediately see that the destruction of MH17 could only harm the Russians and the inhabitants of Donbass (as it was designed to), and that it is exactly the kind of thing the slimy Kiev regime and the CIA simply love to do. Moreover, the physical evidence is completely inconclusive – again, I am sure, by design. Someone’s behaviour in relation to MH17 was certainly repellent, but it wasn’t the Russians or the Novorossians.
” I would be astonished if Mr Putin had had a hand in the murder of anyone – it’s obviously not his style.”
😆 Truly amazing.
Yes, that is about the calibre of reply I was expecting. You cite no facts, no evidence; instead you merely suggest that I am crazy. “Poisoning the Well 101”.
Please let me know when you can provide any concrete, believable evidence that mr Putin has ever been involved in anyone’s murder. And, I repeat, it doesn’t matter how many newspaper headlines you have read saying he has.
You mean other than the murder of Alexander Litvinenko?
Or the shooting down of MH-17?
Putin had nothing to do with the death of Litvinenko, or the shooting down of MH17. Those are both instances of energetic mud-slinging, backed by exactly no hard evidence.
The Livinenko Inquiry far exceeded its terms of reference, and its report was littered with “probably” and “likely” – hardly conclusive evidence. If you really want to get a preliminary understanding of the matter, try reading this for a start: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/feb/05/litvinenko-report-get-it-wrong-putin
As for MH17, even the heavily biased and fact-allergic official reports have never suggested any responsibility on the part of the Russian state, let alone Mr Putin.
Try harder. And remember that the Dear Leader of the world’s preeminent, exceptional, indispensable nation and Fount of Democracy and Liberty makes weekly lists of people who are to be murdered without trial, arrest, charge, or any legal process at all. WEEKLY.
Yes, you’re obviously trolling or crazy with ridiculous statements such as that. “believable evidence” 😆
Godspeed, comrade.
Yeah, we seem to have entered the world of fact-free Putin worship. I’ll leave you to it.
What is wrong with you people? Why are alleged Russian crimes of such interest?
What do you propose doing about them. Why not look at some of your own crimes and realize that you did precisely nothing whatsoever about them,
So Russia is alleged to have shot down a civilian airliner. Wherever could they have got that idea from?
Russia is alleged to have liquidated political opponents. Oh look
Russia does not like inconvenient journalists. Why, what can this mean
or this
What kind of person is prepared to totally ignore their own crimes – crimes about which they have the power to do something whilst obsessively focusing on the alleged crimes of others about which there is nothing whatsoever they can do.
@Loony: I can’t speak for others, but personally I’m fascinated by this chorus of commenters who seem hell-bent on taking the word of a homicidal dictator over anything they read in the Western press, or hear from Western politicians. Doing something about it is not the point, trying to find out why people treat Putin’s words as if he was the Lamb God is.
You are on the verge of answering your own question.
Putin may be many things, but one of the things he is not is a “homicidal dictator”
People tend not to believe the western press or western politicians because both are proven liars, who have demonstrably lied about substantially everything for a very long time – think Iraq weapons of mass destruction. Ask also how you believe Putin to be a “homicidal dictator” Do you have personal experience of Putin or have you reached your conclusion based on things you have read?
The communications emanating from the Russian state are often far more honest than similar communications emanating from any western state. This may explain why certain people place value on Russian origin information.
No-one is suggesting that Russia does not commit state sanctioned crimes – but these crimes are many orders of magnitude lower than those committed by the US and its vassals.
If you do not like the fact that people rely on Russian information then surely the thing to do is seek to make western origin information more honest and more reliable. This probably means forcing those who habitually lie for a living to acknowledge their own lies and to apologize for them.
It means enforcing the rule of law and giving true meaning to the adage that the ladder of law has not top and no bottom. Thus those who have committed prima facia criminal acts should be properly investigated and where appropriate charged – people like Tony Blair for example.
The more you allow your own society to rot away from the inside the more attractive Russia will appear. So, if you don’t like Russia then the answer is very simple: Cleanse your own house of the putrid rotting mounds of fraud, lies and corruption.
