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3,629 thoughts on “Amnesty International Conference on Torture

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  • Dreoilin

    “Stop digging Dreoilin, you really believe that my mimicking of Clark’s comment word for word was a complete coincidence ?!!”

    It wasn’t satire, Macky dear. And it wasn’t funny either.
    You don’t have the brains to write satire. Period.

  • Ba'al Zevul

    So that was what BLiar’s rare visit to Gaza was all about. He was shilling for Israel.

    Wouldn’t that contradict everything he does and stands for? lol.

    Last week’s blairothon is detailed on the Apology thread (apologies, Craig). In which our hero also gets a contract to advise the inappropriately named Uhuru Kenyatta, visits a solar farm built by Israelis in Rwanda, whose typical dictator, Kagame, he advises, touches base with Egypt’s al-Sisi, whom he advises, and Jordan’s Abdullah, to say nothing (mentioned earlier somewhere) of giving speech extolling ripping off African resources at South African mining investment conference hosted by Euromoney. The only surprise was his failure to go and grease the new King Salman of Saudi Arabia, but that may be down to bad planning.

    Strong suspicion he’s in the UAE at the moment: if so, he’ll be celebrating the UAE-funded advisory contract he landed a couple of weeks ago with Serbia’s Vucic. And which even the UK MSM are reporting today, in hostile terms. And he may make it to Saudi this time…watch this space.

    He was crazy last year. This year will mark new heights of lunacy, mark my words.

  • Macky

    Dreoilin; “You don’t have the brains to write satire. Period.”

    Well no denying that you clearly have ! πŸ˜€

  • Dreoilin

    You want fake smiles Macky? Here you go

    πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€

    Plenty more where they came from …

  • Clark

    Macky, I do not find this amusing, so while you may be laughing I am not. Conflict is not a joke to me, and I am continually saddened and disappointed that the comment threads on this site, which once were a forum of reasoned debate, have increasingly come to resemble the propaganda war in the corporate media and the real killing and injury that the propaganda war supports.

    Macky, please review my comment here:

    Please also spend a little time contemplating your internal emotional state and motivations. If you reflect sufficiently I think you will find that you feel attracted to argument. I have found this within myself at times, and sometimes I need to deliberately relax for a while and consciously take a few breaths.

    Macky, attraction to conflict is a human tendency that we all share, part of our evolutionary heritage. Coupled with modern weapons, however, it becomes exceedingly dangerous and destructive to bystanders.

    Macky, my objection to an unfair tactic is very different from supporting the tactic’s target, even if I have fallen to the level of using such tactics myself on other occasions. If you would acknowledge this difference, it would help me maintain my own state of mind. I’m asking for your help.

  • Macky

    Dreoilin; “You want fake smiles Macky? Here you go”

    LOL ! Why would I want fake ones when you are giving me such good real ones ! πŸ˜€

  • Dreoilin

    “Macky, I do not find this amusing, so while you may be laughing I am not.”

    Macky is NOT laughing Clark, I assure you. You and I are two of her primary targets here. (I mean personally, nothing to do with Ukraine or any other topic.)

  • Dreoilin

    Handbags at dawn.

    But i’m going off now to wash my hair.

    (Insert “LOL”s and smileys as desired.)

  • John Goss

    “John Goss, can you see that there is a difference between supporting one side and opposing its opposite?”

    He’s supported its opposite all right. He’s as entrenched as I am. I am against the fascists in Kiev, and everywhere. I am with the separatists in Eastern Ukraine. There are clear demarcation lines and I have taken my stand. So has Resident Dissident. A war was started in Eastern Ukraine where there was no war before. Somebody must have started it. RD says it was the Russian separatists. I say it was Kiev funded by the west. It can’t be both.

    At the beginning I was prepared to believe when Poroshenko came to power that he would keep his promise to bring peace to Eastern Ukraine. Starting fourth paragraph here.

