Paul Staines Grandstands for Blair and Murdoch 297

The neo-con Blair and Cameron regimes are very comfortable with each other. War criminal Alistair Campbell’s “evidence” to the Leveson inquiry is risible.

“Only a few people in number 10 knew Cherie was pregnant, so it must have been phone hacking that led the Mirror to it” is a statement that would not stand ten seconds thought, if it were not ramped by being given the status of a leak.

Campbell’s statement ignores the range of explanations as to how the Mirror could have learned from the “small number of people in No. 10” that Cherie was pregnant. These include:

a) gossip
b) No 10’s motive to get the news out to boost Tony’s popularity
c) the hospital
d) phone hacking

Phone hacking is the least possible explanation. My money is on b)

No, this is a rather pathetic attempt by the Blair camp to divert attention from Murdoch onto Piers Morgan, who the war criminals have never forgiven for his opposition to the War in Iraq. It is so blatant a ploy that it needs an extra boost to the story as a daring “leak” by the Tory neo-con PR man Paul Staines, to be a succesful diversionary tactic.

Blairites and Tories get together to manufacture an incident to take the heat off Murdoch at Leveson Inquiry. That is the real story.

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297 thoughts on “Paul Staines Grandstands for Blair and Murdoch

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  • anno

    Really fiddling. The Titanic was built as they say by professionals. The war in Libya was conducted by professionals. The war in Syria will be conducted by professionals.
    I remain human. When I see thousands of humans rally against the fixed intention of the soul-less united powers of the world, in collaboration with their control-freak Frankinstein monsters from the War on terror torture chambers, I can’t see any help coming from anywhere.
    The occupiers of this blog seem blind, the ordinary people of the UK seem blind, the UK Muslims are blind, the freemason Muslims of Turkey etc all blind.
    The only people who seem to be prepared to stand as witnesses against the atrocity that is about to happen, is the far-Eastern countries like China, who know that the monopoly of licence to the moral high ground by the West is broken a bit more every time it happens.
    Ownership of the moral high ground is shifting from ourselves to them. And thank God, they are still amateurs.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    Well said, Jon. And btw, anno, Jives is a decent person who cares about what happens to people; they’ve been contributing to this blog, on and off, for years. I would suggest that it is unnecessary to know details of theological distinctions in order to argue against the mass murder of human beings. I don’t know what on earth might have stimulated that outburst of yours, anno – nothing that went before on this thread seems to have been related to it. Please chill.

  • Suhayl Saadi

    And why does all that require you to attack the people who contribute to this blog, anno? We all are angry about what is happenning – you have no monopoly on rage. No need to attack one another.

  • Mary

    I feel pretty upset by Anno’s remark. My concern for those who are attacked, killed and wounded by the USUKIsNATO alliance is what drives me.

  • tony_opmoc

    “We” haven’t got any moral high ground. That is the problem, but you are ranting in the wrong place at the wrong people.

    I suggest you try


    Fairly recently Guido was campaigning for and getting mass support for UK Arms companies to build even more weapons to kill people in foreign lands.

    He was ridiculing anyone who thought building all these weapons was not a particularly bright idea.

    Although he’s probably brainwashed and propagandised like most people, he does allow opposing views, though you will probably find most of the language there rather offensive.


  • nuid

    Anno, you’re seriously out of line.
    US/UK/NATO may have been/be attacking, overtly or covertly, ~6 countries in recent times, but don’t forget that there are people of other religions living in these countries too. I’m concerned about PEOPLE being bombed and maimed and slaughtered — differences between various strands of Islam are utterly irrelevant to me.

  • nuid

    Edit: “US/UK/NATO may have been/be attacking, overtly or covertly, ~6 Muslim countries in recent times.”

  • havantaclu

    I have to agree with Mary and Suhayl – it doesn’t matter (or shouldn’t) what religion people have – they still deserve our protests about the way the US/UK/NATO behave.