Putin may be many things, but one of the things he is not is a “homicidal dictator”
If you say so.
No mate. What I say is not important.
What is important is what the dictionary says.
Homicidal means “capable of or tending toward murder” Therefore for Putin to be homicidal there needs to be evidence that he has murdered someone. Not that the state of which he is President has murdered people (because substantially every state kills people) but that personally has murdered or threatened to murder someone.
Do you have evidence that Putin has murdered or threatened to murder anyone?
Dictator means “a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained control by force” We know that Putin did not come to power through force, and anyone with a passing knowledge of Russian politics knows that Putin does not have total control.
According to Professor Cohen (an acknowledged world expert on Russian politics) there are many in Russia who consider Putin to accommodating and too conciliatory toward the west. Putin needs to deal with powerful Russian nationalists who advocate a much more aggressive stance toward western warmongers,
It is rather alarming to note that in your thirst for war, death and destruction you also found it necessary to declare war on the dictionary..
“Please let me know when you can provide any concrete, believable evidence that mr Putin has ever been involved in anyone’s murder”
Of course, no one is suggesting that President Putin slunk out of his residence one dark night and personally murdered anyone (eg, his political enemy Mr Nemstov).
Actually, that comment brings to mind what Hitler admirers like “real historian” David Irving used to claim about Hitler and the Holocaust – ie, that there was no cocnrete, believable evidence that Hitler ever ordered the extermination of European Jewry. Indeed, I believe Mr Irving offered (perhaps he still does) a monetary prize for anyone who could come up woth such evidence.
Good to see that Mr Irving’s way of thinking has his followers on this blog.
@ Tom Welsh November 2, 2016 at 13:33
Regarding your Guardian link:
Six reasons you can’t take the Litvinenko report seriously:
Part of this article mentions Scaramella, who Litvinenko initially accused of poisoning him.:
‘…6. Dubious reasoning
The role of Mario Scaramella, an Italian sometimes described as an academic, presented a dilemma for the inquiry. At first Litvinenko publically accused Scaramella of poisoning him to stop him disclosing information about Russia’s culpability in Politkovskaya’s death. But the story seems to have changed after Berezovsky visited Litvinenko in hospital, after which his people began saying that Litvinenko had blamed Putin….’
BOMBSHELL VIDEO: Vital Litvinenko Murder Clues Unearthed by Amateur Sherlock Fans: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/feb/05/litvinenko-report-get-it-wrong-putin
Interesting, because Scaramella is also claimed as a ‘possible’ viisitor to a bar frequented by Litvinenko, and which Litvinenko had visited maybe a week before he became ill, and police forensic agents found a number of traces of Plutonium 210 there.
That information has never been publicised – wonder why?
The video also shows Lugavoi, the Russian officially blamed for the poisoning, undergoing a polygraph test by a British expert, which showed Lugavoi was telling the truth when questioned about the Litvinenko killing.
And that another British expert who says far from Russia being the only source of Plutonium 210, it is easily manufactured, and widely used around the world, especially in the textile industry.
And another source: in Russian…
Nobody is more mysterious than Mario Scaramella, the self-styled Italian “professor” who lunched with the Russian defector on the day he was poisoned.
It was at the Itsu sushi bar in Piccadilly, where the two men met at 3pm on 1 November, that the highest levels of polonium-210 radiation have been found. Mr Scaramella says he only drank water, while Mr Litvinenko had miso soup and sushi. Traces of the radioactive substance have also been found in the Millennium Hotel in Grosvenor Square, where the defector had tea with Russian associates, including a former colleague in the FSB, the successor service to the KGB, later in the afternoon.
And Mr Scaramella himself has now tested positive for the deadly isotope, and is being treated at University College Hospital, where Mr Litvinenko died. Mr Scaramella is not said to be in danger, but somehow or other he came into contact with the substance.’
I agree – that comment was beyond belief.
Would you happen to know what’s happened of late re the Nemtsov murder?