    The very next day I had to retract and apologise for misleading people into believing there might be a chance with this big lump of chocolate lard. Believe me, I rarely have to apologise.

    Since then the fascist Poroshenko has called residents of the Donbass “sub-human” and said that they would be driven out like vermin, cowering in cellars, until was none of them left. “Untermenschen” was the word he used.

    Yes, I have no time for fascists, no time for supporters of fascists, appeasers of fascists or opposers of those who oppose fascism.

  • Clark

    John Goss, please reconsider. Binary thinking and “my enemy’s enemy is my friend” are a direct route to escalation. Remember that different people have different opinions depending upon whose propaganda they’ve been reading, and that includes you. Ba’al has been making some important points about a land corridor that Russia wishes to preserve. Taking sides in a proxy war serves the warmongers. The “Western” corporate media marginalises dissenters to silence their message. Russia just kills the journalists for the same effect.

  • Phil

    John Goss
    “Somebody must have started it. RD says it was the Russian separatists. I say it was Kiev funded by the west. It can’t be both.”

    John that is an hilariously crude understanding of conflict. Your reduction of conflict to one side right other side wrong is almost religious.

    I ride with the white knights and sir galahad putin!

  • John Goss

    Phil, taking a sentence out of context is unfair. I went on to explain why I had become entrenched and how to begin with I was prepared to give Poroshenko the benefit of the doubt. If somebody can offer a believable alternative I am happy to reconsider. As things stand I oppose the fascists and those who oppose the opposers of fascism including Resident Dissident, and perhaps yourself adn Clark, but I am happy to be contradicted on the latter.

    If you want to take me up on something take me up on my stance against fascism.

  • Phil

    Oh tyranny! The evil Baron Von Captain Kirk is hailed by the Guardian! The shills shilleth in their festering unfathomable wrongness. Those you fail to laud out Lord are trolls indeed! Here comes the mighty Mack slaying the heretics with savage non-irony! Oh Lord Putin save us. Insert your righteous sword so I may saviour your goodness! The white knights cometh!

  • Clark

    John Goss, you say you’re entrenched. Recognise that military term.

    You say there are clear demarcations and dividing lines. Not to civilians there aren’t. It doesn’t matter which side fired the shell, it still destroys your home, your family, your neighbourhood.

    Think, John. Watch the birds. They have conflicts, but they don’t escalate, and it’s hardly ever clear which one “started it”. Or would you prefer to get your air gun out and shoot the “bad” bird?

    Come on friend, chill out.

  • John Goss

    Clark, I am not taking sides in a proxy war. I am taking sides with those who were forced to defend themselves against a proxy aggressor in an unnecessary war to try and expand NATO hegemony. I would like to think I had the courage to have stood up to the German Nazis had I been born in Germany and old enough to understand what was going on there in the thirties and forties.

  • Phil


    I only took you for what you said. Sure, no context. But it’s hard to imagine a context that explains your assertion that only one side can start a conflict.

    Your response to my mocking your ridiculous assertion is to call me a fascist! Do you not see how that makes it difficult to take you seriously? You big tough white knight!

  • John Goss

    Clark, I have always strove for peace. Peace is the only way forward. In this conflict, as with the way western settlers wiped out or subserved native Americans and aboriginal Australians, Chagos islanders and so on to steal their lands as bases from which conduct perpetual war in order to impose a New World Order, I am opposed to it. I am opposed to it because it is wrong. Yes, I have strong opinions on this but hope I’ve demonstrated that there reason for holding those opinions.

    The bottom line is because you believe in peace does not give you the right to sit on the fence when injustice is done.

  • John Goss

    Phil, I would only call you a fascist supporter if you openly supported the fascists. I was baiting you and Clark, whereas Resident Dissident has made his opinions known.

  • Phil

    We are the colour of light! The colour of right! We are the dawn that fuels your harvest. They are the dark forces of night knights from a damp dark place. They eat children under the moon. Lord Putin and his star ship Oligarch will save the children. I saw it on RT. He’s a different type of master who truly loves us. Hail Lord Putin. I am the true anti-fascist!