    Anno – I think you don’t realise how counter-productive some of your remarks have been. Please try to understand that ‘the soul-less united powers of the world, in collaboration with their control-freak Frankinstein monsters from the War on terror torture chambers’ are our enemies as much as yours and your fellow Moslems.

  • Franz

    “The only people who seem to be prepared to stand as witnesses against the atrocity that is about to happen, is the far-Eastern countries like China, who know that the monopoly of licence to the moral high ground by the West is broken a bit more every time it happens.
    Ownership of the moral high ground is shifting from ourselves to them. And thank God, they are still amateurs.”
    You are mistaken if you think that China cares any more about human rights than the West. It has supported murderous regimes all over Africa so that it can plunder that continent of precious metals.
    If China is opposing the West’s actions in the Middle East now, it is purely because these actions represents a threat to its own security. China wants Middle Eastern oil and gas as much as the West does, but unlike the West it doesn’t have the military means to assert itself.
    That said, I acknowledge that in any competition for bad karma over the past 20 years, the West would win hands down. But the motivation of power-seekers is largely the same everywhere.
    Don’t forget that China is pretty f**ked as well, since most of its investment is in worthless US bonds.
    If (and it’s a big “if”) there will be a winner in the coming global conflagration, it will be Russia, the sleeping giant, which is looking on while the other great powers drive themselves off a cliff.

  • Mary

    Thanks Herbie. I got it earlier. This is the sender’s comment to the media.
    A visit to Gaza
    Posted by The Editors on November 29, 2011, 5:27 pm
    From: Ted Clement-Evans
    Sent: 29 November 2011 11:15
    To: BBC comment; BBC Information; Dominic Groves; Helen Boaden; Jeremy Bowen; Lord Patten BBC Trust; Mark Thompson; Steve Herrmann; Today Complaints; Ed Stourton; Evan Davis; James Naughtie; John Humphrys; Sarah Montague
    Cc: Channel 4 News; Daily Mail; Daily Post; Editor Independent; Guardian News Desk; Independent on Sunday; Liverpool Echo; Mirror Kevin Maguire; Today; Yasmin Alibhai-Brown; Donald Macintyre; Harriet Sherwood; Jon Donnison; Jonathon Freedland; Manchester Evening News; Matthew Bayley; Media Lens; Peter Oborne; Redress Information & Analysis
    Subject: A visit to Gaza
    Dear BBC,
    Sir Robert Atkins has just returned from a visit to Gaza. He has had a Damascene experience and tells of what he has learnt. His report and recommendations have been sent out by the Conservative Middle East Council, whose President is Sir Nicholas Soames.
    These two eminent politicians have given their names to reveal unequivocally the evil that Israel is perpetrating upon Gaza. There is no longer reason for anyone to conceal the truth – that every facet of the life of every man, woman and child is being callously and very deliberately blighted.
    The BBC and its reporters are as well aware of the situation as Sir Robert now is and have been so aware for many years. No longer must they suppress the truth in deference to the Israeli lobby (eg Bicom).
    The catalogue of inhumanities and illegalities must now be revealed in all its horror – to do otherwise will be to continue to condone and connive at this evil. The supreme irony of history – there is the heel of a jackboot on the neck of each person of Gaza.
    Sir Robert closes his report with the words shown immediately below – please let the BBC make a clarion call for all of us in the UK to take up the banner he requests.
    Ted from Liverpool
    End the Occupation, then there will be Peace.

    1. The blockade is illegal, inhuman and designed to bleed the life out of Gaza. It must be lifted.

    2. Israel, the USA, the ineffective Quartet and EU must include HAMAS in any negotiations. They are too influential and powerful to ignore and they are not going away.

    3. Even in this most difficult economic climate, UNRWA funding for the poorest, sickest and most-deprived citizens of Gaza must be restored or alternatives found. Otherwise people will starve next year, children will not be educated and violent unrest, inevitably, will ensue.