” Any unbiased person can immediately see that the destruction of MH17 could only harm the Russians ”
Which is why they’ve gone to such great lengths to try and cover it up and point the finger elsewhere.
Unlike conspiracy la-la land in the real world events don’t always happen to a carefully constructed plan.
The Ukrainian SBU seized air traffic control records immediately after the MH17 tragedy. They have not been seen since. You must surely be aware that ATC records are critical in credible air accident investigations. Do details such as this not raise a red flag for you? How about the fact that John Kerry claimed a couple of days after the event that the US had recorded data showing the launch site of the missile that brought the aircraft down? This is another critical fact that has been shoved down the memory hole and never referred to again. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/SBU_siezes_Ukraine_ATC_tapes
If these tapes really disappeared how is it that a transcript of them featured in the Preliminary Report?
@ Kempe November 2, 2016 at 14:25
” Any unbiased person can immediately see that the destruction of MH17 could only harm the Russians ”
Which is why they’ve gone to such great lengths to try and cover it up and point the finger elsewhere.
Unlike conspiracy la-la land in the real world events don’t always happen to a carefully constructed plan.’
Methinks it is the MSM junkies who lap up the government and MSM ‘narratives’ who are in la-la land:
53 Admitted False Flag Attacks:
‘Not Theory … Admitted Fact…’
So there may have been a few false flag incidents in the past. Where’s your evidence that this was another one?
Craig, in your book you mentioned UK foreign policy changes that have thrown diplomats like yourself into unfamiliar and unhappy missions which you entered on side and on board the previous policies.
The inverse of this Russophobia is a Western love-affair with political Islam, i.e. jihadists philosophy whether it be Saudi , Muslim Brotherhood, and even Sufi, Naqshabandi groups where these are locally prominent.
I entered Islam 20 years -ish ago very anti Western foreign policy, which I expressed directly to a friend in the FCO, to which he replied that the pen was mightier than the sword. But taking up my pen and looking into the web for information about the Muslim sufferings in my lifetime I find that it is as you often remind us the Great Game against Russia which has recruited my friends from political Islam into the service of rather than opposition to the oppressor, neo=imperialist Western Powers.
At one stage it might have been possible to recruit political Islam against Russia on the grounds of Communism’s theoretical atheism. But from what we know now the destruction of Grozny which was terrible was merely Russia for want of a better term refusing to be attacked by the West inside its own sphere of influence. Syria is just a continuation of that theme.
However much the Western spokes-suits complain about Russia, what I see with my heart is that the West and Russia and even Saudi Arabia seem to want to draw the poison ( which they have themselves created through imposing dictators on the Muslims ) of jihad out of Islam by themselves creating terror institutions, herding the angry into the pens and droning them and bombing the members to destruction.
There is a valid jihad to be made against the neo-imperialists of any nation or group of nations, because of their use of violence and deception to achieve very narrow political goals. Do the imperialists really think that the humans of the world are in need of their assistance? No, they want global resources and they are prepared to kill for them, especially if they can get the Muslims to kill other Muslims with the promise of what Allah calls a miserable reward.
All the time that political Islam has been wasting time working for Western Imperialism, I and most other Muslims have been waiting for the jihad to start AGAINST the Imperialists, but the leaders of Islam, like the FCO with you, have decided to go in the opposite direction, even though they are much better qualified than us to know the historical failures of political alliance with the enemies of Islam and the Qur’anic prohibition of doing it.
I therefore see Russophobia not as a false trail for the Western public who can easily see that Russia is defending the Muslims and the rest of the world against Western policy insanity, but as a false trail for the Muslims. our world will not improve by Capitalism or Communism. It will improve by our species adopting Creatorism the worship of the Creator, which is an activity to which you and many other Westerners may be philosophically opposed.
By the same token I will never accept your philosophy of Scottish Nationalism, because the answer never lies in the more dividing and ruling, it always lies in the unity created by our common humanity as creatures of God.
I thought the quote was ‘in a world of men entirely great…’
Aye, of course other nations would never attempt industrial espionage. 🙄
Anyone would be hard pressed to steal Britain’s industrial secrets – what industry? It’s been devastated by design.