  • Phil

    We are White Knights with a revisionist bent. What I say is not what I mean when yonder words I spoketh are evidently claptrap. Clap trap not. I speaketh no clap trap for we knights of white are pure and never wrong. You fools just missed the irony. Burn you trolls of damp dark evil! Burn! Get my jokes or burn! I am the true anti-fascist!

  • Phil

    You devils should grovel for the forgiveness of Darth Vinesaker! You will pay! Hear me! HEAR ME!

    For I am the true anti-fascist!

  • Habbabkuk (la vita Γ¨ bella)

    “β€œthe Trotskys (romantic but not egotistic)”

    Perhaps we should remember who Lenin put in charge of the Cheka”

    Your point about Trotsky is well taken – it is difficult to say that he would have been less fascist than Uncle Joe for the simple reason that he never took the reins of power in the same way as Stalin – but one should point out that the first head of the Cheka was Feliks Dzerzhinsky. A renegade Pole!

  • Clark

    John, Resident Dissident hardly says anything straight out; it’s just his style, he’s been posting comments like that here for donkey’s years. He says “Who do you think so-and-so did such-and-such? Why do you think they did that? Does John Goss think that because Y said Z, it means that P will Q and R is a T?”

    So a set of responses are stimulated in your mind, and a then you generate a set of counter responses to that. It’s all very vague and fuzzy, with lots of scope for misunderstanding and escalation, especially when people are angry already.

    John, I’d be very surprised if Russian weapons hadn’t been infiltrated in to Eastern Ukraine; wouldn’t you? Would you not be surprised if the Russian volunteers hadn’t received covert support from the Russian authorities? I’m not asking about the rights and wrongs of this, merely the factuality of it. None of that makes the Ukrainian forces any more wholesome.

  • Habbabkuk (la vita Γ¨ bella)


    “Still fishing. Making wild and incorrect assumptions. Pathetic.”

    Allow me to reveal a little of myself. When I go fishing, I tend to go for slippery eels and bloated, goggle-eyed carp. Old troutt, on the other hand, I avoid.


    Now, about those assumptions : surely Rightmove has its finger on the pulse of house prices, including those in your neck of the woods (leafy Surrey)?

  • Phil

    Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! Anyone who fails to heed my word is a fascist! Anyone who was bad ever is a fascist! Noddy was a fascist! Trotsky? FASCIST! Captain Kirk? FASCIST! Daily Mail readers? FASCISTS! And don’t be fooled Clark is king of the fascists!

    Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! It’s not rendered meaningless by misuse!
    Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! It’s not rendered meaningless by misuse!
    Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! Language is unimportant!
    Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! Fascist! It’s not rendered meaningless by misuse!

    Where are the White Knights of Starship Oligarchs in our time of need?

  • Habbabkuk (la vita Γ¨ bella)

    “The repellent Aaronovitch wants a stop to defence cuts. Back to the late 1930s. War, war.”

    The above – from Mary (of course) makes it sounds as if she thinks Britain shouldn’t have started rearming in the late 1930s.

    In which case Britain would have been in an even worse position in 1939 than it was.

    Oh, but of course, I forget! It woz Britain wot woz responsible for the war, not that nice Adolph wot liked dogs and opera!


    La vita Γ¨ sempre piu` bella, life is good!

  • John Goss

    Phil, why don’t you grow up and post something substantive that proves the fascists in Kiev did not wage war on their own people, who only, like the Scots, wanted independence. If you can’t come up with something you sound no better than Noddy. And the total and utter claptrap comes from your own claptrap which you ought to learn when to open and shut. πŸ™‚

  • Phil

    Lonely old Habb surely has a thing for Mary. He’s a school yard bully in a bitter old man. Only able to relate through animosity. Scared to be friendly and scared to not be anonymous. Poor Habby.

    Habba loves Mary! Habba loves Mary!

    Mary hates Habba.

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