    4. Pressure must be exerted on Israel and her diaspora to realise that what they are doing in Palestine generally, and Gaza specifically, is not only illegal under international law but is also inhumane. It is reminiscent of the treatment experienced by Jews in Europe during parts of the last century.

    5. There is incomprehension and dismay at the continual failure by Western nations to support Palestine in its campaign for nationhood, exacerbated by the complete refusal of Israel, supported by the US Congress, to negotiate on equal terms or to cease the construction of new settlements on Palestinian land.


    The core question is really quite simple. How much longer can Israel continue to get away with it? Given her reliance on a fickle and uncritical US Administration and the purblind support of the US Congress, when will anyone stand up to her? With our historic and economic links to Palestine and the Arab world, and our traditions of justice and fair play, why does Britain not take up the challenge? Given a proper lead, most of Europe would follow and it would begin to resolve this intractable issue once and for all.


    The Rt. Hon. Robert Atkins is a Conservative Member of the European Parliament for the North West Region.

  • Jives


    A U S T E R I T Y?

    Not for The Bullingdon Boys though.

    Interesting to hear Boris Johnson smear the Occupy St.Paul’s crowd as “fornicating hippies” and “druggies”.

    I’ve never bought the version Of BJ as bumbling,tousled and slightly otherly.

    Beneath his well-cultivated front he’s a nasty,arrogant and calculating piece of work.

  • Mary

    Yes amazing Jives that our future appears to be controlled by this fivesome whose connections extend to banking (Santander and the Bank of England), private equity, academe, the IMF, corporate business, the Treasury civil service and financial journalism. All bases covered and there are even some US connections for good measure.
    Osborne is sheltering behind the pronouncements of this Orwellian named grouping. And who appointed them? The ConDems of course one year ago.

    The Office of Budget Responsibility
    The letter appointing Robert Chote, the Chairman
    Your fee is determined by HM Treasury and paid by the OBR, and will be £11,833.33 per month, less statutory deductions as mentioned below. In addition the OBR will pay a sum equal to 20% of your monthly fee into your personal pension scheme each month, less statutory deductions if appropriate.
    OK for some?

  • Jives

    @ Mary.

    Yep,a jolly little wheeze for some.

    ” OBR will pay” = Taxpayers,naturally.

    And the figure of £11.833.33? A nice little brotherly 33 occurring twice,no doubt arranged down thr lodge.Trebles all round.

    That monthly salary,plus pension contributions,is what i live on over 30 months,more or less.

    And they wonder why people are angry?

  • Wyn

    Forget Werrity and Gould, lets have more dirt on Paul Staines! He’s looks like a James Bond villain for a start.. Now with Harry Cole carrying his water they have twice as many sock puppets to spread their filth.

  • stephen

    Oh dear you go away from this blog for a couple of days, and when you come back everyone is still saying absolutely the same things regardless of whatever the topic is meant to be. Is everyone playing some sort of perverse version of Mornington Crescent where you have to get back to subject of Israel and Jews by some devious route or others?

    But getting back to the topic. Saying that Campbell and Guido are in league together to protect Murdoch, and have somehow got Tom Watson involved is bizarre in the extreme considering that Guido has never missed an opportunity to show how much he detests Watson and Campbell, ans all indications are that the feeling is pretty mutual. As with so much here all this relies on one of the old conspioracy theory standby – that you can state whatever supports you own views because it is impossible (or extremely difficult top be precise) to prove a negative.

    And of course trusty Mary is on hand with her latest dose of conspiracy logic:

    “As we thought they would say, Breivik is declared insane. A Norwegian cover-up.”

    Well it could just be that the rational explanation was that he is insane. I’m really not sure what or why the Norwegians would want to cover up any thing – but my guess is that a quick look at few anti semitic conspiracy websites would give me all clues we need. Anyone know the theoretically correct position on Gary Speed?