“Gentlemen, he said
I don’t need your organization, I’ve shined your shoes
I’ve moved your mountains and marked your cards
But Eden is burning, either brace yourself for elimination
Or else your hearts must have the courage for the changing of the guards
Peace will come
With tranquillity and splendor on the wheels of fire
But will bring us no reward when her false idols fall
And cruel death surrenders with its pale ghost retreating
Between the King and the Queen of Swords”
Now that is original. Pure perception by Bob Dylan.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMOwFgKZACY (ok, not brilliant version. so brilliant that even finds it difficult to reproduce? spotify infinitely better.)
In the interview I noticed that Craig admitted that the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq had “messed them up” or some such pleasant euphemism. He didn’t even mention Libya.
I don’t want to come across as being hysterical, or – worse still – “not one of us”. But isn’t deliberately killing 3 million civilians, destroying the entire civilian infrastructure of whole nations, and quite intentionally creating chaos and anarchy where terrorist warlords rule and fight one another continually, perhaps rather more than “messing up”? Even if you’re British…
I think you’re sort of flattering Britain by exaggerating the role we played in Iraq.
A book out today written by a former British diplomat paints a different picture.
Well he would say that wouldn’t he? But what’s in it for you trolling for Jeremy Greenstock Fred?
He’s published his memoirs and pottering in his walled garden like all the other war criminals.
BTW I’m still waiting for my FOADYFC retard rewards.
Oh that’s just a bit of friendly banter part of the cut and thrust of lively debate.
I would never say that to someone I consider actually has got mental health issues.
Ha Ha. Oh dear Fred. My mental health issues are quite good. But my ability to cope with the whoppers of Western political lying are seriously deficient. I have many coping methods which are despicable. I buy clapped out Vauxhall Astras and repair them as distraction therapy. I mentally transpose my anguish at being betrayed and by the scholars of Islam into the relative safety of imagining I have been betrayed by females. I cope with threats of racist violence by looking at different races engaging in over-friendly porn.
In short John MacCain’s attempts to change Islam into an intolerant, violent and life-threatening insanity do affect my mind sometimes. but then I remember that he is just one of many human satans in Western polity, and I come back to my senses again.
And you Fred, how do you cope with so many lies being told us by our supposed betters and leaders so very much of the time?
As they always say, if someone was flourishing under Hitler, would they be considered sane?
“Ha Ha. Oh dear Fred. My mental health issues are quite good.”
Well you would say that wouldn’t you?
I read somewhere that many people with mental health issues are totally unaware that they have those issues. Indeed, if asked, they would deny it emphatically. I am obviously not referring to our friend Giyane.
It is no excuse, nor even extenuation, that British forces killed only a relatively small number of Iraqis and did not destroy any major cities. Ever hear of “joint enterprise”? That is the British legal principle that says, in the event of a crime that leads to murder, all participants are equally guilty even though only one of them fired the gun. If a nation joins in the cowardly and beastly lynching of a weaker nation, it is just a guilty of the consequences as the main aggressor.
As for Sir Jeremy Greenstock’s book, I would advise everyone to read it carefully: the text, and what is written between the lines also. I heard Sir Jeremy interviewed on the Today Programme this morning, and his remarks were a revelation. First, he was not allowed to publish until 13 years had elapsed. Second, he admitted that there are still things he could not say because “they belong to the government”. (Funny, I thought it was our government and worked for us).
Sir Jeremy stated that the UK government had exerted no significant influence on the US government, except in trivial matters. He specifically said that the UK had no influence on money, military matters, or the oil industry (except in the small area of southern Iraq which was allotted, rather like a sandpit, to keep them amused).
Interestingly, he ended by saying – rather enthusiastically – that he thought a lot of the trouble in the world today was caused by national borders being too rigid. His very last sentence was about how Russia [sic] had broken into 15 pieces in 1991. Hmmmm.
Well yes but to hear some on here you’d thing Britain instigated and fought the Iraq war almost single handed with just a little help from America.