  • stephen


    “British move today in Iran, get yourself a few activists together, storm the British Embassy and threaten the Goverment…it is the little niggles working to irritate Iran for a response !”

    Yes and we even got those nice Iranian policemen to stand aside and refrain from their usual practice of murdering protestors against the Iranian Govt, which of course has no history at all of taking hostages from foreign embassies. Craig will be able to confirm this is how it usually works in diplomatice circles.

  • Jives


    Considering there’s only been 2 topics on this blog in the last 2 days it’s ahrdly surprising people are still talking about those 2 topics now is it?

    Back shift tonight is it?

  • Jon

    @passerby – heh, like the DM comment! Priceless. Deport them all! But Iran might be tricky… how about Britain? 🙂
    If you’re ever in the mood for similar humour, check “spEak You’re bRanes” ( – it’s great as a pick-me-up.

  • tony_opmoc


    What are your views on co-incidence theory, the coincidences of terrorist drills being run at the same time as the real events?

    Ring any bells?

    “The Norwegian newspaper Aftenposten reports today police sources have confirmed that hours before Anders Behring Breivik launched his deadly attack at a political summer camp on Utøya island on July 22, police had conducted a drill for a “practically identical scenario.”
    “Sources within the top level management of the police in Oslo have confirmed to Aftenposten that the drill finished at 15:00 that same Friday,” the newspaper reports. “All of the officers from the anti-terror unit that later took part at the bombsite at the government buildings and went out to Utøya to apprehend Anders Behring Breivik had been training on the exact same scenario earlier the same day and in the days preceding,” writes Andreas Bakke Foss.
    The bomb attributed to Breivik went off only 26 minutes after the anti-terror drill finished, according to officials.”


  • Roderick Russell

    @John Goss (& Jives) – SPOOKS & PHONES

    Your comment Nov 28 on an earlier thread on spooks mucking around with your telephones is very familiar to me and reminds me of my own experiences …..Yesterday, I published another article in Indymedia (US) about my most recent attempt to hold CSIS (Canada’s Spy Agency) accountable.

    Intimidation, Harassment, Threats — Canada’s Spy Watchdog Covers-it-up

    Such is the contempt that Canada’s Spy Agency has for its so-called watchdog that, while I was complaining about CSIS to the SIRC, I was being intimidated just for complaining. Part of this intimidation was messing around with my telephones as you can see if you look on page 5 of the attachment to my article.

  • Komodo

    Good catch, Herbie. I’ll just repeat the link for Stephen to see (he doesn’t usually look at earlier posts when he weighs in with his invariable complaint about what everybody is talking about and will we please talk about what interests him, whatever that is)
    The core question is really quite simple. How much longer can Israel continue to get
    away with it? Given her reliance on a fickle and uncritical US Administration and the purblind support of the US Congress, when will anyone stand up to her? With our historic and economic links to Palestine and the Arab world, and our traditions of justice and fair play, why does Britain not take up the challenge? Given a proper lead, most of Europe would follow and it would begin to resolve this intractable issue once and for all.


    The Rt. Hon. Robert Atkins is a Conservative Member of the European Parliament for the North West Region.
    I make no apology for reposting this. Anyone who has visited Gaza will agree with these conclusions. This is what the aid agencies have been saying for years, without embellishment.
    Time to stop cosying up to the people who have done this,

  • Mary

    In new pinkwashing recruitment campaign, Israel offers free travel for propaganda services
    By Asa Winstanley, 24 November 2011
    The story of the floundering “Brand Israel” advertising
    campaign continues. An Israeli government ministry has
    established a propaganda website called – a
    Hebrew word often translated as “propaganda”. A notice was
    recently published on the site asking for volunteer
    “candidates eligible to conduct public diplomacy
    activities abroad”. The volunteers “will not be eligible
    for any remuneration” apart from “costs of travel, daily
    expenses and insurance”.

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