I heard Sir Jeremy Greenstock on the Today Program as well. Let’s face it, if you can’t trust an ex British ambassador who can you trust?
“Let’s face it, if you can’t trust an ex British ambassador who can you trust?”
You’ve certainly got me there!
Without Blair’s poodling the US could not have invaded Iraq. It’s called standing up for your principles or being a man. Instead of being placed on mind-changing drugs and lolling around like the vicar’s poodle with your little pink fluffy erection. If he’d stuck to being a musician he might have been considered the greatest talent of all times…
“Let’s face it, if you can’t trust an ex British ambassador who can you trust?”
I know several ex-ambassadors I wouldn’t trust an inch. They’re not all like Craig. I had one about three weeks ago who seemed to be actively evading the law. These people don’t seem to feel the need to obey the law, they’re so used to diplomatic status. That’s only for little people.
It’s a bloody shame (sic) that Greenstock didn’t realise all that when he was shilling for Blair at the UN, and afterwards in Iraq, then. Or the probable consequences for our own national interest he was inviting.
Why should we engage our brains with our mess? We Brits pay other folk to wipe the toilet bowls of our bowel excretions. We live in the best of all possible worlds in the best of all possible systems. What’s it to us Brits what we do to the rest of the world? Do you do irony , madam?
Another bulls-eye, Craig. And let’s not forget the heroic operation to free Mosul from the grip of “militants” (with no civilian casualties?) and the dastardly operation to attack brave “rebels” (including those who beheaded 12-year-old Abdullah Issa) in Aleppo.
It’s also worth noting that the corporate media state that civilians are being used as human shields in Mosul. Presumably, civilians have chosen to stay with the heart-eaters and head-choppers in Aleppo ! Of course they haven’t, but the corporate media see that as a minor wrinkle in the NATO narrative and choose to ignore it, as they do with all inconvenient facts.
Because the two operations are concurrent, the double standards of Aleppo/Mosul are obvious for all to see, unless that person has had their neocortex surgically altered.
surgically , or by other means
Here is an interesting article, in which some apparently disinterested people deconstruct a piece by Thomas Friedman. Freidman’s goal, of course, is to throw as much mud as he can lift, in the hope that some of it will stick. When you have read his statements, and the rebuttals following in line, I think you will be impressed by the sheer volume and degree of dishonesty revealed.
Murphy—probably my favourite moment of GE night was when he lost his seat. He truly is disgusting.
Henry Jackson Society–financed by CIA. Do you have any evidence for this? You may be right but a reference would not go amiss.
A new world order/Illuminati numerological event? Or a load of old bollox, I dunno but I’ve got £20 a point on this, so fingers x ‘ed..
If Donald Trump Wins, He Will Be 70 Years, 7 Months And 7 Days Old On His First Full Day In Office
Donald Trump was born on June 14th, 1946. If you move ahead 70 years from that date, that brings you to June 14th, 2016. Moving forward another 7 months brings you to January 14th, 2017, and moving forward another 7 days brings you to January 21st, 2017.
And if Donald Trump wins the election, January 21st will be his first full day in office.
Of course Trump would be inaugurated on January 20th, but he would only be president for part of that day.
So that means that Donald Trump would be 70 years, 7 months and 7 days old on his first full day as president of the United States.
And this would happen during year 5777 on the Hebrew calendar.
What year would that be in the Muslim and Buddhist calendars?
Let’s not discriminate between religions, eh? 🙂
Oooh! I believe that! You’ve given me my week’s lottery lucky numbers. Thanks Fredi. Cool.
He might be in Sweden on the 21st to pick up his Nobel Peace Prize on his way into the office.
If you get me his precise time and place of birth, ditto for Hillary, I shall ask my Vedic Astrologer friend who will win 8 November.
Thanks Craig, excellent stuff.
Your commenters don’t seem to notice you buried the lede, Craig.
USA, the West or is it the UK?
I’m toying with the idea that this year’s US election, like the London Lord Mayor’s Show is based on a theme.
The theme being feminism and ancient goddess worship, represented by Clinton versus male God worship and patriarchy represented by Trump. The pageant’s theme is purely theatrical and subliminal.
It is designed to distract us, like neo-Classical architecture, from moral issues. The West is using proxy terrorists who are nominally Muslim to invade and take over the Middle East.
Russia is morally outraged at the deception, not least because it is famous for its own deception, the deception of Communism by which an elite commandeered land, as in the UK enclosures, on the pretext that it would be better run under that system.
After that gross deception, Communism can never reclaim the moral high ground. Many of the jihadists who are fighting the Syrian Muslims to steal their land for their US masters started their careers on the Communist model of land acquisition before being convinced of the jihadist model of land acquisition, invented by the UK’s Muslim Brotherhood which makes takfeer of other Muslims.
The trick for Western politicians is to accentuate the dishonesty of the communist deception while playing down the dishonesty of the false Islamic jihadist deception. I’m surprised so many intelligent people in the West are taken in by our politicians’ crude sloganism. There again the Germans were taken in by Hitler’s nationalism.
Why have we not learnt in the West not to put ourselves in the position we put ourselves in over slavery to be eternally ashamed of our cruelty and greed. We have just made, in the last 5 years under David Cameron, over 25 million people homeless in Libya Iraq and Syria.
Maybe we thought we could carry on living with our shame…
So it is claimed that all of Clinton opponents are either servants of Russia or members of the “Putin’s useful idiots” brigade.
Not according to Steve Pieczenik
Steve would appear to offer vindication to the observation of Churchill that “Americans will always do the right thing – after exhausting all the alternatives”
LOL, nice one!
I’m just hoping that one day they will exhaust themselves, and stay at home.
Super Kool piece Craig cheers
And a Short but Sweet retort from Maria Zakharova,
“I told the Guardian that I would like to ask the MI-5 chief… a clarifying question: ‘Does he also see the hand of the Kremlin in the appointment of Boris Johnson as head of the Foreign Office?’”
I have a friend of similar appearance to Boris, with blonde hair, who has worked for years in a Russian petroleum company. The narrowly escaped being raped by Russian airport security guards.
Are you saying you fancy Boris? No reply required.
Apparently the Marc Rich Pardon by Bill Clinton is back in the news. New email dump.
Interesting. Do they know he did it at Israel’s request?
Pardon me…
Craig; I left MI5 off the list of “us” possibles intentionally for safety sake.
Elect Trump or face a Rebel Yell…
No US sources yet…will…talk…about it.
Obama and Clinton Know Putin Didn’t Do It.. The lies.
Here from the ‘Putin Did It!’ Survival Guide…
Unlike the previous groups, I almost pity these people. These are the people who were brought up to believe ‘the west is the best’. In the west the newspapers tell the truth and in other places they are full of lies. Western politicians are honourable men and women who go into public service to enhance the lives of their countrymen. In the west there is free speech and everywhere else there isn’t. In the west, everyone is honest.
These people are confounded to lean that western powers are as bad or worse than the faraway places they’ve grown up thinking are vastly underdeveloped and backward vis-à-vis the west. These people still believe the myth even though the age of Wikileaks, new media like The Duran and RT, social media and an inter-connected world, has made such beliefs increasingly difficult to maintain.
For them, the clichés about ‘truth justice and the American (or French, or British, or Swedish or Dutch) way’ must be clung onto because it makes them feel safe in the world and absolves them of any guilt for voting for war criminals and con-artists.
She really does deserve her own category. Seneca once said, “Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful”. This quote goes a long way in explaining the modus-operandi of Hillary Clinton. She will say anything to anyone in order to gain some sort of electoral, economic or general political advantage.
I truly believe that Hillary Clinton knows that Putin did NOT do it. But she has found a way to simultaneously exploit stupid liberals, wicked racists, old Cold Warriors and true believers. It was only after Trump and Putin said some vaguely positive things about one another that Hillary Clinton began blaming Putin for all of her own ills and beyond her, those of the wider world.
This demonstrates that the ‘Putin did it’ line is a child of opportunism rather than ideology. Had Trump and the leaders of China said vaguely positive things about each other ‘China did it’ could have easily been her go-to mantra.
I wonder how many of the commenters actually listened to Craig talking to John Wight on Sputnik News before they started their slanging matches. It made excellent listening.
Q Are John Wight on Sputnik News and John Wight on Morning Star one and the same?
[Shrug] The internet is a big place. I don’t have to voluntarily expose myself to Russian propaganda in order to prove that I have an open mind. Filtering is the only way to get around to actually reading/doing/etc. anything.
Martin, so Craig’s interview is ‘Russian Propaganda’? I’m afraid you’ve exceeded even yourself. Sometimes, I do get a ‘feeling’ that you’re perhaps trying too hard. I hope you won’t take it personally, I’m a student of The Mind, that is all. I wonder if The Mods here can understand that for context when they come ripping out with their scissors. Oh, I know I’m not alone.
And to supplement that context, I am constantly re-minded what a pitiable little Type Zero Global Civilisation we are.
I have afeeling if we got rid of NATO altogether, we’d be a step closer towards Type One. Of it’s own, before I’m pounced upon, of course nearly not enough, but a sure and positive step nonetheless.
In the vox pop at the start of the Sputnik programme, I find it depressing how many seemingly intelligent people buy into the ‘national security’ rollocks.
I shall resist going into one, yet again, about MI5, MI6 et al, and calling for the prosecution of the people who work for these (tax payer funded) outfits.
Russian-American author and blogger Dmitry Orlov who believes that the same signs of economic and social decline and decay he saw in the Soviet Union prior to the USSR’s collapse have also been visible in the USA (he has written a couple of books on that topic) has a recent blog post, Flotsam on a Fetid Tide , commenting on the current fiasco playing out in US politics:
More at: http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2016/11/flotsam-on-fetid-tide.html
Mr Orlov (who he, by the way?) may believe he lives in a dying culture but he certainly lives in a country which doing anything but dying in a physical (ie population) sense.
Mr Orlov originates from a country whose population if falling (owing essentially to life expectancy dropping) but lives in a country whose population is inceasing healthily (essentially because so many people want to go and live there.
Makes you wonder, doesn’t it 🙂
Your comment appears to demonstrate a profound ignorance of the exponential function. Maybe you should spend some time acquainting yourself with Professor Al Bartlett
A little understanding of basic math may lead you to a conclusion as to whether it is the US or Russia that is most viable in the longer term.
Excellent interview. Very informative.
With all that is revealed by wikileaks and through people like Craig; I do wonder whether the system of govt in the UK and the U.S. had always been corrupt?
If the answer is no, when did the rot set it.
I too fear a Clinton presidency – she is a war monger who has the whole US establishment backing her to ensure she wins.
James lake said: “With all that is revealed by wikileaks and through people like Craig; I do wonder whether the system of govt in the UK and the U.S. had always been corrupt?”
Someone like me will say that it’s always been totally corrupt (the history of human ‘civilisation’ is one of endless war and conquest). After the two massive slaughters in the 20th century, for the first time ever things changed. No more war. No more slaughter. A fair deal for all.
Unfortunately this new, sane consensus didn’t last much more than a few decades, and now the lunatics have once again taken over the asylum.
Expect World War Three outside of a movie theatre near you sometime soon.
The BBC World Service, is the largest and most notorious, propaganda machine in the world.
It pumps out its, often onesided rhetoric, in 29 languages, (soon to be 31 languages) around the the globe, indeed its English speaking channel, spits out its ridiculously biased, interpretations of events around the planet, 24 hours a day.
There’s something sinister, in the fact that the TV licence payer, is paying for the privilege of helping to fund, a extremely untruthful state ran propaganda machine.
RT, and Sputnik, cannot hope to hold a candle to the widespread machinations, of Britain’s Ministry of Truth.
It is most refreshing to read that the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is better than the Russian Federation at something.